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1 January 2002 | ARTICLE
Management of hepatitis C virus infections in intravenous drug users
Intravenous drug use is a major route of hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission. In Belgium, more than 70% of the intravenous drug users (IVDUs) are HCV seropositive. In the past, medical treatment of HCV-positive IVDUs has been controversial. Howev...
Auteurs: Geert Robaeys, Cathy Matheï, Frank Buntinx et Marc Van Ranst
1 December 2001 | ARTICLE
The Effects of the Family Health Program on child health in Ceará state, northeastern Brazil
Background: Based on the targets of the 1985 WHO conference "Health for all", the Family Health Program is being implemented in Ceara State, in the poor northeast of Brazil. Since 1994, increasing numbers of Family Health Teams are developing acti...
Auteurs: E Morsch, N Chavannes, M Van Den Akker, H Sa et GJ Dinant
1 December 2001 | ARTICLE
Chest pain in general practice or in the hospital emergency department: is it the same?
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to provide a description of the impact of setting on the diagnostic case mix that is identified in consecutive patients presenting with chest pain. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out of pat...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Daniel Knockaert, Rudi Bruyninckx, N de Blaey, M Aerts, JA Knottnerus et Herman Delooz
1 November 2001 | ARTICLE
Consumption of vegetables and fruits and urothelial cancer incidence: a prospective study
Although most epidemiological studies concerning urothelial cancer support a possible protective effect of vegetable and fruit consumption, previous studies have been inconsistent with regard to which vegetables and fruits may be responsible for a...
Auteurs: MPA Zeegers, RA Goldbohm et PA van den Brandt
1 November 2001 | ARTICLE
Adherence to guidelines on cervical cancer screening in general practice: programme elements of successful implementation
BACKGROUND: There is still only limited understanding of whether and why interventions to facilitate the implementation of guidelines for improving primary care are successful. It is therefore important to look inside the 'black box' of the interv...
Auteurs: RPMG Hermens, E Hak, MEJL Hulscher, JCC Braspenning et RPTM Grol
1 October 2001 | ARTICLE
Management of dementia in primary health care:: the experiences of collaboration between the GP and the district nurse
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore the context and experiences of collaboration between the GP and the district nurse (DN) in diagnosing dementia, in order to identify possible procedures to improve care. METHODS: Two group inte...
Auteurs: FB Waldorff, LB Bülow, K Malterud et G Waldemar
28 September 2001 | ARTICLE
Are retinol, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate and carotenoids intake associated with bladder cancer risk? Results from the Netherlands Cohort Study
In the Netherlands Cohort Study among 120 852 subjects aged 55-69 years at baseline (1986), the association between vitamins and carotenoids intake, vitamin supplement use, and bladder cancer incidence was examined. Exposure status was measured wi...
Auteurs: MPA Zeegers, RA Goldbohm et PA van den Brandt
1 September 2001 | ARTICLE
Occupational risk factors for male bladder cancer: results from a population based case cohort study in the Netherlands
OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to estimate risk of bladder cancer associated with occupational exposures to paint components, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), diesel exhausts, and aromatic amines among the general population in The N...
Auteurs: MPA Zeegers, GMH Swaen, I Kant, RA Goldbohm et PA van den Brandt
1 July 2001 | ARTICLE
Problems in determining occurrence rates of multimorbidity
This article describes methodological decisions that have to be made when studying multiple pathology and presents appropriate analytical techniques. The main question of this article is: how can comorbidity and multimorbidity be operationalized w...
Auteurs: M van den Akker, Frank Buntinx, S Roos et JA Knottnerus
1 June 2001 | ARTICLE
Screening for alcohol abuse
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts et Frank Buntinx
1 June 2001 | ARTICLE
Diagnostic evaluation of dementia in general practice in Denmark -: < /i>A national survey< //i>
OBJECTIVE: To examine GPs' self-reported basic diagnostic evaluation of dementia according to the recommendations in multidisciplinary consensus guidelines and to analyse explanatory factors for GP performance. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire study, ...
Auteurs: FB Waldorff et S Moller
1 April 2001 | ARTICLE
Barriers in the care of patients who have experienced a traumatic event: the perspective of general practice
BACKGROUND: Previous research has indicated that GPs encounter barriers in the care of patients who have experienced a traumatic event. OBJECTIVES: The aims of the present study were to map barriers GPs encounter in the care of patients who experi...
Auteurs: M van den Akker, SSL Mol, JFM Metsemakers, GJ Dinant et JA Knottnerus
1 March 2001 | ARTICLE
Screening properties of questionnaires and laboratory tests for the detection of alcohol abuse or dependence in a general practice population
BACKGROUND: Early identification of alcohol abuse or dependence is important in general practice because many diseases are influenced by alcohol. General practitioners, however, fail to recognise most patients with alcohol problems. AIM: To assess...
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts, Frank Buntinx, S Ansoms et Johan Fevery
1 February 2001 | ARTICLE
Psychosocial patient characteristics and GP-registered chronic morbidity: a prospective study
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to get a profile of patients who are vulnerable to get multiple chronic, recurrent or high-impact diseases in a limited time period. We studied the incidence rates of morbidity and multimorbidity, and the influ...
Auteurs: M van den Akker, Frank Buntinx, JF Metsemakers, M van der Aa et JA Knottnerus
Auteurs: Daniël Lousbergh, Frank Buntinx, E Cloes, D Dhollander, L Op De Beeck, J Rummens, E Salk, J Vanden Brande et A Van Waes
Auteurs: J Michels, Rudi Bruyninckx et J Boeckx
Auteurs: J Vijgen, Neree Claes et Peter Donceel
Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Frank Buntinx, L De Cock et Jan Heyrman
1 January 2001 | TEXT RESOURCE
Aandacht voor beginnende dementie
Auteurs: Louis Paquay
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, G Swaen, Y Kant, A Goldbohm et P van den Brandt
Auteurs: Cathy Matheï, Pierre Van Damme et S Todts
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Daniël Lousbergh, J Vanden Brande, L Op De Beeck, D Dhollander, J Rummens, E Salk, A Van Waes et E Cloes
1 January 2001 | ARTICLE
Elective high frequency oscillatory ventilation versus conventional ventilation for acute pulmonary dysfunction in preterm infants.
BACKGROUND: Respiratory failure due to lung immaturity is a major cause of mortality in preterm infants. Although intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) saves lives, lung distortion during its use is associated with lung injury and chro...
Auteurs: DJ Henderson-Smart, T Bhuta, F Cools et M Offringa
1 January 2001 | ARTICLE
The relation between health locus of control and multimorbidity: a case-control study
This paper describes a study on the relation between the health locus of control (HLOC) and a number of patient characteristics, with special interest for the presence of multimorbidity. Subjects (N= 3745) completed a postal questionnaire with ite...
Auteurs: M van der Linden, M van den Akker et Frank Buntinx
1 January 2001 | ARTICLE
Alcohol consumption and bladder cancer risk: Results from the Netherlands cohort study
Although several epidemiologic studies have been conducted on alcohol consumption and bladder cancer risk, the risk according to quantity and type of alcohol consumed is not clear. The authors investigated these associations in a large prospective...
Auteurs: MPA Zeegers, A Volovics, E Dorant, RA Goldbohm et PA van den Brandt
1 January 2001 | ARTICLE
Diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes in three Belgian regions. Registration via a network of sentinel general practices
BACKGROUND: The objective of this descriptive study is to investigate the incidence of type 2 diabetes in sentinel general practices in three regions in Belgium and to describe the patient characteristics and the start of the medical management af...
Auteurs: J Wens, V Van Casteren, E Vermeire, P Van Royen, L Pas et J Denekens
Auteurs: H Van Raemdonck, Bert Aertgeerts et Frank Buntinx