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Auteurs: E Steeman, H Beckers, Frank Buntinx, L De Vreese, D Doucet, C Hughaert, Louis Paquay, N Spruyt, Birgitte Schoenmakers et J Van Gerven
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Participatie door patiënten en mantelzorgers aan de preventie van doorligwonden in de thuiszorg
De inbreng van de patiënt en zijn informele verzorgers is belangrijk om in de thuiszorg op doeltreffende wijze doorligwonden te voorkomen. Hoewel in België sinds enkele jaren een richtlijn voor de preventie van decubitus publiek beschikbaar is, be...
Auteurs: Louis Paquay
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Preventie van decubitus
Deze systematische review toont aan dat er een gebrek is aan RCT’s met een goede wetenschappelijke kwaliteit over de preventie van decubitus. Vooralsnog is het niet mogelijk om een evidence-based beleid voor decubituspreventie te formuleren. De be...
Auteurs: Louis Paquay et Paul De Cort
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Aansporen tot meer wandelen: heeft het effect? (Kort Nieuws)
bespreking van: Ogilvie D, Foster CE, Rothnie H, Cavill N, et al. Interventions to promote walking: systematic review. BMJ 2007;334:1204.
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Minder cardiale sterfte door middagdutjes? (kort nieuws)
bespreking van:Naska A, Oikonomou E, Trichopoulou A, et al. Siesta in healthy adults and coronary mortality in the general population. Arch Intern Med 2007;167:296-301.
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
'Houdbaarheidsdatum' van systematische reviews soms snel verstreken! (Kort Nieuws)
bespreking van: Shojania KG, Sampson M, Ansari MT, Ji J, et al. How quickly do systematic reviews go out of date? A survival analysis. Ann Intern Med 2007;147:224-33.
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Waarom het niet aan de patiënt vragen? Een pilootstudie over patiëntenfeedback
Patiëntenfeedback betreffende communicatievaardigheden bij middel van een vragenlijst die wordt ingevuld na afloop van consultaties, blijkt relatief eenvoudig te implementeren in de huisartsenopleidingspraktijk en levert voldoende waardevolle info...
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland, Ruth Baens et Jo Goedhuys
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Rudi Bruyninckx, E Vermeire, P Aerssens, Bert Aertgeerts et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Chronische wondzorg
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Louis Paquay, M Ylieff et Jan De Lepeleire
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Infections in residents of nursing homes
Infectious diseases are a very common occurrence in nursing homes. While the reasons for preventing infections are the same in nursing homes and in acute hospitals, several considerations relevant to prevention of infection differ in nursing homes...
Auteurs: Cathy Matheï, L Niclaes, C Suetens, B Jans et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Bladder cancer and occupation: a report from the Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer risk
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to add to the data on associations between occupation and bladder cancer thereby strengthening the case for focused research on specific occupational categories. METHODS: Two hundred two cases and 390 controls...
Auteurs: RC Reulen, Eliane Kellen, Frank Buntinx et MPA Zeegers
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Epidemiology and comorbidity of erysipelas in primary care
Most studies on the epidemiology of erysipelas are done in hospitals, resulting in patient selection. The aim of this study is to determine epidemiological characteristics and comorbidity of erysipelas based on primary care data.
Auteurs: Stefaan Bartholomeeusen, Jan Vandenbroucke, Carla Truyers et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
EPUAP classification system for pressure ulcers: European reliability study
Aim. This paper is a report of a study of the inter-observer reliability of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel pressure ulcer classification system and of the differential diagnosis between moisture lesions and pressure ulcers. Background....
Auteurs: D Beeckman, L Schoonhoven, J Fletcher, K Furtado, L Gunningberg, H Heyman, C Lindcolm, Louis Paquay, J Verdu et T Defloor
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Clinical indicators: development and applications
Clinical indicators give an indication of the quality of the patient care delivered. They must comply with highquality standards and should be constructed in a careful and transparent manner. Indicators must be relevant to the important aspects of...
Auteurs: H Wollersheim, R Hermens, M Hulscher, J Braspenning, M Ouwens, J Schouten, H Marres, R Dijkstra et R Grol
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
Blood cadmium may be associated with bladder carcinogenesis: The Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer
Background: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between exposure to cadmium and bladder cancer risk. Methods: Weconducted a case-control study in Belgium and measured the blood levels of cadmium in 172 bladder cases and 359 popula...
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen, MPA Zeegers, ED Hond et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2007 | ARTICLE
`Evidence' in de Belgische, Nederlandstalige verpleegkundige vakliteratuur: opvallend afwezig?
Aim: exploring the frequency of the term 'evidence-based' and related terms in Belgian literature for nurses in Dutch language; presenting an evolution in time for the period 1990-2004. Method: a hand search was done for articles of 23 journals. W...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes et Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Bert Aertgeerts, Carla Truyers et Frank Buntinx
15 December 2006 | DISSERTATION
De waarde van klinische tekens en symptomen voor de diagnose van ernstige infecties bij kinderen in de eerste lijn
Ernstige infecties worden gedefinieerd als pneumonie, sepsis, meningitis , pyelonefritis, osteomyelitis, cellulitis en bacteriële gastro-enteriti s. Tussen 1998 en 2002 was de incidentie bij kinderen 1% per jaar in Vla anderen, waarvan vier vijfde...
Auteurs: Ann Van den Bruel
1 December 2006 | ARTICLE
The Birmingham Registry for Twin and Heritability Studies (BiRTHS)
In this article we present the protocol of the Birmingham Registry for Twin Heritability Studies (BiRTHS), which aims to establish a long-term prospective twin registry with twins identified from the antenatal period and subjected to detailed foll...
Auteurs: Ruth E Krone, Andrew K Ewer, Timothy G Barrett, Robert J Moy, Shagaf Bakour, Eamonn R Maher, Shakila Thangaratinam, Philip Cox, Bill Martin, Khalid S Khan et Maurice Zeegers
Auteurs: A Van Linden, D Van Duppen, M Dietrich et B Aertgeerts
1 December 2006 | ARTICLE
Consultation of parents in actual end-of-life decision-making in neonates and infants
The objective of this study was to assess how frequently end-of-life decisions (ELDs) with a possible or certain life-shortening effect in neonates and infants were discussed with parents, and to determine if consultation of parents was associated...
Auteurs: Veerle Provoost, Filip Cools, Peter Deconinck, José Ramet, Reginald Deschepper, Johan Bilsen, Freddy Mortier, Yvan Vandenplas et Luc Deliens
For a better management of diabetes?
Auteurs: D Pestiaux, D Paulus, G Oldenhove, G Peeters, C Mathieu, F Nobels, J Wens, K Dirven, P Van Royen, L Borgermans, J Heyrman, S Swinnen, G Goderis, L Van Eygen, P Sunaert, L Feyen, J Demaeseneer, D Thimus, M Vanandruel et D Ramaekers
1 November 2006 | ARTICLE
Medisch-deontologische en juridische aspecten van algemene en continue morbiditeitsregistratie
Medical records from primary care facilities are increasingly being used for scientific research purposes. In Belgium both the Huisartsenpeilpraktijken and the Intego network are morbidity registration systems, which use medical data collected fro...
Auteurs: Carla Truyers, Viviane Van Casteren, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, N Bossuyt, Jos Dumortier et Frank Buntinx
2 October 2006 | ARTICLE
[Memory problems among elderly patients in general practice: the importance of caregiver information].
INTRODUCTION: The aim was to describe and analyse signs that make caregivers suspect memory problems among elderly patients in general practice. METHODS: This prospective study was conducted in October and November 2002 among all patients aged 65 ...
Auteurs: Frans Boch Waldorff, Nils Wolff Haugbølle, Hans Christian Møller, Susanne Rishøj et Gunhild Waldemar
1 October 2006 | ARTICLE
Measuring physiotherapists' guideline adherence by means of clinical vignettes: a validation study
RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To assess the criterion validity of paper-and-pencil vignettes to assess guideline adherence by physiotherapists in the Netherlands. The evidence-based physiotherapy practice guideline for low back pain was used as ...
Auteurs: Geert MJ Rutten, Janneke Harting, Stephen TJ Rutten, Trudy Bekkering et Stef PJ Kremers
1 October 2006 | ARTICLE
Development of quality indicators for diagnosis and treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer: A first step toward implementing a multidisciplinary, evidence-based guideline
BACKGROUND: While developing and distributing clinical practice guidelines are important in optimising clinical healthcare, insight into actual care is necessary to achieve successful implementation. Developing quality indicators may be the first ...
Auteurs: RPMG Hermens, MMTJ Ouwens, SY Vonk-Okhuijsen, Y van der Wel, VCG Tjan-Heijnen, LD van den Broeke, VKY Ho, MLG Janssen-Heijnen, HJM Groen, RPTM Grol et HCH Wollersheim
1 October 2006 | ARTICLE
Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of the Cognitive Performance Scale (Minimum Data Set) and the Mini-Mental State Exam for the detection of cognitive impairment in nursing home residents
OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of an outcome measurement scale of the Minimum Data Set of the Resident Assessment Instrument for nursing homes (MDS/RAI-NH), the Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) and the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE)...
Auteurs: Louis Paquay, Jan De Lepeleire, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Michel Ylieff, Ovide Fontaine et Frank Buntinx
1 October 2006 | ARTICLE
Are men with low selenium levels at increased risk of prostate cancer?
A meta-analysis was undertaken to quantitatively determine if men with low selenium levels were at increased risk of prostate cancer. PubMed, EMBASE and current contents were searched to identify relevant studies. The effect size was calculated by...
Auteurs: Maree Brinkman, Raoul C Reulen, Eliane Kellen, Frank Buntinx et Maurice Zeegers
1 October 2006 | ARTICLE
Nitrate intake does not influence bladder cancer risk: the Netherlands cohort study
OBJECTIVES: N-nitroso compounds, endogenously formed from nitrate-derived nitrite, are suspected to be important bladder carcinogens. However, the association between nitrate exposure from food or drinking water and bladder cancer has not been sub...
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Roel FM Selen, Jos CS Kleinjans, R Alexandra Goldbohm et Piet A van den Brandt