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1 September 2008 | ARTICLE
Why don't we perform elective single embryo transfer? A qualitative study among IVF patients and professionals
BACKGROUND: Elective single embryo transfer (eSET) enables the prevention of multiple pregnancies after in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, in Europe, the multiple pregnancy rate after IVF remains stable at approximately 23%, with SET occurring...
Auteurs: AM van Peperstraten, WLDM Nelen, RPMG Hermens, L Jansen, E Scheenje, DDM Braat, RPTM Grol en JAM Kremer
1 September 2008 | ARTICLE
Nutrition, total fluid and bladder cancer
Bladder cancer is a major health concern for older males in Western populations. About 30 years ago there was a suggestion that nutrition may have a role in the aetiology of the disease. Although the literature has been accumulating since then, ow...
Auteurs: Maree Brinkman en Maurice P Zeegers
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, T Smits, Ward Bartels, Lennart Scheys, Frederik Gelaude, Arthur Spaepen, Georges Van der Perre en Ilse Jonkers
1 September 2008 | ARTICLE
A meta-analysis on the association between bladder cancer and occupation
To date, many epidemiological studies have been conducted to examine the association between occupation and bladder cancer incidence. However, results from these studies often have been inconsistent, and significant associations have rarely been f...
Auteurs: RC Reulen, E Kellen, Frank Buntinx, Maree Brinkman en MP Zeegers
1 August 2008 | ARTICLE
Interpretation of immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair proteins is only reliable in a specialized setting
We examined the validity of immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair (MMR) proteins in colorectal cancer specimens to identify patients at risk for Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer) and patients with sporadic microsatellit...
Auteurs: Lucia IH Overbeek, Marolijn JL Ligtenberg, Riki W Willems, Rosella PMG Hermens, Willeke AM Blokx, Stefan V Dubois, Hans van der Linden, Jos WR Meijer, Maria L Mlynek-Kersjes, Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Konnie M Hebeda en Joannes HJM van Krieken
1 August 2008 | ARTICLE
The methodological quality of clinical guidelines of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
BACKGROUND: Clinical practice guidelines bridge the gap between the evidence from literature and clinical practice, and they may provide guidance in ethical, legal and societal dilemmas. To explore the potentials for future international guideline...
Auteurs: WLDM Nelen, RW van der Pluijm, RPMG Hermens, C Bergh, P de Sutter, KG Nygren, AMM Wetzels, RPTM Grol en JAM Kremer
1 August 2008 | ARTICLE
The Team Climate Inventory: application in hospital teams and methodological considerations
OBJECTIVE: To test the validity, reliability and discriminating capacity of an instrument to assess team climate, the Team Climate Inventory (TCI), in a sample of Dutch hospital teams. The TCI is based on a four-factor theory of team climate for i...
Auteurs: M Ouwens, M Hulscher, R Akkermans, R Hermens, R Grol en H Wollersheim
1 August 2008 | ARTICLE
Common SNPs in LEP and LEPR associated with birth weight and type 2 diabetes-related metabolic risk factors in twins
Objective:Children born small for gestational age are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood. The satiety signal leptin that regulates food intake and energy expenditure might be a possible molecular link, as umbilical cord l...
Auteurs: NY Souren, AD Paulussen, A Steyls, Ruth Loos, AP Stassen, M Gielen, HJ Smeets, Gaston Beunen, Robert Fagard, Cathérine Derom, Robert Vlietinck, JP Geraedts en MP Zeegers
1 August 2008 | ARTICLE
Most patients with colorectal tumors at young age do not visit a cancer genetics clinic
PURPOSE: This study examined the referral process for genetic counseling at a cancer genetics clinic in patients with colorectal cancer and to search for determinants of variation in this referral process. METHODS: Patients who were recently diagn...
Auteurs: Lucia IH Overbeek, Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Joannes HJM Vankrieken, Fokko M Nagengast, Theo JM Ruers, Marjolijn JL Ligtenberg en Rosella PMG Hermens
1 August 2008 | ARTICLE
Coping with mild Alzheimer's disease
The aim of this study was to analyse how patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) cope with the changes they face concerning everyday life and social relations. This study used a grounded theory approach in the analysis of interview data from 1...
Auteurs: L Sørensen, F Waldorff en G Waldemar
17 July 2008 | ARTICLE
Lack of basic and luxury goods and health-related dysfunction in older persons; Findings from the longitudinal SMILE study
BACKGROUND: More so than the traditional socioeconomic indicators, such as education and income, wealth reflects the accumulation of resources and makes socioeconomic ranking manifest and explicitly visible to the outside world. While the lack of ...
Auteurs: Danielle AI Groffen, Hans Bosma, Marjan van den Akker, Gertrudis IJM Kempen en Jacques TM van Eijk
Auteurs: Nicolas Sauwen, Gerlinde Lenaerts, Siegfried Jaecques, Michiel Mulier, Georges Van der Perre en Ilse Jonkers
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Frederik Gelaude, Michiel Mulier, Arthur Spaepen, Georges Van der Perre en Ilse Jonkers
12 June 2008 | DISSERTATION
Subject-specific musculoskeletal models and gait characteristics are essential to estimate hip loading for total hip replacement patients
Heupbelasting speelt een rol in de ontwikkeling van osteoartrose en beïnvloedt het proces van botremodellering en osseointegratie van het implantaat na het plaatsen van een totale heupprothese (THP). Dit doctoraatsproject behandelt de kwantificati...
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
Coming soon to your clinic: high-quality ART
The concept of 'patient-friendly' medically assisted reproduction includes a robust set of clinical practice principles, to improve the quality of subfertility care. This concept is an important move away from the sole focus on effectiveness and h...
Auteurs: Inge WH van Empel, Willianne LDM Nelen, Rosella PMG Hermens en Jan AM Kremer
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
Subject-specific hip geometry affects predicted hip joint contact forces during gait
Hip loading affects bone remodeling and implant fixation. In this study, we have analyzed the effect of subject-specific modeling of hip geometry on muscle activation patterns and hip contact forces during gait, using musculoskeletal modeling, inv...
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Friedl De Groote, Bram Demeulenaere, Michiel Mulier, Georges Van der Perre, A Spaepen en Ilse Jonkers
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
Material deprivation and health-related dysfunction in older Dutch people: findings from the SMILE study
BACKGROUND: Even in generally wealthy Western countries material deprivation and poverty are not uncommon. There is, however, little data on the prevalence of material deprivation and its associations with health-related dysfunction in older peopl...
Auteurs: Danielle AI Groffen, Hans Bosma, Marjan van den Akker, Gertrudis IJM Kempen en Jacques Th M van Eijk
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
Diabeteseducatie door thuisverpleegkundigen. Ervaring en beleving van patiënten en verpleegkundigen
Hoe ervaren diabetespatiënten en -verpleegkundigen de educatieprogramma's die sinds enkele jaren in ons land gevolgd kunnen worden? Gaan patiënten na de educatie op een andere manier met hun ziekte om? Verbetert de therapietrouw? Hoe verloopt de s...
Auteurs: Kristel De Vliegher, Louis Paquay, S Verstraete, R Wouters en H Van Gansbeke
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
The epidemic history of hepatitis C among injecting drug users in Flanders, Belgium
We employed recently developed statistical methods to explore the epidemic behaviour of hepatitis C subtype 1a and subtype 3a among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Flanders, Belgium, using new gene sequence data sampled among two geographically dis...
Auteurs: Cathy Matheï, Sonia Van Dooren, Philippe Lemey, P Van Damme, Frank Buntinx en Anne-Mieke Vandamme
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
Relationship between Quality of Life and Cognitive Decline in Dementia
Aims: We aimed to examine the association of cognitive decline with quality of life (QoL) in dementia compared to controls and to determine variables associated with QoL. Methods: Every subject was placed within a specific group depending on their...
Auteurs: P Missotten, G Squelard, M Ylieff, D Di Notte, Louis Paquay, Jan De Lepeleire, Frank Buntinx en O Fontaine
1 June 2008 | ARTICLE
Obstacles to implementing evidence-based dentistry: a focus group-based study
In many countries, questions have been raised about the use of evidence-based practice (EBP) in oral health care. The call for an increase in EBP seems to face many obstacles. Only limited empirical studies address these obstacles. We present a qu...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, David Norré, Jo Goedhuys, Ignace Naert en Bert Aertgeerts
1 May 2008 | ARTICLE
Interval cancers in the beginning years of the breast cancer screening programme in the Belgian province of Limburg
OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of interval breast cancers among those women who attended the mammography screening programme in the Belgian province of Limburg. Interval cancers are tumours that are being diagnosed before the next scheduled s...
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen, G Vande Putte, Andreas Van Steen, E Cloes, Daniël Lousbergh, Frank Buntinx en Erik Van Limbergen
1 May 2008 | ARTICLE
Rate of accidental falls in institutionalised older people with and without cognitive impairment halved as a result of a staff-oriented intervention
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the impact of a staff-oriented intervention on the number of accidental falls in residents with and without cognitive impairment. DESIGN: clustered randomised controlled trial. METHODS: ten nursing wards from 7 nursing homes...
Auteurs: Anne Bouwen, Jan De Lepeleire en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx en Jan De Lepeleire
1 May 2008 | ARTICLE
How much of the data published in observational studies of the association between diet and prostate or bladder cancer is usable for meta-analysis?
Epidemiologic investigations often report dose-response associations, which may be combined in meta-analyses. The authors examined how often the log odds, risk, or hazard ratio per unit increase in exposure, and its standard error, can be estimate...
Auteurs: Geertruida E Bekkering, Ross J Harris, Steve Thomas, Anne-Marie B Mayer, Rebecca Beynon, Andrew R Ness, Roger M Harbord, Chris Bain, George Davey Smith en Jonathan AC Sterne
25 April 2008 | ARTICLE
Diffusion of an e-learning programme among Danish General Practitioners: A nation-wide prospective survey
BACKGROUND: We were unable to identify studies that have considered the diffusion of an e-learning programme among a large population of general practitioners. The aim of this study was to investigate the uptake of an e-learning programme introduc...
Auteurs: Frans Boch Waldorff, Annette Plesner Steenstrup, Bente Nielsen, Jens Rubak en Flemming Bro
21 April 2008 | ARTICLE
[Views of GPs and patients on use of computers during consultation].
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to describe how Danish patients and their general practitioners (GPs) perceive physician's use of computers during consultation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected between November 2006 and February ...
Auteurs: Jeppe Rosenstand en Frans Boch Waldorff
1 April 2008 | ARTICLE
Bespreking van twee communicatieve meetinstrumenten
Dit is een bespreking van een Engelstalige publicatie verschenen in Medical Education die voor het publiek van Vlaamse huisartsen vertaald en ingekort werd
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland en Jo Goedhuys
1 April 2008 | ARTICLE
Methoden om de nierfunctie te schatten: een vergelijkende studie tussen de Cockroft-Gault-formule en de MDRD-formule
Background: In daily practice serum creatinine measurement still often used as an idex of renal function. The sensitivity of this test however is low. A number of prediction equations have been developed to estimate the GFR using serum creatinine ...
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Lore Van Heden, Sophie Maes, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen en Jean-Marie Degryse
1 April 2008 | ARTICLE
Twin-specific intrauterine 'growth' charts based on cross-sectional birthweight data
The assessment of fetal growth is an essential component of good antenatal care, especially for twins. The aims of this study are to develop twin-specific intrauterine 'growth' charts, based on cross-sectional birthweight data, for monochorionic a...
Auteurs: Marij Gielen, Patrick J Lindsey, Cathérine Derom, Ruth JF Loos, Nicole Y Souren, Aimee DC Paulussen, Maurice P Zeegers, Robert Derom, Robert Vlietinck en Jan G Nijhuis