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8 June 2023 | OTHER
Accuracy of routine laboratory tests to predict mortality and deterioration to severe or critical COVID-19 in people with SARS-CoV-2
Background: Estimating the risk of severe outcomes for SARS-CoV-2 patients can help prioritise medical care. Questions: Can routine blood-based laboratory tests help predict mortality and deterioration from mild/moderate to severe/critical COVID-1...
Auteurs: Liselore De Rop, Inge Stegeman, Gea Holtman, Rene Spijker, Mariska Leeflang, David Bos, Jenifer Otieno, Fade Alkhlaileh, Eleanor Ochodo et Jan Verbakel
8 June 2023 | OTHER
Prospective performance evaluation of the miDiagnostics COVID-19 PCR Test for rapid SARS-CoV-2 detection on nasopharyngeal swabs
Background: Rapid diagnosis or exclusion of SARS-CoV-2 infection is essential for correct medical management decisions regarding COVID-19. Laboratory-based qRT-PCR testing is accurate but time-consuming, while rapid antigen tests show moderate sen...
Auteurs: David Bos, katrien Lagrou et jan Verbakel
3 June 2023 | ARTICLE
Incidence, prevalence, and co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders over time and by age, sex, and socioeconomic status: a population-based cohort study of 22 million individuals in the UK
BACKGROUND: A rise in the incidence of some autoimmune disorders has been described. However, contemporary estimates of the overall incidence of autoimmune diseases and trends over time are scarce and inconsistent. We aimed to investigate the inci...
Auteurs: Nathalie Conrad, Shivani Misra, Jan Verbakel, Geert Verbeke, Geert Molenberghs, Peter Taylor, Justin Mason, Naveed Sattar, John McMurray, Iain McInnes, Kamlesh Khunti et Geraldine Cambridge
Auteurs: L Kasaven, S Saso, J Barcroft, N Galazis, K Grewal, T Bracewell Milnes, B Jones, N Getreu, J Ben Nagi, R Smith, J Yazbek, D Timmerman, T Bourne, S Ghaem-Maghami et J Verbakel
1 June 2023 | ARTICLE
The Relationship of Continuity of Care, Polypharmacy and Medication Appropriateness: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies
INTRODUCTION: Worldwide, polypharmacy and medication appropriateness-related outcomes (MARO) are growing public health concerns associated with potentially inappropriate prescribing, adverse health effects, and avoidable costs to health systems. C...
Auteurs: David Lampe, John Grosser, Daniel Gensorowsky, Julian Witte, Christiane Muth, Marjan van den Akker, Truc Sophia Dinh et Wolfgang Greiner
30 May 2023 | ARTICLE
Guidance on C-reactive protein point-of-care testing and complementary strategies to improve antibiotic prescribing for adults with lower respiratory tract infections in primary care
The world faces the threat of increasing antimicrobial resistance, and there is growing consensus that swift action must be taken to improve the rational use of antibiotics and increase the stewardship of antibiotics to safeguard this key resource...
Auteurs: Oliver Van Hecke, Lars Bjerrum, Ivan Gentile, Rogier Hopstaken, Hasse Melbye, Andreas Plate, Jan Y Verbakel, Carl Llor et Annamaria Staiano
23 May 2023 | ARTICLE
Prospective Performance Evaluation of the miDiagnostics COVID-19 PCR Test for Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Detection on Nasopharyngeal Swabs
Rapid diagnosis or exclusion of SARS-CoV-2 infection is essential for correct medical management decisions regarding COVID-19. High-throughput laboratory-based reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR testing is accurate with longer turnaround times, while ...
Auteurs: David AG Bos, Katrien Lagrou et Jan YY Verbakel
22 May 2023 | ARTICLE
Digital encounter decision aids linked to clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing SHARE-IT decision aids in primary care
BACKGROUND: Encounter decision aids (EDAs) are tools that can support shared decision making (SDM), up to the clinical encounter. However, adoption of these tools has been limited, as they are hard to produce, to keep up-to-date, and are not avail...
Auteurs: Pieter Van Bostraeten, Bert Aertgeerts, Geertruida Bekkering, Nicolas Delvaux, Anna Haers, Matisse Vanheeswyck, Alexander Vandekendelaere, Niels van der Auwera, Charlotte Dijckmans, Elise Ostyn, Willem Soontjens, Wout Matthysen, Noemie Schenk, Lien Mertens, Jasmien Jaeken, Thomas Agoritsas et Mieke Vermandere
Auteurs: Laure Sillis, Veerle Foulon, Karel Allegaert, Annick Bogaerts, Maarten De Vos, Titia Hompes, Anne Smits, Kristel Van Calsteren, Jan Verbakel et Michael Ceulemans
Auteurs: Vasiliki Andreou, Helena Demey, Olivia De Ruyck, Mieke Embo, Oona Janssens, Marieke Robbrecht, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Martin Valcke, Myriam Van Winckel et Clara Wasiak
Auteurs: Hannelore Dillen et Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel, bert Aertgeerts, Nicolas Delvaux et emmy De Buck
3 May 2023 | ARTICLE
Occupational therapy in multiple sclerosis
Objectives This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: Main objective To assess the benefits and harms of occupational therapy interventions for improving daily functioning, participation, and quality of...
Auteurs: Daphne Kos, Isaline Eijssen, Geertruida E Bekkering, Marleen De Coninck, Ciara O'Meara, Marja Koen et Sinéad M Hynes
1 May 2023 | OTHER
Miniature nr. 2
Composition for solo piano.
Auteurs: Simon Beerten
1 May 2023 | ARTICLE
"At the time I only wanted to relieve stress": Exploring motivation for behaviour change in long-term hypnotic users
BACKGROUND: Motivating patients to discontinue long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonist (BZRA) use for insomnia remains an important challenge in primary care because of the medication's unfavourable risk-benefit profile. Previous studies have sh...
Auteurs: Kristien Coteur, Marc Van Nuland, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Kris Van den Broeck et Sibyl Anthierens
1 May 2023 | ARTICLE
Vaccinatie tegen invasieve meningokokkenziekte: waarom een herziening van de huidige vaccinatiestrategie nodig is.
Wat is bekend? Invasieve meningokokkenziekte is een zeldzame, maar ernstige en mogelijk dodelijke aandoening. De incidentie piekt bij zuigelingen en adolescenten. Wat is nieuw? De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie wil invasieve meningokokkenziekte uitr...
Auteurs: Marc Raes, David Tuerlinckx, Marek Wojciechowski, Wesley Mattheus, Laurence Derycker, Kathleen Billaert, Jean-Michel Heine et Jan Verbakel
1 May 2023 | ARTICLE
Validation of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antibody test in general practice
OBJECTIVES: To validate a rapid serological test (RST) for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies used in seroprevalence studies in healthcare providers, including primary healthcare providers (PHCPs) in Belgium. DESIGN: A phase III validation study of the RST (Or...
Auteurs: Julie Domen, Jan Yvan Jos Verbakel, Niels Adriaenssens, Beatrice Scholtes, Bart Peeters, Robin Bruyndonckx, An De Sutter, Stefan Heytens, Ann van den Bruel, Isabelle Desombere, Pierre Van Damme, Herman Goossens, Laetitia Buret, Els Duysburgh et Samuel Coenen
1 May 2023 | OTHER
Ocean Rag
Composition for solo piano in ragtime style.
Auteurs: Simon Beerten
1 May 2023 | OTHER
Miniature nr. 1
Composition for solo piano.
Auteurs: Simon Beerten
1 May 2023 | OTHER
Miniature nr. 3
Composition for solo piano.
Auteurs: Simon Beerten
21 April 2023 | ARTICLE
The health and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Belgium from 2013 to 2018

INTRODUCTION: Low back pain (LBP), neck pain (NKP), osteoarthritis (OST) and rheumatoid arthritis (RHE) are among the musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders causing the greatest disability in terms of Years Lived with Disability. The current study aim...

Auteurs: Vanessa Gorasso, Johan van der Heyden, Robby De Pauw, Ingrid Pelgrims, Eva M De Clercq, Karin De Ridder, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Stijn Vansteelandt, Bert Vaes, Delphine De Smedt et Brecht Devleesschauwer
18 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Clinical prediction models for serious infections in children: external validation in ambulatory care
Background Early distinction between mild and serious infections (SI) is challenging in children in ambulatory care. Clinical prediction models (CPMs), developed to aid physicians in clinical decision-making, require broad external validation befo...
Auteurs: David Bos, Tine De Burghgraeve, An De Sutter, Frank Buntinx et Jan Verbakel
12 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Blended care to discontinue benzodiazepine receptor agonists use in patients with chronic insomnia disorder: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care
STUDY OBJECTIVES: International guidelines recommend using benzodiazepine receptor agonists (BZRA) for maximally four weeks. Nevertheless, long-term use for chronic insomnia disorder remains a common practice. This study aimed to test the effectiv...
Auteurs: Kristien Coteur, Gilles Henrard, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Annouschka Laenen, Kris van den Broeck, An De Sutter, Sibyl Anthierens, Dirk Devroey, Nadine Kacenelenbogen, Anne-Marie Offermans et Marc Van Nuland
11 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Impact of a postpartum care rehabilitation program to prevent postpartum depression at a secondary municipal hospital in Qingdao China: a cross-sectional study
BACKGROUND: The emerging postpartum rehabilitation (PPR) program in Chinese hospitals characterized by applying ongoing medical care through traditional cultural practices shows a protective effect in early puerperium in China. This study explores...
Auteurs: Xiaoqian Zhang, Xiaoli Zuo, Catharina Mathei, Bert Aertgeerts, Masoud Afnan, Tang Li, Frank Buntinx et Mieke Vermandere
7 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Trends in oral anticoagulant prescription in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in Flanders and the impact of switching patients from vitamin K antagonists to DOACS in terms of the burden caused by complications of the disease: a registry-based study

CONTEXT: Since the introduction of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for the treatment of nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (Afib), oral anticoagulants (OACs) prescription has evolved. AIM: We aim first to explore the OACs prescription behaviour...

Auteurs: Elvire Nakhoul, Bert Vaes, Pavlos Mamouris et Jean-Marie Degryse
3 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Cost-effectiveness of point-of-care interventions to tackle inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics in high- and middle-income countries: A Systematic Review
BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is propagated by widespread inappropriate use of antibiotics. In response, point-of-care interventions (POCIs) have been developed in primary care to preserve antibiotic effectiveness. Many of these POCIs...
Auteurs: Erinn D'hulster, Tine De Burghgraeve, Jeroen Luyten et jan Verbakel
3 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Culture-based prescribing to improve mental health: a scoping review protocol
Objective: The objective of this review is to investigate what is known about culture-based prescribing to improve mental health and well-being. Introduction: Culture-based prescribing, where a person is referred by a clinical professional to an a...
Auteurs: Geertruida Bekkering, Marleen Corremans, Marco Gemignani, Nancy Gerber, Lode Goderis, Sumuttana Kaewma, Adchara Khammathi, Jonas Steel et Karin Hannes
Auteurs: Kristien Coteur, Marc Van Nuland, Catharina Mathei, Sibyl Anthierens et Kris Van den Broeck
1 April 2023 | ARTICLE
Mixed-methods evaluation of a multifaceted heart failure intervention in general practice: the OSCAR-HF pilot study
AIMS: Heart failure (HF) is an important health problem for which multidisciplinary care is recommended, yet few studies involve primary care practitioners in the multidisciplinary management of HF. We set up a multifaceted prospective observation...
Auteurs: Miek Smeets, Willem Raat, Bert Aertgeerts, Joris Penders, Jan Vercammen, Walter Droogne, Wilfried Mullens, Stefan Janssens et Bert Vaes
Auteurs: Kristien Coteur, Catharina Mathei, Birgitte Schoenmakers et Marc Van Nuland