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28 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Improving calculation, interpretation and communication of familial colorectal cancer risk: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: Individuals with multiple relatives with colorectal cancer (CRC) and/or a relative with early-onset CRC have an increased risk of developing CRC. They are eligible for preventive measures, such as surveillance by regular colonoscopy an...
Auteurs: Nicky Dekker, Rosella PMG Hermens, Glyn Elwyn, Trudy van der Weijden, Fokko M Nagengast, Peter van Duijvendijk, Simone Salemink, Eddy Adang, J Han JM van Krieken, Marjolijn JL Ligtenberg en Nicoline Hoogerbrugge
26 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Haemorrhagia post partum; an implementation study on the evidence-based guideline of the Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (NVOG) and the MOET (Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma-course) instructions; the Fluxim study
BACKGROUND: One of the most important causes of maternal mortality and severe morbidity worldwide is post partum haemorrhage (PPH). Factors as substandard care are frequently reported in the international literature and there are similar reports i...
Auteurs: Mallory D Woiski, Rosella PMG Hermens, Johanna M Middeldorp, Jan A Kremer, Marco A Marcus, Maurice GAJ Wouters, Richard P Grol, Fred K Lotgering en Hubertina CJ Scheepers
6 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Identifying an accurate pre-screening tool in geriatric oncology
The use of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) in cancer patients older than 70 is recommended. Three pre-screening instruments have been proposed: the abbreviated comprehensive geriatric assessment (aCGA), the Vulnerable Elders Survey (VES-1...
Auteurs: E Kellen, P Bulens, Laura Deckx, H Schouten, M Van Dijk, I Verdonck en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Pressure ulcers and incontinence associated dermatitis: effectiveness of the Pressure Ulcer CLASsification education tool on classification by nurses
CONTEXT: Previous studies report that pressure ulcer classification and differentiation from incontinence associated dermatitis are difficult. Incorrect classification and differentiation result in incorrect prevention and treatment. Education is ...
Auteurs: D Beeckman, L Schoonhoven, J Fletcher, K Furtado, H Heyman, Louis Paquay, D De Bacquer en T Defloor
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx en Jan De Lepeleire
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Vocational trainees’ views and experiences regarding the learning and teaching of communication skills in general practice
Objective: To explore the views and experiences of general practice (GP) vocational trainees regarding communication skills (CS) and the teaching and learning of these skills. METHODS: A purposive sample of second and third (final) year GP trainee...
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland, Gaby Thijs, Paul Van Royen, Wim Van Den Noortgate en Jo Goedhuys
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Lore Van Heden, Sophie Maes, Sophie Jamar, Sven Smets en Kathleen Claes
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Suzana Garcia, Yves Lambeens, Annelies Vertommen, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
1 January 2010 | OTHER
Development of an in vitro screening model for a better understanding of drought tolerance
Poster and short oral presentation
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Suzana Garcia, Yves Lambeens, Annelies Vertommen, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
Auteurs: Sebastien Carpentier, Bart Panis, J Renaut, B Samyn, Annelies Vertommen, Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Rony Swennen en K Sergeant
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Pulsoxymetrie in de eerste lijn: wat is de meerwaarde?
Pulsoxymetrie kan worden gebruikt in iedere klinische setting waar hypoxemie kan voorkomen. Het biedt een meerwaarde bij een hele reeks acute en chronische pulmonaire en cardiale aandoeningen en is extra nuttig tijdens een huisartsenwacht bij onbe...
Auteurs: B Van den Broeck, M Geelen, Walter Renier en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
De verkoop van producten voor hormonale substitutietherapie: evolutie van borstkankerincidentie tussen 1992 en 2008
In juli 2002 werden de resultaten van de „Women’s Health Initiative”(WHI)-studie bekendgemaakt, waaruit bleek dat gecombineerde hormonale substitutietherapie (HST) positief geassocieerd was met het ontstaan van borstkanker. Deze informatie sijpeld...
Auteurs: Patrik Vankrunkelsven, E Kellen, Daniël Lousbergh, E Cloes, L Op de Beeck, C Faes, L Bruckers, R Mertens en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Suzana Garcia, Yves Lambeens, Annelies Vertommen, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Suzana Garcia, Yves Lambeens, Annelies Vertommen, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Melanoma incidence trends in Limburg after screening and prevention campaigns
Background: Malignant melanoma is a skin cancer of which the incidence is said to be raising in recent years. Prevention may result in decrease of the incidence. Early detection may result in the detection of earlier stages of the disease. In Limb...
Auteurs: D Vanstraelen, H Deleu, Johan Van Robays, D Dhollander, E Cloes, D Lousberg, G Kuipers, B Adriaens, Jos Mebis, C Mathei en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Liesbeth Borgermans, Cathy Mathieu, Carine Van Den Broeke, Karin Hannes, Jan Heyrman en Richard Grol
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Tiotropium's cost-effectiveness for the treatment of COPD: a cost-utility analysis under real-world conditions
BACKGROUND: Tiotropium is reimbursed since March 2004 in Belgium for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Questions however remain on this product's value for money. The purpose of this study is to calculate tiotropium's ...
Auteurs: Mattias Neyt, Stephan Devriese, Nancy Thiry en Ann Van den Bruel
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Computerized general practice based networks yield comparable performance with sentinel data in monitoring epidemiological time-course of influenza-like illness and acute respiratory illness
Background: Computerized morbidity registration networks might serve as early warning systems in a time where natural epidemics such as the H1N1 flu can easily spread from one region to another. Methods: In this contribution we examine whether gen...
Auteurs: Carla Truyers, Emmanuel Lesaffre, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Bert Aertgeerts, R Snacken, B Brochier, F Yane en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2010 | TEXT RESOURCE
Hoe transmurale zorgpaden opbouwen?
Dit draaiboek is een hulpmiddel voor organisaties die in hun lokale regio een transmuraal zorgpad willen ontwikkelen. De aanleiding daartoe kan velerlei zijn. Misschien omdat nieuwe problemen in de zorgverlening zich stellen, waarbij, zoals steeds...
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt, Jan Heyrman, Kris Vanhaecht en Walter Sermeus
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Does tiotropium lower exacerbation and hospitalization frequency in COPD patients: results of a meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: International guidelines recommend long-acting bronchodilators in patients who remain symptomatic despite adequate treatment with short-acting bronchodilators. The purpose of this study is to estimate the effect of tiotropium, a long-a...
Auteurs: Ann Van den Bruel, Jeannine Gailly en Mattias Neyt
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Does the use of care plans improve the quality of home care?
Background To ensure coordinated care in complex home care situations in Flanders a system of funded care plans was developed some fifteen years ago. In literature little evidence is found on the value of care plans in home care. The question aris...
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt en Jan De Lepeleire
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Pulsoxymetriescreening in de huisartsenpraktijk: heeft het een invloed op het beleid?
Ondanks de voordelen van de pulsoxymeter, zoals beschreven in het vorige artikel, zijn de indicaties en de inzetbaarheid van dit instrument voor de huisarts niet altijd duidelijk. In dit onderzoek bij twee huisartsenpraktijken werd nagegaan hoevee...
Auteurs: Walter Renier en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Carla Truyers en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Waarom gaan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten naar een inloophuis?
Vragen en problemen die door gasten gebracht worden in een inloophuis voor kankerpatiënten en hun naasten in Hasselt kunnen ons wellicht op het spoor brengen van mogelijkheden tot verbetering van de reguliere zorg. Met dit doel werden de routinere...
Auteurs: V Bulens, Marjan van den Akker, R Vandebroek, P Bulens en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Mortality of young patients with diabetes in Kinshasa, DR Congo
As data on mortality of young patients with diabetes is not available in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), we studied mortality rates, the influence of some determinants and causes of death. Methods  A retrospective review of standardized ...
Auteurs: MT Muyer, Frank Buntinx, MA Mapatano, M De Clerck, Carla Truyers en Erik Muls
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Deciding how many embryos to transfer after in vitro fertilisation: Development and pilot test of a decision aid
OBJECTIVE: When deciding how many embryos to transfer during in vitro fertilisation (IVF), clinicians and patients have to balance optimizing the chance of pregnancy against preventing multiple pregnancies and the associated complications. This pa...
Auteurs: Arno M van Peperstraten, Rosella PMG Hermens, Willianne LDM Nelen, Peep FM Stalmeier, Alex MM Wetzels, Pettie HM Maas, Jan AM Kremer en Richard PTM Grol
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
Development of indicators for patient-centred cancer care
PURPOSE: Assessment of current practice with a valid set of indicators is the key to successfully improving the quality of patient-centred care. For improvement purposes, we developed indicators of patient-centred cancer care and tested them on a ...
Auteurs: Marielle Ouwens, Rosella Hermens, Marlies Hulscher, Saskia Vonk-Okhuijsen, Vivianne Tjan-Heijnen, Rene Termeer, Henri Marres, Hub Wollersheim en Richard Grol
Path Planning for Groups Using Column Generation
Auteurs: Marjan van den Akker, Roland Geraerts, Han Hoogeveen en Corien Prins
1 January 2010 | ARTICLE
'Active ageing': a qualitative study in six Caribbean countries
The aim of this study was to document the perceptions of elders in six Caribbean countries about active ageing and on the basis of their reports to make recommendations to improve their situation. Data were collected principally through 31 focus g...
Auteurs: Patrick Cloos, Caroline F Allen, Beatriz E Alvarado, Maria Victoria Zunzunegui, Donald T Simeon en Denise Eldemire-Shearer