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Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Inez Buyck, Lieve Lembrechts, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, and Emelien Lauwerier
Auteurs: Rosella Hermens, Jozette Stienen, Han van Krieken, Nicole Blijlevens, and PB Ottevanger
10 May 2016 | ARTICLE
‘Life is still worth living ’ : a pilot exploration of self-reported resources of palliative care patients
Background: Facing a terminal illness can be highly stressful and palliative care patients frequently suffer from mood symptoms. The focus of health care is often on treating symptoms whereas health-promoting factors receive less attention. The ai...
Auteurs: Franca Warmenhoven, Peter Lucassen, Mieke Vermandere, Bert Aertgeerts, Chris van Weel, and Kris Vissers
1 May 2016 | ARTICLE
Association between prenatal and current exposure to selected LCPUFAs and school performance at age 7
INTRODUCTION: Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) are important for brain functioning and might, thus, influence cognition and school performance. However, research investigating LCPUFAs relationships with school performance is limite...
Auteurs: ISM van der Wurff, EC Bakker, G Hornstra, PA Kirschner, M Gielen, RWL Godschalk, S Kremers, MP Zeegers, and RHM de Groot
1 May 2016 | OTHER
Dual-task related functional connectivity alterations in patients with Parkinson’s disease and Freezing of Gait
Objectives: Dual-task (DT) gait impairment in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and specifically in those with freezing of gait (FOG), reflects attentional dependency of movement. This study aimed to elucidate resting-state brain connectivity a...
Auteurs: Griet Vervoort, Elke Heremans, Aniek Bengevoord, Carolien Strouwen, Evelien Nackaerts, Wim Vandenberghe, and Alice Nieuwboer
Auteurs: Bert Vaes, Geert Goderis, and Gijs Van Pottelbergh
1 May 2016 | ARTICLE
Risk Factors for Malnutrition in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature Based on Longitudinal Data
The present systematic review critically examines the available scientific literature on risk factors for malnutrition in the older population (aged ≥65 y). A systematic search was conducted in MEDLINE, reviewing reference lists from 2000 until Ma...
Auteurs: Nádia Cristina Fávaro Moreira, Stefanie Krausch-Hofmann, Christophe Matthys, Carine Vereecken, Erika Vanhauwaert, Anja Declercq, Geertruida Elsiena Bekkering, and Joke Duyck
1 May 2016 | ARTICLE
Ondersteuning bij therapietrouw
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Auteurs: L Van Bulck and G Van Pottelbergh
1 May 2016 | ARTICLE
Subjective assessment versus ultrasound models to diagnose ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Many national guidelines concerning the management of ovarian cancer currently advocate the risk of malignancy index (RMI) to characterise ovarian pathology. However, other methods, such as subjective assessment, International Ovarian Tumour Analy...
Auteurs: EMJ Meys, J Kaijser, RFPM Kruitwagen, BFM Slangen, Ben Van Calster, Bert Aertgeerts, Jan Verbakel, Dirk Timmerman, and T Van Gorp
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Gunther D'hanis, Gert Merckx, Wim Verhoevven, Pierre Sijbers, Dimitri Gaethofs, Areski Boumendil, Peter Hoffman, Jan Palsterman, Jo Borloo, Bruno Mettepenningen, Anne-Catherine Poelmans, Dieter Deplancke, and Dirk Put
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst and Patrik Vankrunkelsven
1 May 2016 | ARTICLE
Impact of being overweight on factor VIII dosing in children with haemophilia A
INTRODUCTION: Treatment of haemophilia A (HA) requires infusions of factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates. The number of FVIII units infused to obtain a specific circulating FVIII level is calculated with the formula: [body weight (BW) (kg) × desired F...
Auteurs: S Henrard and C Hermans
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst, Patrik Vankrunkelsven, A Geeraerts, and Koen Milisen
26 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Progression of postural control and gait deficits in Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait: a longitudinal study
Background and aims: The relationship between impaired postural control and freezing of gait (FOG) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is still unclear. Our aim was to identify if postural control deficits and gait dysfunction progress differently in free...
Auteurs: Griet Vervoort, Aniek Bengevoord, Carolien Strouwen, Esther Bekkers, Elke Heremans, Wim Vandenberghe, and Alice Nieuwboer
19 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Poor self-rated health did not increase risk of permanent nursing placement or mortality in people with mild Alzheimer's disease
BACKGROUND: Self-rated health (SRH) has in many population-based studies predicted adverse health outcomes, e.g. morbidity, permanent nursing home (NH) placement, and mortality. However, the predictive value of SRH to NH placement and mortality am...
Auteurs: Anni Brit Sternhagen Nielsen, Volkert Siersma, Gunhild Waldemar, and Frans Boch Waldorff
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing in acutely ill children: a mixed methods study in primary care
BACKGROUND: Point-of-care C-reactive protein (CRP) testing of adults with acute respiratory infection in primary care reduces antibiotic prescribing by 22%. The acceptability and impact of CRP testing in children is unknown OBJECTIVE: To determine...
Auteurs: Ann Van den Bruel, Caroline Jones, Matthew Thompson, and David Mant
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Mitigating the burden of hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs in Belgium
BACKGROUD AND AIMS: In 2010, there were an estimated 10 100 PWID in Belgium and 43% (34%-57%) were HCV infected. Understanding HCV transmission dynamics in high-risk populations and assessing the potential impact of improved HCV treatment strategi...
Auteurs: Catharina Mathei, Stefan Bourgeois, Sarah Blach, Christian Brixko, Jean-Pierre Mulkay, Homie Razavi, and Geert Robaeys
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Krijgen te veel kinderen de diagnose astma?
Nederlandse kinderen krijgen te snel het etiket “astma” opgespeld. Dat zegt de Nederlandse huisarts Ingrid Looijmans in een radio-interview. Ze onderzocht aan de Universiteit van Utrecht 5.000 dossiers van kinderen tussen 6 en 18 jaar. Daarvan kre...
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst and Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst, Ann Mertens, matthias Lannoo, and bart Van Der Schueren
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
The bitter truth about bitter taste receptors: Beyond sensing bitter in the oral cavity
The bitter taste receptor (TAS2R)-family of GPCRs has been identified on the tongue as detectors of bitter taste over a decade ago. In the last few years, they have been discovered in an ever growing number of extra-oral tissues, including the air...
Auteurs: Bert Avau and Inge Depoortere
Auteurs: Evelyne Meys, Jeroen Kaijser, Roy Kruitwagen, Brigitte Slangen, Ben Van Calster, Bert Aertgeerts, Jan Verbakel, Dirk Timmerman, and Toon Van Gorp
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Achieving WHO recommendations for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination in Belgium
BACKGROUD: The World Health Organization (WHO) released updated guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. METHODS: A previously described HCV disease burden model was used to devel...
Auteurs: Stefan Bourgeois, Sarah Blach, Christian Brixko, Wim Laleman, Catharina Mathei, Jean-Pierre Mulkay, Homie Razavi, Geert Robaeys, Peter Starkel, Pierre Van Damme, Hans Van Vlierberghe, Dominique Vandijck, and Christophe Moreno
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Fish Intake in Pregnancy and Child Growth A Pooled Analysis of 15 European and US Birth Cohorts
IMPORTANCE: Maternal fish intake in pregnancy has been shown to influence fetal growth. The extent to which fish intake affects childhood growth and obesity remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether fish intake in pregnancy is associated with...
Auteurs: Nikos Stratakis, Theano Roumeliotaki, Emily Oken, Henrique Barros, Mikel Basterrechea, Marie-Aline Charles, Merete Eggesbo, Francesco Forastiere, Romy Gaillard, Ulrike Gehring, Eva Govarts, Wojciech Hanke, Barbara Heude, Nina Iszatt, Vincent W Jaddoe, Cecily Kelleher, Monique Mommers, Mario Murcia, Andreia Oliveira, Costanza Pizzi, Kinga Polanska, Daniela Porta, Lorenzo Richiardi, Sheryl L Rifas-Shiman, Greet Schoeters, Jordi Sunyer, Carel Thijs, Karien Viljoen, Martine Vrijheid, Tanja GM Vrijkotte, Alet H Wijga, Maurice P Zeegers, Manolis Kogevinas, and Leda Chatzi
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Factors Associated with Condom Use for HIV Prevention among Nepalese Labor Migrant Couples
Information about factors associated with condom use among Nepalese labor migrant couples that are considered being at high risk of HIV infection is not clearly understood. Therefore, we carried out a cross-sectional study to identify the factors ...
Auteurs: Subash Thapa, Srijana Pathak, Anja Leppin, Anne Buve, Karin Hannes, Ghanshyam Kandel, and Catharina Mathei
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Yaelle Dekeyser, Malika Khamzatkhanova, Bruno Moens, and Irina Schoofs
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Cellular Interferon Gamma and Granzyme B Responses to Cytomegalovirus-pp65 and Influenza N1 Are Positively Associated in Elderly
Morbidity and mortality in the elderly are associated with viral infections, including influenza and cytomegalovirus (CMV). With increasing age, cellular immunity gains importance in protection to influenza, but latent CMV is highly prevalent and ...
Auteurs: Heidi Theeten, Catharina Mathei, Kelly Peeters, Benson Ogunjimi, Herman Goossens, Margareta Ieven, Pierre Van Damme, and Nathalie Cools
1 April 2016 | ARTICLE
Significant Role of Lifetime Cigarette Smoking in Worsening Bladder Cancer and Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Prognosis: A Meta-Analysis
PURPOSE: Although cigarette smoking is a well established risk factor for urothelial cancer, its role in urothelial cancer prognosis is still undetermined. In this meta-analysis we quantify the role of lifetime smoking history in bladder cancer re...
Auteurs: Frits HM van Osch, Sylvia HJ Jochems, Frederik J van Schooten, Richard T Bryan, and Maurice P Zeegers
22 March 2016 | ARTICLE
A Validation of the French Version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity
Introduction: The Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ) was developed to measure attitudes toward the aging process as a personal experience from the perspective of older people. The present study aimed to validate the French version of the AAQ. ...
Auteurs: Manon Marquet, Pierre Missotten, Sarah Schroyen, Iris van Sambeek, Marjan van den Akker, Carine Van Den Broeke, Frank Buntinx, and Stéphane Adam
18 March 2016 | OTHER
Kritische reflecties bij gecombineerde diepte-interviews met oudere kankerpatiënten en hun mantelzorger
De diagnose kanker kan een grote impact hebben op de relatie van een koppel. Het brengt verandering teweeg in hun relatie; rollen veranderen van partners naar patiënt versus mantelzorger. Deze veranderingen kunnen een grote invloed hebben op het f...
Auteurs: Leontien Jansen, Stephanie Dauphin, Marjan van den Akker, Steven Van Wolputte, Tine De Burghgraeve, and Frank Buntinx