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Auteurs: Kristien Scheepmans, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Louis Paquay, Hendrik Van Gansbeke et Koen Milisen
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
The use of 2D-electrophoresis and de novo sequencing to characterize inter- and intra-cultivar protein polymorphisms in an allopolyploid crop
Polyploidy and allopolyploidy have played an important role in the evolution of many plants and crops. Several techniques exist to characterize allopolyploid varieties. Analyzing the consequences of genomic reorganization at the gDNA level is a pr...
Auteurs: Sebastien Carpentier, Bart Panis, J Renaut, B Samyn, A Vertommen, Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Rony Swennen et K Sergeant
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Hoge incidentie van hematologische kankers in de provincie Limburg: het gevolg van een betere reigstratie?
The total number of primary haematological cancers, diagnosed in the province of Limburg (Belgium) in the period 1998-2005 amounted to 3,198 (1,777 = 56% in males). European standardized incidence rates per 100,000 patient-years in males were 2.7 ...
Auteurs: JL Rummens, S Vijgen, Frank Buntinx, E Cloes, L Linsen, K Hensen, L Op de Beeck, J Vanden Brande, D Dhollander, D Lathouwers, E Meekers et Daniël Lousbergh
Auteurs: Sven Seys, Wim Adriaensen, Ellen Dilissen, marcin grabowski, Ann Decraene, Jan Ceuppens, Lieven Dupont et Dominique Bullens
Auteurs: Milind Saudi, Tine De Burghgraeve et Arthur Van Aerschot
Auteurs: V Ridde et P Cloos
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
[Impact of the use of point of care devices on the morbidity and the mortality of patients with oral anticoagulation].
The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of International Normalized Ratio testing by point of care devices, on morbidity and mortality of patients treated with oral anticoagulants, in comparison with usual testing in laboratory.A sys...
Auteurs: J Gailly et A Van den Bruel
1 January 2011 | BOOK CHAPTER
Multimorbidity: The impact on health systems and their development
© OECD 2011. This chapter provides an overview of the descriptive epidemiology of multimorbidity in terms of its prevalence and distribution within the population and its associations with mortality, functional status and quality of life, and heal...
Auteurs: B Guthrie, S Wyke, J Gunn, M Van Den Akker et S Mercer
1 January 2011 | BOOK CHAPTER
Mensen komen naar de arts
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland et Jo Goedhuys
1 January 2011 | OTHER
Total burden of chronic diseases among older cancer patients
Introduction: Both chronic diseases and cancer are associated with ageing. As the population ages, also the number of older cancer patients with comorbidity will increase dramatically. In the future, general practitioners will be confronted with o...
Auteurs: Laura Deckx, Marjan van den Akker, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Job Metsemakers, André Knottnerus, François Schellevis et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Liesbeth Daniels, Jan Vanschoenbeek, Dirk Avonts et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: E Geelen, A Krumeich, H van der Boom, F Schellevis et Marjan van den Akker
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Keuring van jonge competitieve sporters in de huisartsenpraktijk
Achtergrond E r lijkt een gebrek aan een uniforme aanpak bij het keuren van jonge, competitieve sporters en richtlijnen hieromtrent binnen de huisartsenpraktijk. D oel Nagaan wat de beste aanpak is van een gesystematiseerd keuringsonderzoek in een...
Auteurs: A Van Roey, Bert Aertgeerts, H Celen et P Vanbelle
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Evidence-Based African First Aid Guidelines and Training Materials
Stijn Van de Velde and colleagues describe the African First Aid Materials project, which developed evidence-based guidelines on administering first aid in the African context as well as training materials to support the implementation of the guid...
Auteurs: Stijn Van de Velde, Emmy De Buck, Philippe Vandekerckhove et Jimmy Volmink
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
DNA Methylation Variability at Growth-Related Imprints Does not Contribute to Overweight in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for BMI
Defective genomic imprinting is often associated with syndromes that include abnormal growth as a clinical phenotype. However, whether differential methylation at imprinted loci also contributes to nonsyndromic abnormal body weight regulation is y...
Auteurs: Nicole YP Souren, Sascha Tierling, Jean-Pierre Fryns, Catherine Derom, Jörn Walter et Maurice P Zeegers
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Medical education in Albania: Challenges and opportunities
Albania is a small south-eastern European country still recovering from almost half a century of a fierce communist regime. While major reform and support have focused on healthcare and higher education (HE) in the past decade, there have not been...
Auteurs: Eralda Turkeshi
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Cytological screening for cervical cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium
Cervical cancer screening in Belgium is mainly opportunistic with periodic attempts to organize it according to the European guidelines. In the province of Limburg (north-east Belgium), a cervical cytology registry was set up in collaboration with...
Auteurs: Marc Arbyn, An Van Nieuwenhuyse, Johannes Bogers, Eric De Jonge, Lode Op De Beeck, Cathy Matheï et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Validation of the IMMIDIET Food Frequency Questionnaire in an adult Belgian population: A report from the Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer risk
We evaluated the performance of the IMMIDIET food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) used to collect dietary data for the Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer. Thirty-seven men and women aged 50 years and older were recruited from the Universit...
Auteurs: M Brinkman, E Kellen, MP Zeegers, M Van Dongen, P Dagnelie, Erik Muls et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
To screen or not to screen for peripheral arterial disease in subjects aged 80 and over in primary health care: a cross-sectional analysis from the BELFRAIL study
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is common in older people. An ankle-brachial index (ABI) < 0.9 can be used as an indicator of PAD. Patients with low ABI have increased mortality and a higher risk of serious cardiovascular morbidity. However, bec...
Auteurs: Stein Bergiers, Bert Vaes et Jean-Marie Degryse
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
European genome-wide association study identifies SLC14A1 as a new urinary bladder cancer susceptibility gene
Three genome-wide association studies in Europe and the USA have reported eight urinary bladder cancer (UBC) susceptibility loci. Using extended case and control series and 1000 Genomes imputations of 5 340 737 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP...
Auteurs: Thorunn Rafnar, Sita H Vermeulen, Patrick Sulem, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Katja K Aben, J Alfred Witjes, Anne J Grotenhuis, Gerald W Verhaegh, Christina A Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, Soren Besenbacher, Daniel Gudbjartsson, Simon N Stacey, Julius Gudmundsson, Hrefna Johannsdottir, Hjordis Bjarnason, Carlo Zanon, Hafdis Helgadottir, Jon Gunnlaugur Jonasson, Laufey Tryggvadottir, Eirikur Jonsson, Gudmundur Geirsson, Sigfus Nikulasson, Vigdis Petursdottir, D Timothy Bishop, Sei Chung-Sak, Ananya Choudhury, Faye Elliott, Jennifer H Barrett, Margaret A Knowles, Petra J de Verdier, Charlotta Ryk, Annika Lindblom, Peter Rudnai, Eugene Gurzau, Kvetoslava Koppova, Paolo Vineis, Silvia Polidoro, Simonetta Guarrera, Carlotta Sacerdote, Angeles Panadero, Jose I Sanz-Velez, Manuel Sanchez, Gabriel Valdivia, Maria D Garcia-Prats, Jan G Hengstler, Silvia Selinski, Holger Gerullis, Daniel Ovsiannikov, Abdolaziz Khezri, Alireza Aminsharifi, Mahyar Malekzadeh, Leonard H van den Berg, Roel A Ophoff, Jan H Veldink, Maurice P Zeegers, Eliane Kellen, Jacopo Fostinelli, Daniele Andreoli, Cecilia Arici, Stefano Porru, Frank Buntinx, Abbas Ghaderi, Klaus Golka, Jose I Mayordomo, Giuseppe Matullo, Rajiv Kumar, Gunnar Steineck, Anne E Kiltie, Augustine Kong, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Kari Stefansson et Lambertus A Kiemeney
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Etienne De Clercq, Viviane Van Casteren, Johan Wens, Nathalie Bossuy, Sarah Moreels, Frank Buntinx et Stephaan Bartholomeeusen
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Patients' experiences with patient-centered care are associated with documented outcome of care indicators for diabetes: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
Assessment of diabetes care quality increasingly integrates measurements of patient perceptions. With escalating demand for diabetic services, it is critical to evaluate patients' experiences with patient-centred care and their association with ou...
Auteurs: L Borgermans, G Goderis, C Van Den Broecke, Geert Verbeke, A Carbonez, A Ivanova, Chantal Mathieu et J Heyrman
1 January 2011 | BOOK
Aan weerszijden van de stetoscoop
De huisarts wordt steeds meer en steeds beter omringd en ondersteund door wetenschappelijke gegevens die het medisch handelen beter en meer onderbouwen. Dat is een goede evolutie. De realiteit leert echter dat communicatie de belangrijkste hulp is...
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire et Manu Keirse
1 January 2011 | OTHER
Chronic diseases among older cancer patients
Introduction: With the growing number of older cancer patients, the burden of chronic diseases among older cancer patients will become increasingly important. Chronic diseases often interfere with treatment decisions and prognosis for cancer patie...
Auteurs: Laura Deckx, Marjan van den Akker, Job Metsemakers, André Knottnerus, François Schellevis et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2011 | OTHER
The Klimop-study: Older cancer patients in Limburg. Baseline results of a cohort study
Introduction: Cancer is largely a disease of older patients. Previous studies on older cancer patients have focussed on the characteristics of this patient group, their ability to tolerate treatment and the use of geriatric assessment tools. Howev...
Auteurs: Laura Deckx, Marjan van den Akker, Liesbeth Daniels, Paul Bulens, Piet Stinissen, Franchette van den Berkmortel, Vivianne Tjan-Heijnen et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: S Aarts, Marjan van den Akker, F Tan, F Verhey, J Metsemakers et M van Boxtel
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Karin Hannes et Jacques Vanobbergen
Auteurs: A Van Den Bruel, T Haj-Hassan, M Thompson, F Buntinx et D Mant
Auteurs: V Ridde et P Cloos
1 January 2011 | ARTICLE
Dealing with low-incident serious diseases in general practice
Cost-effective health care depends on high-quality triage. The most challenging aspect of triage, which GPs confront on a regular basis, is diagnosing rare but serious disease. Failure to shoulder any risk in this situation overloads the health sy...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, D Mant, A Van den Bruel, N Donner-Banzhof et GJ Dinant