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1 August 2002 | ARTICLE
Traumatic events in a general practice population: the patient's perspective
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to describe the patient's perspective on the GP's care after violent events: which role is the GP assigned; and how is the care appreciated. Events studied were serious accidents, burglary, robbery, phy...
Auteurs: SSL Mol, GJ Dinant, PAP Vilters-van Montfort, JFM Metsemakers, M van den Akker, A Arntz en JA Knottnerus
1 August 2002 | ARTICLE
Coping with twins discordant for intellectual disabilities: the mothers' view
In this exploratory study of 15 families with a twin-pair, of which one has an intellectual disability, the Nijmegen Questionnaire on Childrearing Situations (NQCS) was used to ask mothers about their perceptions and experiences of parenting. An i...
Auteurs: Bernice De Vos, Nele Jacobs, Lieve Vandemeulebroecke, Cathérine Derom en Jean-Pierre Fryns
1 May 2002 | ARTICLE
Increased risk of Parkinson's disease after depression: a retrospective cohort study
BACKGROUND: Depression has been linked to the occurrence of a number of somatic diseases. There are no data for PD. OBJECTIVE: To determine if depression is associated with a subsequent risk for PD. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study design bas...
Auteurs: AG Schuurman, M van den Akker, KTJL Ensinck, JFM Metsemakers, JA Knottnerus, AFG Leentjens en Frank Buntinx
1 May 2002 | ARTICLE
Seroprevalence of hepatitis C markers among intravenous drug users in western European countries: a systematic review
Currently, the most important risk factor for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Europe is intravenous drug use. To establish a better insight into the epidemiology of hepatitis C among intravenous drug users (IVDUs) in western European countrie...
Auteurs: Cathy Matheï, Frank Buntinx en P Van Damme
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx, Bert Aertgeerts, Ann Van Den Bruel en Frank Buntinx
1 April 2002 | ARTICLE
Sexual dysfunction in women with type 1 diabetes: a controlled study
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to 1) examine the prevalence of sexual problems in women with type 1 diabetes, 2) compare this prevalence rate with that of an age-matched control group, 3) study the influence of diabetes-related somatic factors on fem...
Auteurs: Paul Enzlin, Chantal Mathieu, Annick Van den Bruel, Jan Bosteels, Dirk Vanderschueren en Koen Demyttenaere
1 March 2002 | ARTICLE
Family environment and the prevalence of diseases
In this cross-sectional study we examined the occurrence of any relation between the emergence of medical disorders and the family structure and interactions, as measured with the Dutch version of the Family Environment Scale (GKS-II). Less cohesi...
Auteurs: M Hoek, F Buntinx, M Van Den Akker, T Brinckmann, PJ Houx, G Lemmens, BJ Schouten, FR Verhey en HF Crebolder
1 March 2002 | ARTICLE
Chest pain in the emergency department: the broad spectrum of causes
We performed a prospective study to describe the broad spectrum of causes of chest pain in patients presenting to the emergency department and to compare the diagnoses in referred patients, self-referred patients and patients rushed in by ambulanc...
Auteurs: Daniel Knockaert, Frank Buntinx, N Stoens, Rudi Bruyninckx en Herman Delooz
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Frank Buntinx, Jan Heyrman, Bert Aertgeerts, Ann Van Den Bruel en Rudi Bruyninckx
15 February 2002 | ARTICLE
Clinical practice guideline for the physiotherapy of patients with whiplash-associated disorders
STUDY DESIGN: A clinical practice guideline. OBJECTIVES: To assist physiotherapists in decision making and to improve the efficacy and uniformity of care for patients with whiplash-associated disorders Grades I and II. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: ...
Auteurs: GGM Scholten-Peeters, GE Bekkering, AP Verhagen, DAWM van der Windt, K Lanser, EJM Hendriks en RAB Oostendorp
1 February 2002 | ARTICLE
Diagnostic fine-needle aspiration cytology and immunocytochemistry analysis of a primary thyroid lymphoma presenting as an anatomic emergency
The case of a 66-year-old woman with rapidly progressive respiratory distress caused by a massive anterior neck mass with tracheal compression is presented. Within 24 hours, fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and immunocytochemistry provided a...
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Maria Drijkoningen, Raymond Oyen, E Vanfleteren en Roger Bouillon
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx, Jan De Lepeleire, M Ylieff en O Fontaine
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
Questionnaires are better than laboratory tests to screen for current alcohol abuse or dependence in a male inpatient population
OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic performance of the CAGE and AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) and its derivatives, and laboratory tests for screening alcohol abuse or dependence in a male medical hospital population. DESIGN: A d...
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts, Frank Buntinx, S Ansoms en Johan Fevery
Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Frank Buntinx, L De Cock en Jan Heyrman
1 January 2002 | TEXT RESOURCE
Evaluatie toegankelijkheid palliatieve netwerken
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt, Anja Declercq en Sybille Opdebeeck
Auteurs: MT Muyer, Frank Buntinx, MA Mapatano, M De Clerck, Carla Truyers en Erik Muls
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt en Anja Declercq
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
The T wave as a marker of dispersion of ventricular repolarization in premature infants before and while on treatment with the I-Kr channel blocker cisapride
Aims: Measurement of electrocardiographic intervals to assess dispersion in ventricular repolarization may be helpful in the assessment of the risk of ventricular arrhythmia. We measured QTc, QT dispersion, and T wave intervals in premature infant...
Auteurs: A Benatar, Filip Cools, T Decraene, A Bougatef en Y Vandenplas
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt en Anja Declercq
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
Seksuele problemen bij vrouwen met diabetes mellitus type 1 en bij een vergelijkbare controlegroep
This study aimed to examine: 1) the prevalence of sexual problems in women with type 1 diabetes; 2) the comparison of this prevalence rate with that of an age-matched control group; 3) the influence of diabetes related somatic factors on female se...
Auteurs: Paul Enzlin, Chantal Mathieu, Ann Van Den Bruel, Jan Bosteels, Dirk Vanderschueren en Koen Demyttenaere
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
Detectie van alcoholmisbruik of -afhankelijkheid in de huisartsenpraktijk
Patiënten met een drankprobleem worden door hun huisarts vaak niet herkend. Toch is een tijdige interventie van belang om de gezondheidsrisico's voor de patiënt en diens omgeving te beperken. Deze studie werd verricht op een steekproef van1.992 pa...
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts, Frank Buntinx, S Ansoms en Johan Fevery
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
De detectie van alcoholproblemen bij ouderen
Although elderly with alcohol problems often use health care organisation and alcoholism is a threat for their health, it is seldom detected. Therefore, an instrument for a first screening of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence in elderly would b...
Auteurs: Johan Beullens en Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2002 | TEXT RESOURCE
Baarmoederhalsscreening in Limburg 1996-2000
Auteurs: G Thijs, E De Jonge, Annelies Op de Beeck, G Orey, G Broeders, E Cloes, B Adriaens, Daniël Lousbergh en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
Roc-curves in de Medische Besliskunde
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx
1 January 2002 | TEXT RESOURCE
Decubitus in de kiem smoren
Auteurs: Louis Paquay
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt en Anne Van Meerbeeck
1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
Setting up a common architecture for EPR in primary care: The Belgian experience
A couple of years ago, the Belgian Federal Ministry of Health decided to back the development of a basic conceptual model for Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in primary care. Using consensus and modeling relational techniques, a working group of e...
Auteurs: E De Clercq, P Piette, J Strobbe, M Roland, A Vandenberghe, J Steenackers en L Pas
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx, Jan De Lepeleire, M Ylieff en O Fontaine
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx, Jan De Lepeleire, M Ylieff en O Fontaine