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1 June 2010 | ARTICLE
The BELFRAIL (BFC80+) study: a population-based prospective cohort study of the very elderly in Belgium
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In coming decades the proportion of very elderly people living in the Western world will dramatically increase. This forthcoming "grey epidemic" will lead to an explosion of chronic diseases. In order to anticipate booming he...
Auteurs: Bert Vaes, Agnes Pasquet, Pierre Wallemacq, Nawel Rezzoug, Hassan Mekouar, Pierre-Alexandre Olivier, Delphine Legrand, Cathy Matheï, Gijs Van Pottelbergh et Jean-Marie Degryse
1 June 2010 | DISSERTATION
Effective Responses to the Clinical Challenges in Chronic Care Delivery: Findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
Doeltreffende Antwoorden op de Klinische Uitdagingen in de Chronische Zo rg: Bevindingen van het Diabetes Project Leuven. De laatste 20 jaar werd een dramatisch sterke stijging van de prevalenti e van Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 waargenomen. De z...
Auteurs: Geert Goderis
Auteurs: S Mourad, RPMG Hermens, WLDM Nelen, RPTM Grol et JAM Kremer
1 June 2010 | ARTICLE
Factors determining the impact of care-giving on caregivers of elderly patients with dementia. A systematic literature review
INTRODUCTION: Dementia caregivers suffer a considerable care burden. More than in comparable groups of caregivers or peers, they are confronted with feelings of depression and decreased physical health. Although many studies are set up to determin...
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx et Jan De Lepeleire
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel, Marieke Lemiengre, An De Sutter, Bert Aertgeerts et Frank Buntinx
1 May 2010 | ARTICLE
Prevalence estimates of multimorbidity: a comparative study of two sources
Background: Published prevalence studies on multimorbidity present diverse data collection methods, sources of data, targeted age groups, diagnoses considered and study populations, making the comparability of prevalence estimates questionable. Th...
Auteurs: Martin Fortin, Catherine Hudon, Jeannie Haggerty, Marjan van den Akker et Jose Almirall
1 May 2010 | ARTICLE
The use of human tissue in epidemiological research; ethical and legal considerations in two biobanks in Belgium
This paper discusses the legal implications of setting up two new biobanks in Belgium. The first is hospital-based and will archive tissue from patients with haematologic cancer, whereas the second is linked to a general practice based morbidity r...
Auteurs: Carla Truyers, Eliane Kellen, Marc Arbyn, Leen Trommelmans, Herman Nys, Karen Hensen, Bert Aertgeerts, Stefaan Bartholomeeusen, Mats Hansson et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Matthew J Thompson et Ann Van den Bruel
16 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Zorgtrajecten: het debat
Auteurs: Geert Goderis et Marc Lemiengre
Auteurs: Liesbeth Borgermans, Geert Goderis, Marielle Ouwens, Chantal Mathieu, Carine Van Den Broeke, Karin Hannes, Jan Heyrman et Richard Grol
6 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Supporting family carers of community-dwelling elder with cognitive decline: a randomized controlled trial
Objective. Caring for a patient with cognitive decline has an important impact on the general well-being of family caregivers. Although highly appreciated, interventions in dementia home care remain mainly ineffective in terms of well-being. Conse...
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx et Jan De Lepeleire
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Variation in guideline adherence in intrauterine insemination care
Health-care delivery according to clinical practice guidelines is thought to be critical in achieving optimal outcomes. This study aimed to assess the extent to which practice performance in intrauterine insemination (IUI) care is consistent with ...
Auteurs: Esther C Haagen, Willianne LDM Nelen, Richard PTM Grol, Didi DM Braat, Rosella PMG Hermens et Jan AM Kremer
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Preventie van suïcide: Hoe het suïciderisico detecteren en taxeren?
Suïcidaliteit is een complex en multifactorieel probleem. Centraal staat een onevenwicht tussen beschermende en risicoverhogende factoren. Dit derde artikel in de reeks over suïcidepreventie wil huisartsen een leidraad bieden om suïcidaliteit bij ...
Auteurs: L De Deken, E Van Rossem, L Pas et Marc Van Nuland
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Zorg voor patiënten met diabetes type 2. Samenwerking is noodzakelijk!
Dit onderzoek evalueerde de ‘normale’ diabeteszorg in de regio Leuven, voorafgaand aan het kwaliteitsverbeteringsprogramma van het ‘Diabetes Project Leuven’. De resultaten van deze studie pleiten voor een betere integratie van de verschillende zor...
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, L Borgermans, J Heyrman, C Van den Broeke, R Grol, B Boland et C Mathieu
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Diversiteit in de diabeteszorgprogramma's
Deze systematische review bevestigt dat er een belangrijke diversiteit is in de diabeteszorgprogramma’s en de gerelateerde kwaliteitsindicatoren. Geen enkel conceptueel raamwerk biedt een volledig beeld van de attributen van hoogkwalitatieve diabe...
Auteurs: Liesbeth Borgermans, Geert Goderis, M Ouwens, J Wens, J Heyrman et R Grol
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Minerals and vitamins and the risk of bladder cancer: results from the New Hampshire Study
OBJECTIVE: Although the effect of fruit and vegetables on the risk of bladder cancer has been widely studied, little is known about their micronutrient components. Our aim was to investigate associations between minerals and vitamins and bladder c...
Auteurs: Maree T Brinkman, Margaret R Karagas, Michael Scott Zens, Alan Schned, Raoul C Reulen et Maurice P Zeegers
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Pressure ulcer prevention: Development and psychometric validation of a knowledge assessment instrument
BACKGROUND: Profound knowledge of pressure ulcers is important to enable good prevention. Validity and reliability of instruments assessing pressure ulcer knowledge are limited evaluated in previous research. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To develop a vali...
Auteurs: D Beeckman, K Vanderwee, L Demarre, L Paquay, A Van Hecke et T Defloor
1 April 2010 | ARTICLE
Start improving the quality of care for people with type 2 diabetes through a general practice support program: A cluster randomized trial
AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of a two-arm quality improvement program (QIP) to support general practice with limited tradition in chronic care on type 2 diabetes patient outcomes. METHODS: During 18 months, we performed a cluster randomized...
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Liesbeth Borgermans, Richard Grol, Carine Van Den Broeke, Benoit Boland, Geert Verbeke, An Carbonez, Chantal Mathieu et Jan Heyrman
6 March 2010 | ARTICLE
Diagnostic value of clinical features at presentation to identify serious infection in children in developed countries: a systematic review
Background Our aim was to identify which clinical features have value in confi rming or excluding the possibility of serious infection in children presenting to ambulatory care settings in developed countries. Methods In this systematic review, we...
Auteurs: Ann Van den Bruel, Tanya Haj-Hassan, Matthew Thompson, Frank Buntinx, D Mant et European Research Network on Recognising Serious Infection investigators
1 March 2010 | ARTICLE
Biomarkers in bladder cancer
Detailed molecular insights into bladder cancer biology might allow more detailed prognostication and optimization of treatment with the objective of improving patient outcome and quality of life. However, in bladder cancer research the search for...
Auteurs: Richard T Bryan, Maurice P Zeegers, Nicholas D James, D Michael A Wallace et Kar Keung Cheng
1 March 2010 | ARTICLE
The West Midlands Bladder Cancer Prognosis Programme: rationale and design
OBJECTIVE To describe the rationale and design of the Bladder Cancer Prognosis Programme (BCPP), and to demonstrate the capability of this design. METHODS There is a need to understand the determinants of bladder cancer to help reduce recurrence, ...
Auteurs: Maurice P Zeegers, Richard T Bryan, Carolyn Langford, Lucinda Billingham, Paul Murray, Neeta S Deshmukh, Syed Hussain, Nick James, D Michael A Wallace et KK Cheng
1 March 2010 | ARTICLE
Health inequalities in the Caribbean: increasing opportunities and resources
Social inequalities in health are not a priority in the Caribbean region. However, a few studies suggested such disparities and indicators show important socioeconomic disparities between and within countries. There are indications that government...
Auteurs: Patrick Cloos
1 March 2010 | ARTICLE
Learning and Caring in Communities of Practice: Using Relationships and Collective Learning to Improve Primary Care for Patients with Multimorbidity
We introduce a primary care practice model for caring for patients with multimorbidity. Primary care for these patients requires flexibility and ongoing coordination, and it often must be tailored to individual circumstances. Such complex and flex...
Auteurs: Hassan Soubhi, Elizabeth A Bayliss, Martin Fortin, Catherine Hudon, Marjan van den Akker, Robert Thivierge, Nancy Posel et David Fleiszer
1 March 2010 | ARTICLE
Meta-analysis: excess mortality after hip fracture among older women and men
BACKGROUND: Although an increased risk for death after hip fracture is well established, whether this excess mortality persists over time is unclear. PURPOSE: To determine the magnitude and duration of excess mortality after hip fracture in older ...
Auteurs: Patrick Haentjens, Jay Magaziner, Cathleen Colón-Emeric, Dirk Vanderschueren, Koen Milisen, Brigitte Velkeniers et Steven Boonen
17 February 2010 | ARTICLE
Physical examination for lumbar radiculopathy due to disc herniation in patients with low-back pain
BACKGROUND: Low-back pain with leg pain (sciatica) may be caused by a herniated intervertebral disc exerting pressure on the nerve root. Most patients will respond to conservative treatment, but in carefully selected patients, surgical discectomy ...
Auteurs: DA van der Windt, E Simons, II Riphagen, C Ammendolia, AP Verhagen, M Laslett, W Devillé, RA Deyo, LM Bouter, HC de Vet et Bert Aertgeerts
1 February 2010 | ARTICLE
Development of guideline-based quality indicators for recurrent miscarriage
Recurrent miscarriage (RM) is a multifactorial clinical problem. Guidelines have been published to guide evidence-based clinical practice in RM. To measure adherence to these guidelines in daily practice and to monitor quality of care delivered in...
Auteurs: E van den Boogaard, M Goddijn, NJ Leschot, F van der Veen, JAM Kremer et RPMG Hermens
1 February 2010 | ARTICLE
Efficacy and safety of a once-yearly intravenous zoledronic acid 5 mg for fracture prevention in elderly postmenopausal women with osteoporosis aged 75 and older
To determine the efficacy of once-yearly intravenous zoledronic acid (ZOL) 5 mg in reducing risk of clinical vertebral, nonvertebral, and any clinical fractures in elderly osteoporotic postmenopausal women.
Auteurs: Steven Boonen, Dennis M Black, Cathleen S Colón-Emeric, Richard Eastell, Jay S Magaziner, Erik Fink Eriksen, Peter Mesenbrink, Patrick Haentjens et Kenneth W Lyles
1 February 2010 | ARTICLE
Quantifying the effect of intraocular pressure reduction on the occurrence of glaucoma
PURPOSE: To estimate the effect of reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) on: (i) the incidence of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in patients with ocular hypertension (OH), and (ii) the progression of glaucoma. METHODS: A meta-analysis of relevan...
Auteurs: Andrea Peeters, Carroll AB Webers, Martin H Prins, Maurice P Zeegers, Fred Hendrikse et Jan SAG Schouten
1 February 2010 | ARTICLE
The attitude of Flemish occupational health physicians toward evidence-based occupational health and clinical practice guidelines
PURPOSE: To identify the attitude of occupational health physicians toward evidence-based occupational health (EBOH) and clinical practice guidelines (CPGs); to determine their ability to access, retrieve and appraise the health evidence and the b...
Auteurs: Annemie Heselmans, Peter Donceel, Bert Aertgeerts, Stijn Van de Velde et Dirk Ramaekers