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Auteurs: E Epstein, D Fischerova, L Valentin, AC Testa, D Franchi, P Sladkevicius, F Fruhauf, PG Lindqvist, F Mascilini, R Fruscio, LA Haak, G Opolskiene, MA Pascual, JL Alcazar, V Chiappa, S Guerriero, JW Carlson, C Van Holsbeke, FPG Leone, B De Moor, T Bourne, B van Calster, A Installe, D Timmerman, JY Verbakel et T Van den Bosch
1 November 2018 | ARTICLE
Frailty differences in older adults' use of informal and formal care
OBJECTIVES: This study examines different combinations of informal and formal care use of older adults and investigates whether these combinations differ in terms of need for care (physical and psychological frailty) and enabling factors for infor...
Auteurs: Deborah Lambotte, Liesbeth De Donder, Sofie Van Regenmortel, Bram Fret, Sarah Dury, An-Sofie Smetcoren, Eva Dierckx, Nico De Witte, Dominique Verte, Martinus JM Kardol et D-SCOPE Consortium
1 November 2018 | ARTICLE
Prevalence and predictors of psychosocial problems in informal caregivers of older cancer survivors - A systematic review: Still major gaps in current research
Despite the abundance of studies concerning caring for patients with cancer, less is known about caring for an older cancer survivor (≥65 years). We aimed to systematically gather literature about the psychosocial well-being of caregivers of older...
Auteurs: Leontien Jansen, Stephanie Dauphin, Marjan van den Akker, Tine De Burghgraeve, Birgitte Schoenmakers et Frank Buntinx
1 November 2018 | ARTICLE
Is there a correlation between an eGFR slope measured over a 5-year period and incident cardiovascular events in the following 5 years among a Flemish general practice population: a retrospective cohort study
OBJECTIVES: To examine if the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) slope over a 5-year period is related to incident cardiovascular (CV) events in the following 5 years. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Primary care. PARTICIPANT...
Auteurs: Gijs van Pottelbergh, Pavlos Mamouris, Nele Opdeweegh, Bert Vaes, Geert Goderis et Marjan Van Den Akker
1 November 2018 | ARTICLE
N-back training and transfer effects revealed by behavioral responses and EEG
INTRODUCTION: Cognitive function performance decreases in older individuals compared to young adults. To curb this decline, cognitive training is applied, but it is not clear whether it improves only the trained task or also other cognitive functi...
Auteurs: Valentina Pergher, Benjamin Wittevrongel, Jos Tournoy, Birgitte Schoenmakers et Marc M Van Hulle
Auteurs: Ton Kuijpers, Mieke Vermandere, Trudy Bekkering, Bert Aertgeerts et Jako Burgers
25 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Point-of-care CRP matters: normal CRP levels reduce immediate antibiotic prescribing for acutely ill children in primary care: a cluster randomized controlled trial
OBJECTIVE: Antibiotics are prescribed too often in acutely ill children in primary care. We examined whether a Point-of-Care (POC) C-reactive Protein (CRP) test influences the family physicians' (FP) prescribing rate and adherence to the Evidence ...
Auteurs: Marieke B Lemiengre, Jan Y Verbakel, Roos Colman, Kaatje Van Roy, Tine De Burghgraeve, Frank Buntinx, Bert Aertgeerts, Frans De Baets et An De Sutter
20 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Interventions for frail community-dwelling older adults have no significant effect on adverse outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: According to some studies, interventions can prevent or delay frailty, but their effect in preventing adverse outcomes in frail community-dwelling older people is unclear. The aim is to investigate the effect of an intervention on adve...
Auteurs: Michael Van der Elst, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Daan Duppen, Deborah Lambotte, Bram Fret, Bert Vaes et Jan De Lepeleire
16 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Point-of-care C-reactive protein to assist in primary care management of children with suspected non-serious lower respiratory tract infection: a randomised controlled trial.
Background: Overprescription of antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) in children is common, partly due to diagnostic uncertainty, in which case the addition of point-of-care (POC) C-reactive protein (CRP) testing can be of ai...
Auteurs: Marjolein Jc Schot, Ann Van den Bruel, Berna Dl Broekhuizen, Jochen Wl Cals, Eveline A Noteboom, Walter Balemans, Rogier M Hopstaken, Sanne van Delft, Niek J de Wit et Theo Jm Verheij
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: A Van Den Bruel
Auteurs: Sophie Opsomer et Jan De Lepeleire
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Does dual-task training improve spatiotemporal gait parameters in Parkinson's disease?
INTRODUCTION: The DUALITY trial recently showed that both integrated and consecutive dual-task training improve dual-task gait velocity, without increasing fall risks in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Gait velocity was the primary outcome...
Auteurs: Christian Geroin, Jorik Nonnekes, Nienke M de Vries, Carolien Strouwen, Nicola Smania, Michele Tinazzi, Alice Nieuwboer et Bastiaan R Bloem
1 October 2018 | OTHER
Integrated assessment: workshop
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Impact of a clinical decision support system for drug dosage in patients with renal failure
Background A clinical decision support system (CDSS) linked to the computerized physician order entry may help improve prescription appropriateness in inpatients with renal insufficiency. Objective To evaluate the impact on prescription appropriat...
Auteurs: Sophie Desmedt, Anne Spinewine, Michel Jadoul, Severine Henrard, Dominique Wouters et Olivia Dalleur
Auteurs: Bernard Duvivier, Johanne Bolijn, Annemarie Koster, Casper Schalkwijk, Hans HCM Savelberg et Nicolaas C Schaper
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Belgian Nursing Homes: Prevalence and Associated Factors
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to describe the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs) in Belgian nursing homes and to identify characteristics of residents, general practitioners (...
Auteurs: Pauline MS Anrys, Goedele C Strauven, Veerle Foulon, Jean-Marie Degryse, Severine Henrard et Anne Spinewine
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Is "chronic kidney disease" a disease?
Several philosophers of medicine have attempted to answer the question "what is disease?" In current clinical practice, an umbrella term "chronic kidney disease" (CKD) encompasses a wide range of kidney health states from commonly prevalent subcli...
Auteurs: Benjamin TH Smart, Richard J Stevens et Jan Y Verbakel
Auteurs: I Kindts, A Laenen, M van den Akker et C Weltens
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
The Relation Between Thyroid Function and Anemia: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Participant Data
CONTEXT: Anemia and thyroid dysfunction often co-occur, and both increase with age. Human data on relationships between thyroid disease and anemia are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between clin...
Auteurs: Daisy M Wopereis, Robert S Du Puy, Diana van Heemst, John P Walsh, Alexandra Bremner, Stephan JL Bakker, Douglas C Bauer, Anne R Cappola, Graziano Ceresini, Jean Degryse, Robin PF Dullaart, Martin Feller, Luigi Ferrucci, Carmen Floriani, Oscar H Franco, Massimo Iacoviello, Georgio Iervasi, Misa Imaizumi, J Wouter Jukema, Kay-Tee Khaw, Robert N Luben, Sabrina Molinaro, Matthias Nauck, Kushang V Patel, Robin P Peeters, Bruce M Psaty, Salman Razvi, Roger K Schindhelm, Natasja M van Schoor, David J Stott, Bert Vaes, Mark PJ Vanderpump, Henry Voelzke, Rudi GJ Westendorp, Nicolas Rodondi, Christa M Cobbaert, Jacobijn Gussekloo et Wendy PJ den Elzen
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Designing a Patient Portal for Patient-Centered Care: Cross-Sectional Survey
BACKGROUND: In recent literature, patient portals are considered as important tools for the delivery of patient-centered care. To date, it is not clear how patients would conceptualize a patient portal and which health information needs they have ...
Auteurs: SA Van den Bulck, R Hermens, K Slegers, B Vandenberghe, G Goderis et P Vankrunkelsven
1 October 2018 | OTHER
Can proxy assessments serve as a first screener for identifying people at risk for multidimensional frailty? (vol 9, pg 501, 2018)
© 2018, The Author(s). The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. In section “Frailty” (Material and methods), the cut-off score for overall frailty was incorrect.
Auteurs: Anne van der Vorst, GA Rixt Zijlstra, Nico De Witte, Jan De Lepeleire, Gertrudis IJM Kempen et Jos MGA Schols
Auteurs: Rob Bielen, Geert Robaeys, Ozgur M Koc, Dana Busschots, Bert Vaes, Geert Goderis, Catharina Mathei, Bert Aertgeerts et Frederik Nevens
1 October 2018 | ARTICLE
Health Data for Research Through a Nationwide Privacy-Proof System in Belgium: Design and Implementation

BACKGROUND: Health data collected during routine care have important potential for reuse for other purposes, especially as part of a learning health system to advance the quality of care. Many sources of bias have been identified through the li...

Auteurs: N Delvaux, B Aertgeerts, JC van Bussel, G Goderis, B Vaes et M Vermandere
26 September 2018 | OTHER
Introduction to pragmatic trials.
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Kay Wang, Jan Verbakel, Alex Fleming-Nouri, Josh Brewin, Jason Oke, Ian Pavord et Mike Thomas
Auteurs: Kay Wang, Jan Verbakel, Alex Fleming-Nouri, Josh Brewin, Jason Oke, Ian Pavord et Mike Thomas
7 September 2018 | ARTICLE
Losing Health Symbols Because of Nutrition-Related Problems in Advanced Cancer: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
The outcome of stressors challenging well-being is mediated by the meaning attached to these stressors. Consequently, increased insight and knowledge about the meaning patients and family caregivers attach to nutrition-related problems is paramou...
Auteurs: Sophie Opsomer, Sofie Joossens, Claudia DEWIT, Emelien Lauwerier et Peter PYPE
Auteurs: OJG Schiepers, S Kohler, K Deckers, K Irving, CA O'Donnell, M van den Akker, FRJ Verhey, SJB Vos, ME de Vugt et MPJ van Boxtel
1 September 2018 | ARTICLE
'I've put diabetes completely on the shelf till the mental stuff is in place'. How patients with doctor-assessed impaired self-care perceive disease, self-care, and support from general practitioners. A qualitative study.
OBJECTIVE: This paper investigated patients' experiences of disease and self-care as well as perceptions of the general practitioner's role in supporting patients with impaired self-care ability. DESIGN: Qualitative interviews with 13 patients wit...
Auteurs: Mads Aage Toft Kristensen, Ann Dorrit Guassora, Anne Beiter Arreskov, Frans Boch Waldorff et Bibi Hølge-Hazelton