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Auteurs: Ines Mouchaers, Hilde Verbeek, Gertrudis Kempen, Jolanda van Haastregt, Ellen Vlaeyen, Geert Goderis en Silke Metzelthin
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Postnatal depression: identification of risk factors in the short-stay maternity program in Belgium. A cross-sectional study.
BACKGROUND: Postnatal depression (PND) is one of the most frequent complications in women of childbearing age in the developed world. The onset of PND is influenced by several risk factors. In an attempt to avoid unnecessary long maternity stays, ...
Auteurs: Julie Lelièvre, Titia Hompes en Birgitte Schoenmakers
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Community involvement facilitating the discussion of alcohol use in primary care: A nominal group study
BACKGROUND: Hazardous alcohol use significantly affects health and wellbeing in society. General practitioners (GPs) are uniquely positioned to address this problem by integrating early identification and brief intervention (EIBI) in daily practic...
Auteurs: Bram Pussig, Marc Van Nuland, Lodewijk Pas, Sarah Vandelanotte, Catharina Mathei, Bert Aertgeerts en Mieke Vermandere
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Primary care professionals' attitudes towards digital health interventions for common mental disorders: study protocol for a mixed methods systematic review
INTRODUCTION: Mental disorders such as depression are common, and an estimated 264 million people are affected by them throughout the world. In recent years, studies on digital health interventions to treat mental disorders have shown evidence of ...
Auteurs: Maria Hanf, Julian Hirt en Marjan van den Akker
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Prediction of Shoulder Pain in Youth Competitive Swimmers: The Development and Internal Validation of a Prognostic Prediction Model
BACKGROUND: Knowledge of predictors for shoulder pain in swimmers can assist professionals working with the athlete in developing optimal prevention strategies. However, study methodology and limited available data have constrained a comprehensive...
Auteurs: Stef Feijen, Thomas Struyf, Kevin Kuppens, Angela Tate en Filip Struyf
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Thoracic imaging tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19
BACKGROUND: The respiratory illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection continues to present diagnostic challenges. Our 2020 edition of this review showed thoracic (chest) imaging to be sensitive and moderately specific in the diagnosis of coronavirus ...
Auteurs: Nayaar Islam, Sanam Ebrahimzadeh, Jean-Paul Salameh, Sakib Kazi, Nicholas Fabiano, Lee Treanor, Marissa Absi, Zachary Hallgrimson, Mariska MG Leeflang, Lotty Hooft, Christian B van der Pol, Ross Prager, Samanjit S Hare, Carole Dennie, Rene Spijker, Jonathan J Deeks, Jacqueline Dinnes, Kevin Jenniskens, Daniel A Korevaar, Jeremie F Cohen, Ann Van den Bruel, Yemisi Takwoingi, Janneke van de Wijgert, Johanna AAG Damen, Junfeng Wang en Matthew DF McInnes
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Comorbidity burden in the first three years after diagnosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or spondyloarthritis: a general practice registry-based study

OBJECTIVES: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and spondyloarthritis (SpA) are chronic inflammatory rheumatic conditions with high levels of comorbidity requiring additional therapeutic attention. We aimed to compare the 3-yea...

Auteurs: Veerle Stouten, Sofia Pazmino, P Verschueren, Pavlos Mamouris, Rene Westhovens, Kurt de Vlam, Delphine Bertrand, Kristien van der Elst, Bert Vaes en Diederik De Cock
Auteurs: JY Verbakel, L De Rop, I Stegeman, GA Holtman, EA Ochodo, B Yang, F Guleid, C Davenport, JJ Deeks, J Dinnes en et al.
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
The expanding movement of primary care physicians operating at the first line of healthcare delivery systems in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review
INTRODUCTION: In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the physicians' ratio is increasing. There are clear indications that many of them have opted to work at the first-line of healthcare delivery systems, i.e. providing primary care. This constitutes an imp...
Auteurs: Kefilath Bello, Jan De Lepeleire, Kabinda M Jeff, Samuel Bosongo, Jean-Paul Dossou, Evelyn Waweru, Ludwig Apers, Marcel Zannou en Bart Criel
Auteurs: Jako S Burgers, Bert Aertgeerts en Marjolein Y Berger
15 December 2020 | ARTICLE
Wat vinden patiënten van de derdebetalersregeling? Kwalitatief onderzoek in twee verschillende patiëntengroepen
Wat is bekend? Sinds 1 oktober 2015 moeten huisartsen de derdebetalersregeling toepassen voor raadplegingen bij patiënten met een verhoogde terugbetaling. Mogelijke nadelen van dit systeem zijn een toename van administratie voor de huisarts en ove...
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland, Sarah Van Rooy en Dirk Van Rooy
Auteurs: Hanne A Boon, Thomas Struyf, Dominique Bullens, Ann Van den Bruel en Jan Y Verbakel
1 December 2020 | ARTICLE
What Is the Diagnosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Who Have a Painful Shoulder? Results from a Prospective Cross-Sectional Study
BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes mellitus have higher risk of developing shoulder pathology. However, only adhesive capsulitis is addressed in shoulder pain guidelines as a disorder associated with diabetes. Yet, patients with diabetes are at ri...
Auteurs: Login Ahmed S Alabdali, Jasmien Jaeken, Nens van Alfen, Geert-Jan Dinant, Rob AP Borghans en Ramon PG Ottenheijm
1 December 2020 | ARTICLE
Screening and follow-up of pregestational diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus: A survey of primary care physicians in Belgium
AIMS: Consensus regarding the best screening and follow-up strategy for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is lacking, resulting in heterogeneity in clinical practice. We aimed to evaluate screening and follow-up practices for pregestational type...
Auteurs: Eveline Vercammen, Lucas Van Hoof, Chris Vercammen, Geert Goderis en Katrien Benhalima
Auteurs: L Cattani, L Neefs, J Verbakel, J Bosteels en J Deprest
Auteurs: C Verdonck, L Annemans, S Goemaere, B Lapauw, G Goderis, E Balligand, MP Doom, S Perkisas, J-J Body en L Borgermans
Auteurs: C Verdonck, S Goemare, G Goderis, E Balligand, B Lapauw, S Perkisas, J-J Body en L Borgermans
Auteurs: Valentina Pergher, Nele Vanbilsen, Jos Tournoy, Brigitte Schoenmakers en Marc Van Hulle
11 November 2020 | ARTICLE
Shivering has little diagnostic value in diagnosing serious bacterial infection in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Early diagnosis of serious bacterial infections (SBI) is important for improving outcome of morbidity and mortality in children. A systematic review was conducted to examine if shivering had any value in diagnosing serious bacterial infection. We ...
Auteurs: Maud Vandenberk, Kasper De Bondt, Emma Nuyts, Jaan Toelen en Jan Y Verbakel
4 November 2020 | ARTICLE
Clinical decision support improves the appropriateness of laboratory test ordering in primary care without increasing diagnostic error: the ELMO cluster randomized trial
BACKGROUND: Inappropriate laboratory test ordering poses an important burden for healthcare. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have been cited as promising tools to improve laboratory test ordering behavior. The objectives of this study wer...
Auteurs: Nicolas Delvaux, Veerle Piessens, Tine De Burghgraeve, Pavlos Mamouris, Bert Vaes, Robert Vander Stichele, Hanne Cloetens, Josse Thomas, Dirk Ramaekers, An De Sutter en Bert Aertgeerts
4 November 2020 | ARTICLE
Signs and symptoms associated with uterine cancer in pre- and postmenopausal women
Uterine cancer is the most and second most common gynecological malignancy in developed and developing countries, respectively. The majority of endometrial cancers are diagnosed early due to the presence of abnormal uterine bleeding. The existing ...
Auteurs: Shari Boeckstaens, Sara Dewalheyns, Ruben Heremans, Radhika Vikram, Dirk Timmerman, Thierry Van den Bosch en Jan Yvan Verbakel
1 November 2020 | ARTICLE
Social Participation in the Daily Lives of Frail Older Adults: Types of Participation and Influencing Factors
OBJECTIVES: The advantages of social participation for older adults are well established and have been adopted in aging policy frameworks. However, little is known about the social participation of frail older adults. This research examined the ty...
Auteurs: Daan Duppen, Deborah Lambotte, Sarah Dury, An-Sofie Smetcoren, Honghui Pan en Liesbeth De Donder
Auteurs: Jeanet W Blom, Christiane Muth, Paul Glasziou, James P McCormack, Rafael Perera, Rosalinde KE Poortvliet, Mattijs E Numans, Petra Thuermann, Ulrich Thiem, Sioe Lie Thio, Mieke Van Driel, Martin Beyer, Marjan Van den Akker en J Andre Knottnerus
Auteurs: Nicolas Delvaux
21 October 2020 | ARTICLE
Coding Systems for Clinical Decision Support: Theoretical and Real-World Comparative Analysis

BACKGROUND: Effective clinical decision support systems require accurate translation of practice recommendations into machine-readable artifacts; developing code sets that represent clinical concepts are an important step in this process. Many ...

Auteurs: Nicolas Delvaux, Bert Vaes, Bert Aertgeerts, Stijn Van de Velde, Robert Vander Stichele, Peter Nyberg en Mieke Vermandere
20 October 2020 | ARTICLE
Role of clinical, functional and social factors in the association between multimorbidity and quality of life: Findings from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
OBJECTIVE: An increasing number of diseases is linked to deterioration of quality of life (QoL). Part of this association can be explained by socio-economic factors, which are most commonly accounted for. Our aim was to explore the potential contr...
Auteurs: Tatjana T Makovski, Gwenaelle Le Coroller, Polina Putrik, Yun Hee Choi, Maurice P Zeegers, Saverio Stranges, Maria Ruiz Castell, Laetitia Huiart en Marjan van den Akker
19 October 2020 | ARTICLE
Added value of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing in a Flemish nursing home during an acute COVID-19 outbreak in April 2020
OBJECTIVES: To examine the added value of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing in a nursing home during an acute COVID-19 outbreak. RT-PCR is the gold standard, but can be false-negative. METHODS: 119 residents and 93 staff members were tested with RT...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Peter Claes, Marjo Gulikers, Jan Verbakel, De Lepeleire Jan, Michael Van der Elst, Jan Van Elslande, Marc Van Ranst en Pieter Vernneersch