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1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Easing the transition: the final year of medical education at Maastricht University
This manuscript describes the final year of medical education at Maastricht University as it has been operating since 2006. At the time external drivers for the development of a new structure of the final year were: the desire to prepare medical s...
Auteurs: Marjan van den Akker, Tim Dornan, Albert JJA Scherpbier, Mirjam GA Oude Egbrink en Luc HEH Snoeckx
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Do randomized clinical trials with inadequate blinding report enhanced placebo effects for intervention groups and nocebo effects for placebo groups? A protocol for a meta-epidemiological study of PDE-5 inhibitors
BACKGROUND: Patients' expectations of treatment effects may contribute to positive (placebo) and negative (nocebo) outcomes. The effect of patient expectations may be pronounced in subjectively assessed conditions, such as male erectile dysfunctio...
Auteurs: Frederik Feys, Geertruida E Bekkering, Kavita Singh en Dirk Devroey
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
[Better multidisciplinary team meetings are linked to better care].
Discussing a patient in an oncology multidisciplinary team meeting (MTM) increases the value of the quality of the treatment chosen. MTMs are increasingly mentioned in guidelines and indicator sets. Based on literature review and observations, the...
Auteurs: Eveline van Drielen, Antoinette W de Vries, PB Nelleke Ottevanger en Rosella PMG Hermens
Auteurs: Alice Nieuwboer, Liesbeth Münks, Carolien Strouwen, Esther Molenaars, Marten Munneke, Samyra Keus en Lynn Rochester
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Inappropriate Prescribing and Related Hospital Admissions in Frail Older Persons According to the STOPP and START Criteria
BACKGROUND: Over the last few years, the Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions (STOPP) and Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START) criteria have been increasingly used to evaluate the prevalence of inappropriate prescri...
Auteurs: Olivia Dalleur, Anne Spinewine, Severine Henrard, Claire Losseau, Niko Speybroeck en Benoit Boland
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Excess of health care use in general practice and of comorbid chronic conditions in cancer patients compared to controls
BACKGROUND: The number of cancer patients and the number of patients surviving initial treatments is expected to rise. Traditionally, follow-up monitoring takes place in secondary care. The contribution of general practice is less visible and not ...
Auteurs: Lea Jabaaij, Marjan van den Akker en Francois G Schellevis
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Identifying Experiential Expertise to Support People With Diabetes Mellitus in Applying for and Participating Effectively in Paid Work A Qualitative Study
OBJECTIVE: Identifying and describing successful diabetes-related (SDR) behaviors from reports by experiential experts to support people with diabetes in applying for and participating effectively in paid work. METHODS: Data were collected by cond...
Auteurs: Marika HF Burda, Frans van der Horst, Marjan van den Akker, Alexander DM Stork, Harry Crebolder, Ton van Attekum, Maarten Ploeg en J Andre Knottnerus
Auteurs: Ellen Schoorel, Sonja Melman, Sander van Kuijk, William Grobman, Ben Willem Mol, Luc Smits, Jan Nijhuis, Rosella Hermens en Hubertina Scheepers
Auteurs: Sonja Melman, Rosella Hermens, Jan Nijhuis en Liesbeth Scheepers
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Supporting People With Diabetes Mellitus in Applying for and Participating Effectively in Paid Work Validation of Successful Diabetes-Related Behaviors by Experiential Experts and Professional Care Providers
OBJECTIVE: To validate successful diabetes-related behaviors, proposed by a group of experiential experts, and to support people with diabetes in applying for and participating effectively in work. METHODS: In a survey among 77 experiential expert...
Auteurs: Marika HF Burda, Frans van der Horst, Marjan van den Akker, Alexander DM Stork, Trudy van der Weijden, Ton van Attekum, Maarten Ploeg, Bjorn Winkens en J Andre Knottnerus
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Perceived unfairness and socioeconomic inequalities in functional decline: the Dutch SMILE prospective cohort study
Background: People in lower socioeconomic positions report worse health-related functioning. Only few examined whether perceptions of unfairness are particularly common in these people and whether this perceived unfairness relates to their subsequ...
Auteurs: H Bosma, A Gerritsma, G Klabbers en Marjan van den Akker
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Proxy-rated quality of life in Alzheimer's disease: a three-year longitudinal study
BACKGROUND: The study investigated the change in proxy rated quality of life (QoL) of a large cohort of home living patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) over a period of 36 months. METHODS: The sample consisted of 102 patients with mild AD and t...
Auteurs: Asmus Vogel, Suvosree Bhattacharya, Frans B Waldorff en Gunhild Waldemar
Auteurs: Kristien Scheepmans, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Louis Paquay, Hendrik Van Gansbeke en Koen Milisen
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Suzana Garcia, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Wesley Vermaelen, Etienne Waelkens, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
Auteurs: Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Wesley Vermaelen, Etienne Waelkens, Rony Swennen, Bart Panis en Sebastien Carpentier
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
The prevalence and detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD)-related metabolic complications as a function of estimated glomerular filtration rate in the oldest old
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of CKD rises with age. The prevalence of CKD-related metabolic complications in the oldest old in relation to different GFR estimations is largely unknown. eGFR-based thresholds for the detection of these complications r...
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Bert Vaes, Michel Jadoul, Cathy Matheï, Pierre Wallemacq en Jean-Marie Degryse
Auteurs: Bert Avau, Theo Thijs, Jorien Laermans, Jan Tack en Inge Depoortere
Auteurs: Bert Avau, T Thijs, Jorien Laermans, Jan Tack en Inge Depoortere
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Relation between diabetes, metformin treatement and t he occurence of malignancies in a Belgian primary care setting

BACKGROUND: Associations between type 2 diabetic patients and a higher risk of developing cancer have been reported worldwide. Recently, a protective effect of metformin has been described. AIM: To examine in the Belgian primary care population...

Auteurs: Geraldine Ngwana, Marc Aerts, Carla Truyers, Chantal Mathieu, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Welcome Wami en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2012 | ARTICLE
Obstacles to implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Belgium: a context-specific qualitative evidence synthesis including findings from different health care discipline's
A number of barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice have already been inventoried. However, little attention has been given to the context-specific nature of these barriers. This qualitative evidence synthesis examines commonalit...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Jo Goedhuys en Bert Aertgeerts
7 December 2011 | ARTICLE
Bupropion for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults
© 2017 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To examine the efficacy and safety of noradrenergic/dopaminergic reuptake inhibitors ...
Auteurs: W Verbeeck, GE Bekkering en W Van den Noortgate
1 December 2011 | ARTICLE
Changes in genetic and environmental effects on growth during infancy
BACKGROUND: Accelerated infant growth is a possible explanation for the relation between birth weight and adult diseases. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability of infant growth and to examine whether the genetic contr...
Auteurs: Robbert N Touwslager, Marijke Gielen, Antonius L Mulder, Willem J Gerver, Luc J Zimmermann, Tom Fowler, Alfons J Houben, Coen D Stehouwer, Cathérine Derom, Robert Vlietinck, Ruth Jf Loos en Maurice P Zeegers
1 December 2011 | ARTICLE
The electronic Cumulative Illness Rating Scale: a reliable and valid tool to assess multi-morbidity in primary care
RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The presence of multiple concomitant diseases is an increasing health problem, and prompted by the limitations of the disease count, several indices measuring multi-morbidity or co-morbidity have been described to a...
Auteurs: Martin Fortin, Karin Steenbakkers, Catherine Hudon, Marie-Eve Poitras, Jose Almirall en Marian van den Akker
1 December 2011 | ARTICLE
De organisatie van de eerstelijnszorg in Denemarken
Achtergrond Het nakende tekort aan huisartsen doet huisartsen in opleiding nadenken over het evenwicht tussen vraag en aanbod binnen de eerste lijn. De toegenomen complexiteit van de gezondheidszorg jaagt bovendien de kosten de hoogte in. Binnen d...
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers
1 December 2011 | ARTICLE
Associations Between Cytomegalovirus Infection and Functional Impairment and Frailty in the BELFRAIL Cohort
OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether an observed association between cytomegalovirus (CMV) exposure and functional impairment and frailty in older adults is reproducible in a cohort of individuals aged 80 and older. DESIGN: The baseline results of t...
Auteurs: Cathy Matheï, Bert Vaes, Pierre Wallemacq en Jean-Marie Degryse
28 November 2011 | OTHER
Doelgerichte gestructureerde groepseducatie voor de behandeling van type 2-diabetes
Er is nog steeds onvoldoende evidentie over het klinisch belang van doelgerichte gestructureerde groepseducatie voor de behandeling van type 2-diabetes. Ook het effect van peer support blijft onduidelijk.
Auteurs: Geert Goderis
24 November 2011 | ARTICLE
The influence of population characteristics on variation in general practice based morbidity estimations
BACKGROUND: General practice based registration networks (GPRNs) provide information on morbidity rates in the population. Morbidity rate estimates from different GPRNs, however, reveal considerable, unexplained differences. We studied the range a...
Auteurs: C van den Dungen, N Hoeymans, HC Boshuizen, M van den Akker, MCJ Biermans, K van Boven, HJ Brouwer, RA Verheij, MWM de Waal, FG Schellevis en GP Westert
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Sonja Berael en Johan Wens