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1 November 2016 | ARTICLE
Too many, too few, or too unsafe? Impact of inappropriate prescribing on mortality, and hospitalisation in a cohort of community-dwelling oldest old
Little is known about the impact of Inappropriate Prescribing (IP) in community-dwelling adults, aged 80 and older. The prevalence at baseline (November 2008 - September 2009) and impact of IP (misuse, and underuse) after 18 months on mortality, a...
Auteurs: Maarten Wauters, Monique Elseviers, Bert Vaes, Jean-Marie Degryse, Olivia Dalleur, Robert Vander Stichele, Thierry Christiaens et Majda Azermai
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst et Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst et Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: R Geurtzen, J Draaisma, A van Heijst, M Woiski, L Scheepers, L Ouwerkerk, R Hermens et M Hogeveen
1 November 2016 | ARTICLE
Case report: Non-invasive neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in a newborn with unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis
Diaphragmatic paralysis is a rare cause of respiratory distress in the newborn. In this paper, a patient with unilateral phrenic nerve injury after traumatic delivery is presented. The child inadequately responded to standard respiratory supportiv...
Auteurs: Sander Roosens, Frank Derriks et Filip Cools
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Koen Auwerx, PieterJan Debaut, Noor Van Riel et Sanne Vanhees
1 November 2016 | ARTICLE
Improving care for heart failure patients in primary care, GPs' perceptions: a qualitative evidence synthesis
General practitioners (GPs) play a key role in heart failure (HF) management. Despite multiple guidelines, the management of patients with HF in primary care is suboptimal. Therefore, all the qualitative evidence concerning GPs' perceptions of man...
Auteurs: Miek Smeets, Sara Van Roy, Bert Aertgeerts, Mieke Vermandere et Bert Vaes
1 November 2016 | ARTICLE
Patient and provider acceptance of telecoaching in type 2 diabetes: a mixed-method study embedded in a randomised clinical trial
Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes, suboptimal metabolic control persists. Patient education in diabetes has been proved to enhance self-efficacy and guideline-driven treatment, however many people with type 2 diabetes ...
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, H Buysse, Frank Nobels, Geert Goderis, Bert Aertgeerts, L Annemans et Dirk Ramaekers
17 October 2016 | OTHER
Bondige bespreking: Liraglutide toevoegen bij onvoldoende glykemiecontrole met multipele dagelijkse insuline-injecties?
Deze placebogecontroleerde RCT toont aan dat het toevoegen van liraglutide aan multipele dagelijkse insuline-injecties bij patiënten met onvoldoende gecontroleerde glykemiecontrole een statistisch significante verbetering geeft van HbA1c zonder ve...
Auteurs: Geert Goderis
13 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Key-interventions derived from three evidence based guidelines for management and follow-up of patients with HFE haemochromatosis
BACKGROUND: HFE-related hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is a common autosomal recessive disorder with clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic disease to possible life-threatening complications. Cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, diabe...
Auteurs: Annick Vanclooster, Hub Wollersheim, Kris Vanhaecht, Dorine Swinkels, Bert Aertgeerts et David Cassiman
13 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Systematic screening and assessment of psychosocial well-being and care needs of people with cancer (Protocol)
© 2016 The Cochrane Collaboration. This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the effectiveness of screening and assessment of psychosocial well-being and care needs on the well-being of peopl...
Auteurs: B Schouten, GE Bekkering, P Vankrunkelsven, J Mebis, E Van Hoof, J Hellings et A Van Hecke
11 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Delivering Diabetes Education through NurseLed Telecoaching. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
BACKGROUND: People with diabetes have a high risk of developing micro- and macrovascular complications associated with diminished life expectancy and elevated treatment costs. Patient education programs can improve diabetes control in the short te...
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, Dirk Ramaekers, Frank Nobels, Geert Goderis, Bert Aertgeerts et Lieven Annemans
6 October 2016 | TEXT RESOURCE
Vingerprik bij de huisarts om snel ernstige infecties uit te sluiten
nationaal persbericht met interview VRT Journaal
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
6 October 2016 | TEXT RESOURCE
Rapid blood test can rule out serious infections in children
KU Leuven persbericht
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
6 October 2016 | TEXT RESOURCE
Eén vingerprik om snel infecties op te sporen
6 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Should all acutely ill children in primary care be tested with point-of-care CRP: a cluster randomised trial
BACKGROUND: Point-of-care blood C-reactive protein (CRP) testing has diagnostic value in helping clinicians rule out the possibility of serious infection. We investigated whether it should be offered to all acutely ill children in primary care or ...
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel, Marieke B Lemiengre, Tine De Burghgraeve, An De Sutter, Bert Aertgeerts, Bethany Shinkins, Rafael Perera, David Mant, Ann Van den Bruel et Frank Buntinx
1 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Clinical presentation of childhood leukaemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
OBJECTIVE: Leukaemia is the most common cancer of childhood, accounting for a third of cases. In order to assist clinicians in its early detection, we systematically reviewed all existing data on its clinical presentation and estimated the frequen...
Auteurs: Rachel T Clarke, Ann Van den Bruel, Clare Bankhead, Christopher D Mitchell, Bob Phillips et Matthew J Thompson
1 October 2016 | ARTICLE
From Postpartum Haemorrhage Guideline to Local Protocol: A Study of Protocol Quality
Objective Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) has a continuously rising incidence worldwide, suggesting suboptimal care. An important step in optimizing care is the translation of evidence-based guidelines into comprehensive hospital protocols. However, k...
Auteurs: Mallory D Woiski, Helena C van Vugt, Anneke Dijkman, Richard P Grol, Abraham Marcus, Johanna M Middeldorp, Ben W Mol, Femke Mols, Martijn A Oudijk, Martina Porath, Hubertina J Scheepers et Rosella P Hermens
1 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Vulnerability of Wives of Nepalese Labor Migrants to HIV Infection: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence
HIV risk is determined by the interaction between social and individual risk factors, but information about such factors among Nepalese women is not yet understood. Therefore, to assess the risk factors and vulnerability of the wives of Nepalese l...
Auteurs: Subash Thapa, Nirmala Bista, Karin Hannes, Anne Buve, Mieke Vermandere et Cathy Matheï
Auteurs: Severine Henrard et Francis Arickx
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst et Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst et Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Leen De Coninck, G Bekkering, L Bouckaert, Anja Declercq, M Graff et Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: Marieke Van Vracem et Nele Spruytte
1 October 2016 | ARTICLE
A Modified Delphi Study to Identify Factors Associated With Clinical Deterioration in Hospitalized Children.
OBJECTIVE: Hospitalized children who are admitted to the inpatient ward can deteriorate and require unplanned transfer to the PICU. Studies designed to validate early warning scoring systems have focused mainly on abnormalities in vital signs in p...
Auteurs: Kristina Krmpotic, Ann Van den Bruel et Anna-Theresa Lobos
Auteurs: M Harmsen, J IntHout, M Arts-de Jong, N Hoogerbrugge, L Massuger, R Hermens et J de Hullu
1 October 2016 | ARTICLE
Very high uptake of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers: A single-center experience
OBJECTIVE: Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) is the only effective surgical strategy to reduce the increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Given the long-term health consequences of premature surgical men...
Auteurs: MG Harmsen, M Arts-de Jong, K Horstik, P Manders, LFAG Massuger, RPMG Hermens, N Hoogerbrugge, GH Woldringh et JA de Hullu
Auteurs: M Harmsen, M Arts-de Jong, K Horstik, P Manders, L Massuger, R Hermens, N Hoogerbrugge, G Woldringh et J de Hullu
1 October 2016 | ARTICLE
A red, bumpy back in a neonate.
Auteurs: Tom Hillary, Koen Huysentruyt, Arlette De Coninck, Jan Gutermuth, Linda De Raeve et Filip Cools