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Auteurs: FAM Kersten, WLDM Nelen, NM van den Boogaard, DDM Braat, CA Koks, T Spinder, J Kwee, MJ Pelinck, E Scheenjes, FJ Broekmans, PA Manger, HR Verhoeve, M Goddijn, BW MolJ en RPGM Hermens
1 June 2015 | ARTICLE
Improving recognition and referral of patients with an increased familial risk of colorectal cancer: results from a randomized controlled trial
AIM: Only 12-49% of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and their first-degree relatives with an increased familial CRC risk are referred for cancer prevention measures (surveillance colonoscopies or genetic counselling). The study was performed to e...
Auteurs: N Dekker, RP Hermens, JH de Wilt, WA van Zelst-Stams en N Hoogerbrugge
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst en Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: WLDM Nelen, FAM Kersten, M Goddijn, NM van den Boogaard, JP de Bruin, JM van Weert, GJJM Muijsers, J Gianotten, MM van Rumste, WK Kuchenbecker, D Boks, JH Vollebergh, DDM Braat, BWJ Mol en RPGM Hermens
1 June 2015 | ARTICLE
Effect of Depression and Diabetes Mellitus on the Risk for Dementia A National Population-Based Cohort Study
IMPORTANCE: Although depression and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) may independently increase the risk for dementia, no studies have examined whether the risk for dementia among people with comorbid depression and DM is higher than the sum of each ...
Auteurs: Wayne Katon, Henrik Sondergaard Pedersen, Anette Riisgaard Ribe, Morten Fenger-Gron, Dimitry Davydow, Frans Boch Waldorff en Mogens Vestergaard
1 June 2015 | ARTICLE
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: updated clinical guidelines with an emphasis on germline CDH1 mutation carriers
Germline CDH1 mutations confer a high lifetime risk of developing diffuse gastric (DGC) and lobular breast cancer (LBC). A multidisciplinary workshop was organised to discuss genetic testing, surgery, surveillance strategies, pathology reporting a...
Auteurs: Rachel S van der Post, Ingrid P Vogelaar, Fatima Carneiro, Parry Guilford, David Huntsman, Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Carlos Caldas, Karen E Chelcun Schreiber, Richard H Hardwick, Margreet GEM Ausems, Linda Bardram, Patrick R Benusiglio, Tanya M Bisseling, Vanessa Blair, Eveline Bleiker, Alex Boussioutas, Annemieke Cats, Daniel Coit, Lynn DeGregorio, Joana Figueiredo, James M Ford, Esther Heijkoop, Rosella Hermens, Bostjan Humar, Pardeep Kaurah, Gisella Keller, Jennifer Lai, Marjolijn JL Ligtenberg, Maria O'Donovan, Carla Oliveira, Hugo Pinheiro, Krish Ragunath, Esther Rasenberg, Susan Richardson, Franco Roviello, Hans Schackert, Raquel Seruca, Amy Taylor, Anouk ter Huurne, Marc Tischkowitz, Sheena Tjon A Joe, Benjamin van Dijck, Nicole CT van Grieken, Richard van Hillegersberg, Johanna W van Sandick, Rianne Vehof, J Han van Krieken en Rebecca C Fitzgerald
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, Geert Goderis, Lore Pil, Frank Nobels, Bert Aertgeerts, Lieven Annemans en Dirk Ramaekers
30 May 2015 | OTHER
Bijdrage tot het opstellen van een richtlijn van vroegtijdige Zorgplanning bij personen met dementie
Context: Met de steeds groeiende aandacht voor vroegtijdige zorgplanning (VZP) ontstond het initiatief vanuit de Koning Boudewijn Stichting om de recente algemene richtlijn VZP aan te passen aan de doelgroep ‘personen met dementie’. Deel 1 van dez...
Auteurs: Dorien Nickmans, Wouter Van Mechelen en Jan De Lepeleire
30 May 2015 | OTHER
Bijdrage tot het opstellen van een richtlijn van vroegtijdige Zorgplanning bij personen met dementie
Context Vroegtijdige zorgplanning (VZP) staat tegenwoordig in de belangstelling. Recent werd een richtlijn ontwikkeld hoe men het best VZP uitvoert. Hoe men dit het beste aanpakt bij personen met dementie komt hier echter niet in voor. In deel I v...
Auteurs: Sofie Masschelein, Wouter Van Mechelen en Jan De Lepeleire
ERNSTIGE INFECTIES BY ACUUT ZIEKE KINDEREN IN DE EERSTE LIJN: Validatie van klinische beslisregels en toegevoegde waarde van vitale tekens en point-of-care testen.
Background: Acute infection is the most common presentation of children to ambulatory care. In contrast, serious infections are rare and often present at an early stage. To avoid complications or death, early recognition and adequate referral are ...
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst, Patrik Vankrunkelsven en Patrick Luyten
1 May 2015 | OTHER
Richtlijn Vroegtijdige Zorgplanning
ACHTERGROND: Vroegtijdige zorgplanning (VZP) is een proces van reflectie en dialoog tussen de patiënt, zijn naasten en één of meerdere zorgverleners (waaronder een arts) waarbij toekomstige zorgdoelen besproken en gepland worden. Deze zorgdoelen z...
Auteurs: Wouter Van Mechelen, Ruth Piers, Johan Van den Eynde en Jan De Lepeleire
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst en Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Pieter Stijnen, Krizia Tuand, Tibor V Varga, Paul W Franks, Bert Aertgeerts en John Creemers
15 April 2015 | ARTICLE
Weight Changes following the Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: The Impact of Recent and Past Weight History before Diagnosis. Results from the Danish Diabetes Care in General Practice (DCGP) Study
AIMS: The association between recent and more distant weight changes before and after the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes has been little researched. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of patients' weight history before diabetes diag...
Auteurs: Niels de Fine Olivarius, Volkert Dirk Siersma, Rasmus Koster-Rasmussen, Berit Lilienthal Heitmann en Frans Boch Waldorff
15 April 2015 | ARTICLE
[Overtreatment in couples with unexplained subfertility].
OBJECTIVE: To assess adherence to expectant management of 6-12 months in couples with unexplained subfertility, as recommended by the Dutch Networkguideline Subfertility. DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study in 25 clinics. METHOD: Couples were eli...
Auteurs: Fleur AM Kersten, Rosella PGM Hermens, Didi DM Braat, Annemieke Hoek, Ben Willem J Mol, Mariëtte Goddijn en Willianne LDM Nelen
1 April 2015 | ARTICLE
Participation of people with haemophilia in clinical trials of new treatments: an investigation of patients' motivations and existing barriers
BACKGROUND: Over the last 50 years, clinical research investigating new treatments has been transforming the care of patients with haemophilia but we still have a long way to go and most clinical investigators are facing difficulties in recruiting...
Auteurs: Severine Henrard, Niko Speybroeck en Cedric Hermans
1 April 2015 | ARTICLE
Design, synthesis, optimization and antiviral activity of a class of hybrid dengue virus E protein inhibitors
The β-OG pocket is a cavity in the flavivirus envelope (E) protein that was identified by Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.2003, 100, 6986 as a promising site for the design of antiviral agents that interfere with virus entry into the host cell. The a...
Auteurs: Surender Singh Jadav, Suzanne Kaptein, Ajaykumar Timiri, Tine De Burghgraeve, Vishnu Nayak Badavath, Ramesh Ganesan, Barij Nayan Sinha, Johan Neyts, Pieter Leyssen en Venkatesan Jayaprakash
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst en Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Marleen Finoulst en Patrik Vankrunkelsven
1 April 2015 | ARTICLE
Prevention of alcohol and drug misuse in adolescents: An overview of systematic reviews
Background: Substance misuse by adolescents is a chronic and important problem. Prevention programs should be aimed to prevent, reduce or delay the use of substances. Aims: The objectives of this umbrella review was to summarizes the results of s...
Auteurs: Elke Emmers, Trudy Bekkering en Karin Hannes
1 April 2015 | DISSERTATION
Zorgen voor thuiszorg: Een multimethod analyse van de huidige en toekomstige rol van thuisverpleegkundigen
Background Homecare is facing one of its biggest challenges: the growing imbalance between the increasing demand for care at home and the decreasing supply of home nurses. The demographic and economic evolutions and trends increasingly confront ho...
Auteurs: Kristel De Vliegher
17 March 2015 | ARTICLE
Protein shedding in urothelial bladder cancer: prognostic implications of soluble urinary EGFR and EpCAM
BACKGROUND: Better biomarkers must be found to develop clinically useful urine tests for bladder cancer. Proteomics can be used to identify the proteins released by cancer cell lines and generate candidate markers for developing such tests. METHOD...
Auteurs: RT Bryan, HL Regan, SJ Pirrie, AJ Devall, KK Cheng, MP Zeegers, ND James, MA Knowles en DG Ward
16 March 2015 | ARTICLE
[Acute hospital admissions from nursing homes].
Nursing home residents are frail patients who experience frequent hospital admission with an increased risk for acute confusion, iatrogenic adverse events, nosocomial infections, decline in ADL and death during hospitalization. Avoidance of unnece...
Auteurs: Astrid Raahede en Frans Boch Waldorff
4 March 2015 | DISSERTATION
De oudere patiënt met kanker: consequenties van kanker enveroudering
The increasing number of older cancer patients will become an important challenge for healthcare services, as older cancer patients often present with complex combinations of both cancer- and ageing-related problems. Older cancer patients represen...
Auteurs: Laura Deckx
4 March 2015 | ARTICLE
People's willingness to accept overdetection in cancer screening: population survey
OBJECTIVES: To describe the level of overdetection people would find acceptable in screening for breast, prostate, and bowel cancer and whether acceptability is influenced by the magnitude of the benefit from screening and the cancer specific harm...
Auteurs: Ann Van den Bruel, Caroline Jones, Yaling Yang, Jason Oke en Paul Hewitson
3 March 2015 | ARTICLE
Geriatric screening tools are of limited value to predict decline in functional status and quality of life: results of a cohort study
Background: Geriatric screening tools are increasingly implemented in daily practice, especially in the oncology setting, but also in primary care in some countries such as the Netherlands. Nonetheless, validation of these tools regarding their ab...
Auteurs: Laura Deckx, Marjan van den Akker, Liesbeth Daniels, Eric T De Jonge, Paul Bulens, Viviane CG Tjan-Heijnen, Doris van Abbema en Frank Buntinx