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1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Neuromuscular paralysis for newborn infants receiving mechanical ventilation
BACKGROUND: Ventilated newborn infants breathing in asynchrony with the ventilator are at risk for complications during mechanical ventilation, such as pneumothorax or intraventricular hemorrhage, and are exposed to more severe barotrauma, which c...
Auteurs: Filip Cools et M Offringa
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Substance use in Belgium: prevalence and management
Substance use is emerging in Belgium. The 'typical user' starts at a young age. Polydrug use has become very common. Cannabis and alcohol are the most frequently used substances among the school population. Heroin and cocaine are the most frequent...
Auteurs: Geert Robaeys, Cathy Matheï, Marc Van Ranst et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Evidence-based medicine : een bespreking van de meest voorkomende kritiek
Since the introduction of evidence-based medicine (EBM) into the field of health care in the early nineties some major criticisms have appeared in scientific literature. One of the most commonly heard objections to EBM is loss of therapeutic freed...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Bert Aertgeerts, Rita Schepers, Jo Goedhuys et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Zoeken in de 'virtuele bibliotheek gezondheidszorg' Effecten van training op het gebruik van medische informatietechnologie
De Virtuele Bibliotheek Gezondheidszorg (VBG) van het Belgisch Centrum voor Evidence-based Medicine (CEBAM) biedt zorgverleners toegang tot evidnece-based medische literatuur en wil hen ondersteunen bij het nemen van klinische beslissingen. Dit pi...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, E Simons, Jo Goedhuys, R Vander Stichele et Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Educational interventions for improving general practice trainees communication skills in the clinical consultation
The aim of this systematic review is to assess the effects of educational interventions to improve the communication skills of General Practice trainees during clinical consultations. The review will examine the effects of these interventions prim...
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland, Karin Hannes, Bert Aertgeerts et Jo Goedhuys
1 January 2005 | BOOK CHAPTER
What is the impact of alcohol on learning in university students ?
Despite the large amount of research concerning alcohol and students, there is little published work on the impact of alcohol on learning or academic performance among university students. Out of more than 2500 articles published since 1990 concer...
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: Guy Gielis, Jo Goedhuys et al et
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Begeleiding van Rookstop. Verslag van een praktijkproject
Dit praktijkproject in de huisartsengroepspraktijk van Hoeilaart bevroeg in een eerste fase het rookgedrag van patiënten en paste overeenkomstig de WVVH-aanbeveling Stoppen met roken in een tweede fase rookstopbegeleiding via minimale interventie ...
Auteurs: Bert Vaes et Jan Craenen
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Intego in de praktijk (deel 6): incidentie van acute urineweginfecties
In dit zesde artikel van de reeks over Intego analyseren de auteurs de incidentiegegevens van 1994 tot en met 2003 met betrekking tot acute urineweginfecties, met name cystitis, pyel(onefr)itits en urethritis. Opvallend zijn de duidelijke geslacht...
Auteurs: Carla Truyers, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Intego in de praktijk (deel 5). Incidentie van herpes zoster

Dit vijfde artikel van de Intego-reeks bespreekt de incidentiegegevens van herpes zoster over een periode van tien jaar en vergelijkt ze met de registratiegegevens van collega Jef De Loof. Daar waar Intego een stabiele incidentie van herpes zos...

Auteurs: Carla Truyers, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Frank Buntinx et J De Loof
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Intego in de praktijk (deel 3): Incidentie van wratten
Dit derde artikel van de reeks over de Inteog-databank bespreekt de incidentie, leeftijds-en geslachtsverdeling en de seizoensvariatie van wratten over een periode van tien jaar. Uit onze gegevens blijkt dat wratten vooral in de maande september e...
Auteurs: Carla Truyers, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
De verschillende schalen voor ADL-activiteiten voor volwassenen in de Vlaamse gezondheidszorg. Een overzicht
In België worden zorgbehoefte en zelfredzaamheid gemeten aan de hand van de beoordeling van ADL-activiteiten. Ook de financiering wordt hieraan gekoppeld. Het instrument dat voor die beoordeling wordt gebruikt is de Katz-schaal of varianten ervan....
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Louis Paquay et M Jacobs
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt, Jan De Lepeleire et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Ellen Ceulemans, Nouria Ouali, Ann Valkeneers, Katleen Janssens et Marjan Van de maele
Auteurs: Ellen Ceulemans, Nouria Ouali, Ann Valkeneers, Katleen Janssens et Marjan Van de maele
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Andre Vermoesen et Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
A Belgian case control study on bladder cancer: rationale and design
Previous analyses of the Limburg Cancer registry (LIKAR) indicatedthe existence of a geographical cluster of bladder cancer incidence,particularly transitional cell carcinomas, amongst males in the surroundingarea of the Belgian cities Hasselt and...
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen, MPA Zeegers, Daniël Lousbergh, A Paulussen et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
The effects of access to information retrieval technology on the competences and professional performance of students/trainees of all health care disciplines
The aim of this systematic review is to gather all relevant studies assessing the effect of training in information retrieval technology on the competences and performance of students in all health care professions. The systematic review is execut...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Marc Van Nuland, Bert Aertgeerts, Filip Staes, Jo Goedhuys, Jessie McGowan et Pierre Pluye
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Methadone and buprenorphine maintenance therapies for patients with hepatitis C virus infected after intravenous drug use
Heroin addiction is a chronic relapsing disease that is difficult to cure, but stabilisation and harm reduction can importantly increase the life time expectancy and the quality of life of the patient, his immediate vicinity and society in general...
Auteurs: R Verrando, G Robaeys, Cathy Matheï et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Medical end-of-life decisions in neonates and infants in Flanders
BACKGROUND: Paediatricians are increasingly confronted with end-of-life decisions in critically ill neonates and infants. Little is known about the frequency and characteristics of end-of-life decisions in this population, nor about the relation w...
Auteurs: V Provoost, Filip Cools, F Mortier, J Bilsen, J Ramet, Y Vandenplas et L Deliens
Auteurs: Kristel De Vliegher, R Wouters, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Koen Milisen, Louis Paquay, K Scheepmans, R Debaillie, F Okerman, I Van Deuren et L Geys
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Substitution of doctors by nurses in primary care - art. no. CD001271.pub2
BACKGROUND: Demand for primary care services has increased in developed countries due to population ageing, rising patient expectations, and reforms that shift care from hospitals to the community. At the same time, the supply of physicians is con...
Auteurs: M Laurant, D Reeves, R Hermans, J Braspenning, R Grol et B Sibbald
1 January 2005 | ARTICLE
Het systematisch valideren van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen
Over recent decades, the number of available clinical practice guidelines has grown enormously. Guidelines should meet specific quality criteria to ensure good quality. There is a growing need to develop a set of criteria to ensure that potential ...
Auteurs: K Hannes, Dirk Ramaekers, P Van Royen, Bert Aertgeerts et Frank Buntinx
1 December 2004 | ARTICLE
Evidence from data searches and life-table analyses for gender-related differences in absolute risk of hip fracture after Colles' or spine fracture: Colles' fracture as an early and sensitive marker of skeletal fragility in white men
Based on data searches and life-table analyses, we determined the long-term (remaining lifetime) and short-term (10- and 5-year) absolute risks of hip fracture after sustaining a Colles' or spine fracture and searched for potential gender-related ...
Auteurs: Patrick Haentjens, Olof Johnell, John A Kanis, Roger Bouillon, Cyrus Cooper, Guyve Lamraski, Dirk Vanderschueren, Jean-Marc Kaufman et Steven Boonen
1 December 2004 | ARTICLE
Cardiovascular prevention in general practice: development and validation of an algorithm
OBJECTIVE: General practice visits are a unique opportunity to identify and treat individuals with a high cardiovascular (CV) risk. However, a case-finding strategy suited to the daily general practice is not provided in the CV prevention guidelin...
Auteurs: Benoit Boland, Régis De Muylder, Geert Goderis, Jean-Marie Degryse, Yves Gueuning, Dominique Paulus et Michel Jeanjean
1 December 2004 | ARTICLE
Diagnosing depression: what's in a name?
BACKGROUND: Large and undeclared differences exist between incidence and prevalence rates of depression in general practice based morbidity registries, and in registries based on questionnaires of questionnaire-based interviews. We tried to identi...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Jan De Lepeleire, Jan Heyrman, Benjamin Fischler, Dirk Vander Mijnsbrugge et Marjan Van den Akker
1 December 2004 | ARTICLE
Disclosing the diagnosis of dementia: the performance of Flemish general practitioners
BACKGROUND: This issue of whether or not, how and when patients should be told of the diagnosis of dementia remains a matter for discussion. Recent data confirm that the patient is told of the diagnosis in only 40 to 55% of cases. We therefore stu...
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Frank Buntinx et Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Frank Buntinx et Bert Aertgeerts
1 November 2004 | ARTICLE
Evidence-based medicine: Otite moyenne chez l'enfant. Comment formuler une question PICO ?
This series of articles begins with a problem frequently encountered in children: acute otitis media. Under the insistence of parents, antibiotics are frequently prescribed. The physician knows that the value of that therapy is debatable, but what...
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, P Chevalier, Etienne Vermeire, Bert Aertgeerts et Frank Buntinx
1 November 2004 | ARTICLE
How strong is the association between CAG and GGN repeat length polymorphisms in the androgen receptor gene and prostate cancer risk?
OBJECTIVE: Although narrative reviews have suggested an association between (CAG)n and (GGN)n polymorphisms in the AR gene and prostate cancer, it has never been quantified systematically. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to provide relative ...
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Lambertus ALM Kiemeney, Alan M Nieder et Harry Ostrer