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Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Etienne Vermeire, Frank Buntinx en Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Studenten en drankgebruik
Alcohol en studenten zijn voor veel mensen twee begrippen die meestal hand in hand gaan. Verschillende onderzoeken geven aan dat heel wat studenten meer dan 5 à 6 glazen alcohol gebruikt bij één enkele gelegenheid. Eén van de belangrijkste gevolge...
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
The diagnostic value of macroscopic haematuria for the diagnosis of urological cancer in general practice
BACKGROUND: The diagnostic value and the impact of some signs and symptoms in most diseases in primary care have only been studied incompletely. AIM: To assess the diagnostic value of macroscopic haematuria for the idagnosis of urological cancer (...
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx, Frank Buntinx, Bert Aertgeerts en Viviane Van Casteren
Auteurs: Filip Cools, Bert Aertgeerts en RJPM Scholten
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Depression as a risk factor for total mortality in the community: a meta-analysis
Aim: There is a growing evidence that depression is associated with an increased mortality risk, but results from studies are ambiguous. To investigate whether depression leads to increased mortality, we reviewed the literature on depression and t...
Auteurs: M van den Akker, AG Schuurman, KTJL Ensinck en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Benefits and risks of pharmacological smoking cessation therapies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Smoking cessation is the most effective way to reduce the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or to reduce its progression. However, little is known about the efficacy and safety of different pharmacological smoking ces...
Auteurs: Edwin J Wagena, Maurice Zeegers, Constant P van Schayck en Emiel FM Wouters
Auteurs: Louis Paquay, R Wouters, T Defloor, Frank Buntinx, R Debaillie en L Geys
Auteurs: S Coenen en Ann Van Den Bruel
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Daniel Knockaert, Herman Delooz, Rudi Bruyninckx, N De Blaey, JA Knottnerus en Maria Aerts
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Bert Aertgeerts en Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: Daniël Lousbergh, G Broeders, E Cloes, D Dhollander, G Thijs, A Op de Beeck, J Rummens, J Vanden Brande en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Guidelines on asthma in children: How do Flemish general practitioners use them?
Asthma is the most frequent chronical condition in children. Recently, the Scientific Society of General Practitioners in Flanders developed a guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of asthma in children. The present study was conducted to eval...
Auteurs: A Van Den Bruel, P Van Royen, HP Van Bever en L De Schampheleire
1 January 2003 | OTHER
Founder mutations among the Dutch
Auteurs: Maurice Zeegers, Robert Vlietinck, F van Poppel, L Spruijt en H Ostrer
Auteurs: Robert Vlietinck, M Gielen, Ruth Loos, C Derom, SJ Pinto-Sietsma, Maurice Zeegers, Z Beunen en Robert Fagard
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Elective high frequency oscillatory ventilation versus conventional ventilation for acute pulmonary dysfunction in preterm infants
BACKGROUND: Respiratory failure due to lung immaturity is a major cause of mortality in preterm infants. Although intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) saves lives, lung distortion during its use is associated with lung injury and chro...
Auteurs: DJ Henderson-Smart, T Bhuta, Filip Cools en M Offringa
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Development of an implementation strategy for physiotherapy guidelines on low back pain
In the Netherlands, clinical practice physiotherapy guidelines are mainly implemented by using passive implementation strategies. It is well known that these strategies are not effective in establishing changes in behaviour of health care professi...
Auteurs: GE Bekkering, AJ Engers, M Wensing, HJM Hendriks, MW van Tulder, RAB Oostendorp en LM Bouter
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx, Frank Buntinx, Bert Aertgeerts en V Van Casteren
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts, Filip Cools, Karin Hannes, Etienne Vermeire, Ann Van den Bruel en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
De nieuwe coxib's: zijn ze echt beter ?
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Etienne Vermeire, Frank Buntinx en Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Centrum voor evidence based medicine
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Walter Sermeus, Bert Aertgeerts en Frank Buntinx
1 January 2003 | ARTICLE
Evidence based handelen en de verpleegkundige praktijk: Het medisch paradigma overstijgen
De best mogelijke zorg komt tot stand door onderzoeksresultaten te combineren met de klinische expertise van de zorgverlener en de voorkeur van de patiënt. deze ruimere definitie van evidence based medicine biedt de verpleegkunde ruimte voor het o...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Walter Sermeus, Bert Aertgeerts en Frank Buntinx
1 December 2002 | ARTICLE
Is there an increased risk of dying after depression?
Although a lot of research has been performed on the relation between depression and subsequent mortality, the results show contradictory findings. In this study, the authors investigated mortality in depressed people compared with nondepressed pe...
Auteurs: Kim TJL Ensinck, Agnes G Schuurman, Marjan van den Akker, Job FM Metsemakers, Arnold DM Kester, J André Knottnerus en Frank Buntinx
1 December 2002 | ARTICLE
Prostate-specific antigen screening coverage and prostate cancer incidence rates in the Belgian province of Limburg in 1996-1998
According to the 1996-1998 cancer incidence report of the cancer registry of the Belgian province of Limburg (LIKAR), prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men with a crude invasive cancer incidence rate of 123.7 per 100000 person-years (12...
Auteurs: Daniël Lousbergh, Frank Buntinx, H Geys, M Du Bois, D Dhollander en G Molenberghs
1 November 2002 | ARTICLE
Prediagnostic toenail selenium and risk of bladder cancer
The association between several cancers and selenium status has been investigated in epidemiological studies. However, few results concerning bladder cancer have been reported thus far. The association between toenail selenium status and subsequen...
Auteurs: MPA Zeegers, RA Goldbohm, P Bode en PA van den Brandt
1 November 2002 | OTHER
High percentage of children with low antibody titers after immunization with MMr-vaccine in flanders, Belgium
Objective: To evaluate antibody titers against measles, mumps and rubella in children aged 6-17 years. Background: Current Flemish recommendations for immunization include a trivalent measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)-vaccine at 15 months (since 1985) a...
Auteurs: Corinne Vandermeulen, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Mathieu Roelants, Marc Van Ranst, Pierre Van Damme en Karel Hoppenbrouwers
1 November 2002 | ARTICLE
Evaluation of Charlson's comorbidity index in elderly living in nursing homes
The object of this article was to validate the predictive value of Charlson's comorbidity index for the prediction of short-term mortality or morbidity in elderly people. The design was a cohort study comparing survival and hospitalization in inst...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, L Niclaes, C Suetens, B Jans, R Mertens en M Van den Akker
1 September 2002 | ARTICLE
The relation between alcohol abuse or dependence and academic performance in first-year college students
A large-scale study (N = 3,518) was designed to assess the academic performance of college freshmen in relationship to alcohol abuse or dependence. Alcohol abuse or dependence was identified in 501 (14%) students; of these, 128 (3.6%) were alcohol...
Auteurs: Bert Aertgeerts en Frank Buntinx
5 August 2002 | ARTICLE
[Strategies for the diagnosis of dementia. Experiences of collaboration between general practitioners and district nurses].
INTRODUCTION: The aim was to explore the context and experiences of collaboration between the general practitioner (GP) and the district nurse (DN) on diagnosing dementia, in order to identify possible procedures to improve care. MATERIAL AND METH...
Auteurs: Frans Boch Waldorff, Lars Bo Bülow, Kirsti Malterud en Gunhild Waldemar