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1 November 2004 | ARTICLE
[EBM: otitis media in children: how to formulate a PICO question].
This series of articles begins with a problem frequently encountered in children: acute otitis media. Under the insistence of parents, antibiotics are frequently prescribed. The physician knows that the value of that therapy is debatable, but what...
Auteurs: A Van den Bruel, P Chevalier, E Vermeire, B Aertgeerts et F Buntinx
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Bart Rys, Ilse Jonkers, Michiel Mulier et Arthur Spaepen
1 October 2004 | ARTICLE
Genetic risk of atherosclerotic renal artery disease: the candidate gene approach in a renal angiography cohort
It is largely unknown to what extent genetic abnormalities contribute to the development of atherosclerotic renal artery disease. Among the potential candidate genes, those of the renin-angiotensin system and the endothelial nitric oxide synthase ...
Auteurs: Marieke van Onna, Abraham A Kroon, Alphons JHM Houben, Derk Koster, Maurice Zeegers, Léon HG Henskens, Arian W Plat, Henri EJH Stoffers et Peter W de Leeuw
1 September 2004 | ARTICLE
Is depression related to subsequent diabetes mellitus?
OBJECTIVE: To compare the risk of developing diabetes mellitus (DM) in the general population between subjects who had a depression and subjects who never had a depression. METHOD: Retrospective cohort design. People with depression were diagnosed...
Auteurs: M van den Akker, A Schuurman, J Metsemakers et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Louis Paquay, Renild Wouters, Tom Defloor, Frank Buntinx, Roseline Debailli et Ludo Geys
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Bart Rys, Ilse Jonkers, Michiel Mulier et Arthur Spaepen
2 August 2004 | ARTICLE
[Quality assurance of the diagnosis of osteoporosis in a county].
Introduction: The measurement of bone mass density (BMD) is central to the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. As part of a quality development project, we describe referrals to DXA (Dual X-ray Absorptiometry) scanning and the extent to which...
Auteurs: Susanne D Reventlow, Frans Boch Waldorff, Klaus Witt, Erik Knudsen et Thorsten Kruse
Auteurs: S Rishoej, FB Waldorff et G Waldemar
1 July 2004 | ARTICLE
Scoring clock tests for dementia screening: a comparison of two scoring methods
OBJECTIVE: To compare the dementia screening performance of two scoring systems of the clock drawing test. METHODS: A sample of 1199 elderly subjects was administered the clock drawing test as part of a study on aging and dementia. The clock drawi...
Auteurs: Johanna van der Burg, A Bouwen, Johan Stessens, Michel Ylieff, Ovide Fontaine, Jan De Lepeleire et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: S Rishoej, FB Waldorff et G Waldemar
Auteurs: HMJV Lantman-de Valk, M te Wierik, F Schellevis, M Wullink, M van den Akker, J Metsemakers et GJ Dinant
17 May 2004 | ARTICLE
[Rational decision making for the general practitioner: the effect of courses in Internet-based searches].
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate courses in rational decision making in general practice based on the results of Internet searches as part of the mandatory training for physicians intending to go into general practice. Materials...
Auteurs: Frans Boch Waldorff et Christian Hermann
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Steve Iliffe, Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, Esme Moniz-Cook et Bert Aertgeerts
17 April 2004 | ARTICLE
Impact of nurse practitioners on workload of general practitioners: randomised controlled trial
OBJECTIVE: To examine the impact on general practitioners' workload of adding nurse practitioners to the general practice team. DESIGN: Randomised controlled trial with measurements before and after the introduction of nurse practitioners. SETTING...
Auteurs: MGH Laurant, RPMG Hermens, JCC Braspenning, B Sibbald et RPTM Grol
1 March 2004 | ARTICLE
Guidelines - let's take a break and then move forward together!
With our limited resources, the national colleges of general practice in the Nordic countries should select only a few important topics and only get involved in guideline preparations if they have a primary care perspective. We need not develop ou...
Auteurs: F Bro et FB Waldorff
1 March 2004 | ARTICLE
Alcohol and ovarian cancer risk: results from the Netherlands Cohort Study
OBJECTIVE: To study alcohol consumption in relation to ovarian cancer risk in a prospective cohort study. METHODS: The Netherlands Cohort Study on diet and cancer was initiated in 1986. A self-administered questionnaire on dietary habits and other...
Auteurs: Leo J Schouten, Maurice Zeegers, R Alexandra Goldbohm et Piet A van den Brandt
1 March 2004 | ARTICLE
A classification of end-of-life decisions in neonates and infants
AIM: Valid and reliable data are needed to gain insight into the decisions of paediatricians concerning the end of life of newborns and infants. Such data could throw light on the poorly documented aspects of medical practice regarding these end-o...
Auteurs: V Provoost, L Deliens, Filip Cools, PG Deconinck, J Ramet, F Mortier et Y Vandenplas
1 March 2004 | ARTICLE
A prospective study of occupation and prostate cancer risk
A wide variety of occupations has been associated with prostate cancer in previous retrospective studies. Most attention has been paid to farming, metal working, and the rubber industry. Today, these results cannot be affirmed with confidence, bec...
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Ingrid HM Friesema, R Alexandra Goldbohm et Piet A van den Brandt
1 February 2004 | ARTICLE
The association between smoking, beverage consumption, diet and bladder cancer: a systematic literature review
In this paper the association between smoking history, beverage consumption, diet and bladder cancer incidence is systematically reviewed. A rating system has been used to summarise the level of scientific evidence (i.e. convincing, probable, poss...
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Eliane Kellen, Frank Buntinx et Piet A van den Brandt
1 February 2004 | ARTICLE
Prevalence of hepatitis C in drug users in Flanders: determinants and geographic differences
The prevalence of hepatitis C and related risk factors in drug users were compared in two geographic regions in Belgium, the city of Antwerp and the mixed urban-rural area of Limburg. All 310 participants were surveyed and screened for hepatitis B...
Auteurs: Cathy Matheï, G Robaeys, P Van Damme, Frank Buntinx et R Verrando
20 January 2004 | ARTICLE
CUGE: a screening instrument for alcohol abuse and dependence in students
OBJECTIVES: The prevalence of alcohol abuse on college campuses ranges from 7 to 17%. Frequent heavy drinkers place themselves and others at risk for a variety of adverse consequences and frequently remain undetected. Brief individual intervention...
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Bert Aertgeerts, Karel Hoppenbrouwers, Mathieu Roelants et Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Jo Goedhuys, Rita Schepers et Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Filip Cools, Etienne Vermeire, Frank Buntinx et Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: H Van Puymbroeck, J Boeckx, F Blanckaert, Rudi Bruyninckx, L Debaene, J De Wachter, L Ferrant et J Van den Ende
1 January 2004 | ARTICLE
Klinische logica (deel 1): Van aanmelding(sklacht) tot diagnostisch landschap
We staan er niet meer bij stil, maar hoe 'denken' artsen als ze een patiënt zien met een bepaalde klacht ? Wat gebeurt er eigenlijk in hun brein? Waarom kan een diagnosestelling de mist ingaan? En hoe kan een diagnostisch landschap helpen? Dit art...
Auteurs: H Van Puymbroeck, J De Wachter, F Blanckaert, J Boeckx, Rudi Bruyninckx, L Ferrant, L Debaene et J Van den Ende
1 January 2004 | ARTICLE
Klinische logica (deel 3). Van diagnose naar beslissing tot hulpaanbod
In dit derde artikel van de reeks Klinische Logica nemen de auteurs de overgang van diagnosestelling naar verder beleid onder de loep. Hierbij beantwoorden ze twee belangrijke vragen: (1) wanneer is de waarschijnlijkheid van een vooropgestelde dia...
Auteurs: H Van Puymbroeck, Rudi Bruyninckx, F Blanckaert, J Boeckx, L Ferrant, L Debaene, J De Wachter et J Van den Ende
1 January 2004 | ARTICLE
Options for a new procedure for determining care needs in Belgium: an initial exploration
Broad consensus exists among Flemish care providers and policymakers that the KATZ scale variables, which are widely used in Belgium, are not the ideal way of compiling a list of care needs or of preparing for care planning. However, deciding on a...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Louis Paquay, O Fontaine, M Ylieff et Jan De Lepeleire
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Dieter Cortvriendt, Jo Goedhuys, Bert Aertgeerts et Rita Schepers