Bert Aertgeerts
Zelfstandig academisch personeel (ZAP)
- 2024
- Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors for adults with chronic kidney disease: a clinical practice guideline.
- Physicians' and residents' educational needs regarding shared decision making: A focus group study.
- A systematic review of shared decision making training programs for general practitioners.
- Physicians found an interactive tool displaying structured evidence summaries for multiple comparisons understandable and useful: A qualitative user-testing study.
- Promoting meaningful activities by occupational therapy in elderly care in Belgium: the ProMOTE intervention
- 2023
- Infographic summaries for clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing of the BMJ Rapid Recommendations in primary care
- Knowledge of Child Abuse and Neglect among General Practitioners and Pediatricians in Training: A Survey
- Cost-effectiveness of adding ezetimibe and/or PCSK9 inhibitors to high-dose statins for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in Chinese adults
- The willingness and barriers to collaborate in the care of frail older adults: perspectives of primary care professionals
- Do the lockdown-imposed changes in a wastewater treatment plant catchment's socio-demographics impact longitudinal temporal trends in psychoactive pharmaceutical use?
- Digital encounter decision aids linked to clinical practice guidelines: results from user testing SHARE-IT decision aids in primary care
- Impact of a postpartum care rehabilitation program to prevent postpartum depression at a secondary municipal hospital in Qingdao China: a cross-sectional study
- Mixed-methods evaluation of a multifaceted heart failure intervention in general practice: the OSCAR-HF pilot study
- Study characteristical and regional influences on postpartum depression before vs. during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Ketamine misuse: an update for primary care
- Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 concentration and circulation of variants of concern in wastewater of Leuven, Belgium
- Optimization, validation and application of a high-throughput 96-well elution protocol for the quantification of psychoactive substances in influent wastewater
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Registration and Care Provision of Mental Health Problems in General Practice: Registry-Based Study
- 2022
- Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 countermeasures on alcohol consumption through wastewater-based epidemiology: A case study in Belgium
- Burden of COVID-19 on primary care in Belgium: a prospective nationwide observational study from March to August 2020
- Safety of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 inhibitors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Mapping key components of community-oriented strategies to facilitate alcohol-related early identification and brief intervention in general practice: a scoping review
- PCSK9 inhibitors and ezetimibe for the reduction of cardiovascular events: a clinical practice guideline with risk-stratified recommendations
- PCSK9 inhibitors and ezetimibe with or without statin therapy for cardiovascular risk reduction: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
- Temporal monitoring of stimulants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium through the analysis of influent wastewater
- Effectiveness of guided and unguided online alcohol help: A real-life study
- Downstream activities after laboratory testing in primary care: an exploratory outcome of the ELMO cluster randomised trial (Electronic Laboratory Medicine Ordering with evidence-based order sets in primary care)
- The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the incidence of diseases and the provision of primary care: A registry-based study.
- 2021
- Machine learning optimization of an electronic health record audit for heart failure in primary care
- A Tool to Assess the Trustworthiness of Evidence-Based Point-of-Care Information for Health Care Professionals (CAPOCI): Design and Validation Study
- Medical cannabis for chronic pain: a clinical practice guideline
- Primary care implementation study to scale up early identification and brief intervention and reduce alcohol-related negative outcomes at the community level (PINO): study protocol for a quasi-experimental 3-arm study
- Machine learning optimization of an electronic health record audit to improve heart failure identification in primary care
- An alternative approach for bioanalytical assay optimization for wastewater-based epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2
- Do homemade or cloth face masks work as a preventive measure for respiratory virus transmission?
- Cardiologists' perceptions on multidisciplinary collaboration in heart failure care - a qualitative study
- Het PINO-project: samen naar een verbeterde SBI aanpak tegen overmatig alcoholgebruik
- Closing schools for SARS-CoV-2: a pragmatic rapid recommendation
- Community involvement facilitating the discussion of alcohol use in primary care: A nominal group study
- Practising person-centred care. Selected abstracts from the virtual 26th WONCA Europe conference, 6-10 July 2021
- 2020
- Clinical decision support improves the appropriateness of laboratory test ordering in primary care without increasing diagnostic error: the ELMO cluster randomized trial
- Coding Systems for Clinical Decision Support: Theoretical and Real-World Comparative Analysis
- Quality of Care for Knee Osteoarthritis in Primary Care: A Patient's Perspective
- Impact of an extended audit on identifying heart failure patients in general practice: baseline results of the OSCAR-HF pilot study
- Computerized clinical decision support system for diabetes in primary care does not improve quality of care: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
- 2019
- Provoking a conversation around students' and supervisors' expectations regarding workplace learning
- 50 jaar Academisch Centrum voor Huisartsgeneeskunde
- In search of perfection: defining new approaches to improve the EIBI-culture in general practice.
- Designing instruction for complex learning: 4C/ID in higher education
- Optimising standards of care of heart failure in general practice the OSCAR-HF pilot study protocol
- General practitioners' predictions of their own patients' health literacy: a cross-sectional study in Belgium
- Defining quality indicators for heart failure in general practice
- General practitioners' perceptions about their role in current and future heart failure care: an exploratory qualitative study
- Think-aloud study about the diagnosis of chronic heart failure in Belgian general practice
- Supporting Students With Electronic Health Record-Embedded Learning Aids: A Mixed-Methods Study.
- Educational outreach visits to improve knee osteoarthritis management in primary care
- Burden of heart failure in Flemish general practices: a registry-based study in the Intego database
- Assessing testing rates for viral hepatitis B and C by general practitioners in Flanders, Belgium: a registry-based study
- 2018
- Alpha-blockers for uncomplicated ureteral stones: a clinical practice guideline
- Rapid Recommendations: snelle vertaling van wetenschappelijke resultaten naar de praktijk.
- Point-of-care CRP matters: normal CRP levels reduce immediate antibiotic prescribing for acutely ill children in primary care: a cluster randomized controlled trial
- Screening and Linkage to Care for Hepatitis C Viral Infection in the General Population in Belgium
- A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support
- Systematic development of CHEMO-SUPPORT, a nursing intervention to support adult patients with cancer in dealing with chemotherapy-related symptoms at home
- The GUIDES checklist: development of a tool to improve the successful use of guideline-based computerised clinical decision support
- Involving general practice trainees in clinical practice guideline adaptation
- A nursing intervention aimed at reducing symptom burden during chemotherapy (CHEMO-SUPPORT): A mixed-methods study of the patient experience
- Development of a Tailored Intervention With Computerized Clinical Decision Support to Improve Quality of Care for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Multi-Method Study
- Reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for children in primary care: a cluster randomised controlled trial of two interventions
- Antibiotics after incision and drainage for uncomplicated skin abscesses: a clinical practice guideline
- Signs and symptoms in adult patients with acute dyspnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- The OSCAR-HF Pilot study: Improvement for patients with heart failure needed
- A Nursing Intervention for Reducing Symptom Burden During Chemotherapy
- A qualitative exploration of multiple perspectives on the transfer of learning between the classroom and the clinical workplace
- Methods to identify heart failure patients in general practice and their impact on patient characteristics: A systematic review
- Point-of-care C reactive protein to identify serious infection in acutely ill children presenting to hospital: prospective cohort study
- 2017
- Corticosteroids for sore throat: a clinical practice guideline (vol 358, J4090, 2017)
- Electronic Laboratory Medicine ordering with evidence-based Order sets in primary care (ELMO study): protocol for a cluster randomised trial
- Corticosteroids for sore throat: a clinical practice guideline
- Home- and Community-Based Occupational Therapy Improves Functioning in Frail Older People: A Systematic Review
- Enhancing the link between classroom and clinical workplace: A systematic review
- Measuring health literacy among low literate people: an exploratory feasibility study with the HLS-EU questionnaire
- Erratum to: Should all acutely ill children in primary care be tested with point-of-care CRP: a cluster randomised trial
- The Effects of Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems on Laboratory Test Ordering
- A qualitative exploration of multiple perspectives on the transfer of learning between classroom and workplace
- Adapting a large database of point of care summarized guidelines: a process description
- Barriers for guideline adherence in knee osteoarthritis care: A qualitative study from the patients' perspective
- Educational interventions for improving the communication skills of general practice trainees in the clinical consultation: a systematic review of the literature
- How to connect classroom and workplace learning
- Prevalence of inappropriate medication use in residential long-term care facilities for the elderly: A systematic review
- 2016
- Improving care for heart failure patients in primary care, GPs' perceptions: a qualitative evidence synthesis
- Patient and provider acceptance of telecoaching in type 2 diabetes: a mixed-method study embedded in a randomised clinical trial
- Key-interventions derived from three evidence based guidelines for management and follow-up of patients with HFE haemochromatosis
- Delivering Diabetes Education through NurseLed Telecoaching. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Should all acutely ill children in primary care be tested with point-of-care CRP: a cluster randomised trial
- Effectiveness of community based occupational therapy for physical frail older people: a systematic review (poster presentation)
- Diagnostic rules and algorithms for the diagnosis of non-acute heart failure in patients 80 years of age and older: a diagnostic accuracy and validation study
- Factors of success of community based occupational therapy to improve functionality in physically frail older people (poster presentation)
- Transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement for patients with severe, symptomatic, aortic stenosis at low to intermediate surgical risk: a clinical practice guideline
- Complex learning in the GP curriculum: from theory to implementation
- Supporting students during their internship via an Electronic Performance Support System
- Offering classroom-based learning materials via online technology during internship: A qualitative study
- Development and Validation of Quality Indicators on Continuing Care for Patients With AUD: A Delphi Study
- Betere diabetescontrole door telecoaching: COACH-programma bij type 2 diabetes
- De impact van informatietechnologie op de gezondheidszorg van de kwetsbare oudere in de eerste lijn
- ‘Life is still worth living ’ : a pilot exploration of self-reported resources of palliative care patients
- Subjective assessment versus ultrasound models to diagnose ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Kwart ovariumcarcinomen niet onderkend op echo
- Optimizing diabetes control in people with Type 2 diabetes through nurse-led telecoaching
- Tailoring implementation strategies for evidence-based recommendations using computerised clinical decision support systems: protocol for the development of the GUIDES tools
- How do general practitioners use 'safety netting' in acutely ill children?
- Health Care Assistants in Home Nursing The Holy Grail or the Emperor’s New Clothes? A Qualitative Study
- A systematic overview of evidence-based practice guidelines on the prevention and treatment of alcohol- and drug misuse in adolescents
- Dealing with chemotherapy-related symptoms at home: a qualitative study in adult patients with cancer
- Enhancing the connection between the classroom and the clinical workplace: A systematic review
- Community occupational therapy to improve functioning in physical frail older people
- Hospital- and community-based interventions enhancing (re)employment for people with spinal cord injury: a systematic review
- Spiritual history taking in palliative home care: a cluster randomized controlled trial
- old&@home: Optimizing the functionality of community dwelling physically frail older people trough occupational therapy
- 2015
- Exploring the activity profile of health care assistants and nurses in home nursing
- De transfer van het geleerde van de les naar de klinische werkplek: een systematic review
- De transfer van het geleerde van de les naar de klinische werkplek: Opvattingen van studenten, docenten en stageleiders
- Shifting care from hospital to home: a qualitative study
- Impact of Nurse-Led Telecoaching on the Annual Healthcare Utilization and Costs in People with Type 2 Diabetes in Belgium. Within-Trial Analysis of Health Insurance Data
- Technology for Large-Scale Translation of Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Pilot Study of the Performance of a Hybrid Human and Computer-Assisted Approach
- Caring for homecare: A multimethod analysis of the current and future role of home nurses
- Validating a decision tree for serious infection: diagnostic accuracy in acutely ill children in ambulatory care
- General practitioners' judgment of chronic heart failure in the oldest old. Insights from the BELFRAIL study
- The Ars Moriendi Model for Spiritual Assessment:
A Mixed-Methods Evaluation
- Kosteneffectiviteit van therapeutische educatie bij prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
- THE AUTHORS REPLY : The Association of Common Variants in PCSK1 with Obesity: A huge Review and Meta-Analysis
- Together we change!
- Willingness of Community-dwelling Older Persons to Participate in Fall Prevention interventions: a Belgian Survey Study
- Effectiveness of nurse-led telecoaching in optimising diabetes control: results of a randomised controlled trial in patients with type 2 diabetes
- The 24-hour recall instrument to measure the activity profile of home nurses: Development and psychometric testing
- 4C/ID in Medical Education: How to design an educational program based on whole-task learning: AMEE Guide No 93
- 2014
- The Association of Common Variants in PCSK1 With Obesity: A HuGE Review and Meta-Analysis
- Een blended leeromgeving gebaseerd op het 4C/ID model: evaluatie per element in de leeromgeving
- Health Care Costs in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Flanders Based on A Combination of Clinical And Health Insurance Data
- The quality of hereditary haemochromatosis guidelines: a comparative analysis
- Cost-Effectiveness of Therapeutic Education to Prevent the Development and Progression of Type 2 Diabetes. Systematic Review
- The activity profile of home nurses: a systematic review
- 4C/ID in medical education: How to design an educational program based on whole-task learning: AMEE guide n°93.
- Innovation in medical education: the importance of students' perceptions
- Serious infections at a paediatric A&E
- Sepsis and meningitis in hospitalized children: performance of clinical signs and their prediction rules in a case-control study
- Een ruimer perspectief op somberheid in de palliatieve fase
- The associationof common variants in PCSK1 with obesity: A Meta-analysis
- Characteristics and effectiveness of complex nursing interventions aimed at reducing symptom burden in adult patients treated with chemotherapy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
- Une vision pour l’avenir après 50 ans de soins de santé en Belgique
- Continuing care for patients with alcohol use disorders: A systematic review
- De groeiende gaten in het zorgnet
- Evidence-based Prehospital Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Comparative Analysis of Current Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Review projects should reveal the reviewers' rationale to opt for particular quality assessment criteria."
- Optimizing antibiotic prescribing for acutely ill children in primary care (ERNIE2 study protocol, part B): a cluster randomized, factorial controlled trial evaluating the effect of a point-of-care C-reactive protein test and a brief intervention combined with written safety net advice
- Diagnosing serious infections in acutely ill children in ambulatory care (ERNIE 2 study protocol, part A): diagnostic accuracy of a clinical decision tree and added value of a point-of-care C-reactive protein test and oxygen saturation
- Development of quality indicators for an integrated approach of knee osteoarthritis
- 4C/ID in medical education: Designing a course for general practitioners
- De Vlaamse huisarts anno 2013: op kruissnelheid naar verandering
- Twintig jaar accreditering van huisartsen in België: waar situeren we ons ten opzichte van andere Europese landen?
- Accreditering vanuit het electronisch medisch dossier: naar een nieuw model?
- Analytical accuracy and user-friendliness of the Afinion point-of-care CRP test
- Evidence-based practice guidelines on alcohol and drug misuse
- Continue professionele vorming van huisarten: tijd voor een drastische wending?
- Praktijkmanagement voor de huisarts
- Nurse-led telecoaching of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized controlled trial
- 2013
- Adapting best practice guidelines for the prevention, screening and treatment of substance misuse in adolescents to a local Belgian context
- Guide de bonne pratique dépistage, évaluation et traitement de l'abus de drogues
- Guide de bonne pratique dépistage, évaluation et traitement de l'abus d'alcool chez les jeunes
- Guide de bonne pratique pour la prévention de l'abus d'alcool et de drogues chez les adolescents
- Defining a palliative care patient: Reaction on Groninger H. Letter to the Editor: Regarding a definition of the palliative care patient
- Development and validation of COMPASS: clinical evidence of orphan medicinal products – an assessment tool
- Outcome Measures of Spiritual Care in Palliative Home Care: A Qualitative Study
- Feasibility and impact of an evidence-based electronic decision support system for diabetes care in family medicine: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
- EBMPracticeNet: A Bilingual National Electronic Point-Of-Care Project for Retrieval of Evidence-Based Clinical Guideline Information and Decision Support
- Can training improve laypersons helping behaviour in first aid? A randomised controlled deception trial
- Spirituality in palliative home care: a framework for the clinician
- Defining the Palliative Care Patient: a systematic review.
- How well do clinical prediction rules perform in identifying serious infections in acutely ill children across an international network of ambulatory care datasets?
- Personen met een verslaving
- Spiritualiteit in palliatieve thuiszorg: handvatten voor de dagelijkse praktijk
- Het Verpleegkundig Preventieconsult
- Implementation of the ars moriendi model in palliative home care: a pilot study
- Palliatieve zorg voor de patiënt met dementie
- Human computation as a new method for evidence-based knowledge transfer in web-based guideline development groups: A proof of concept randomized controlled trial
- Spirituele zorg aan het levenseinde
- Werk aan de winkel
- Richtlijn voor de preventie van alcohol en drug misbruik bij adolescenten
- Richtlijn Screening, assessment en behandeling van jongeren met drugmisbruik
- Identificatie van een palliatieve patiënt
- Spiritualiteit in de huisartsenpraktijk. Een kwalitatieve onderzoekssynthese
- Richtlijn Screening, assessment en behandeling van jongeren met alcoholmisbruik
- Systematic review on the cost-effectiveness of therapeutic education to prevent the development and progression of type 2 diabetes
- 2012
- Family Physicians' Perceptions and Use of Electronic Clinical Decision Support During the First Year of Implementation
- GPs' views concerning spirituality and the use of the FICA tool in palliative care in Flanders: a qualitative study
- Can the heart scan be used for diagnosis and monitoring of emergencies in general practice
- Complex learning and integrated assessment in medical education
- Inter-rater reliability of AGREE II: need for refining the criteria?
- An adapted approach to identify evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for prehospital management of time-sensitive critical conditions
- Systematically reviewing existing guidelines on the prevention, screening, detection and treatment of adolescents who misuse alcohol and drugs: lack of evidence or lack of quality or reporting issues?
- Systematic review and validation of prediction rules for identifying children with serious infections in emergency departments and urgent-access primary care
- De combinatiepil met drosperinon versus levonorgestrel. Verschillen op vlak van gewichtstoename en cardiovasculaire complicaties bij obese vrouwen?
- Obstacles to implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Belgium: a context-specific qualitative evidence synthesis including findings from different health care discipline's
- 2011
- Spirituality in general practice. A qualitative evidence synthesis
- Incident somatic comorbidity after psychosis: results from a retrospective cohort study based on Flemish general practice based data
- Incidence and outcome of first syncope in primary care: A retrospective cohort study
- Rigour of development does not AGREE with recommendations in practice guidelines on the use of ice for acute ankle sprains
- Om welke reden verwijzen huisartsen patiënten met pijn op de borst? Een kwalitatief onderzoek
- Keuring van jonge competitieve sporters in de huisartsenpraktijk
- 2010
- Final report for HTA Project 07/37/05: Systematic review and validation of prediction rules for identifying children with serious infections in emergency departments and urgent-access primary care
- Excess of mortality in patients with chest pain peaks in the first three days period after the incident and normalizes after one month
- Medicinal use of potato-derived products: conclusions of a rapid review versus full systematic review
- Exploring Barriers to the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Psychiatry to Inform Health Policy: A Focus Group Based Study
- Maligna melanoma: to screen or not to screen? An evaluation of the Euromelanoma day in Flanders, Belgium
- Added Value of Point-of-Care CRP for diagnostic triage in acutely ill children in General Practice
- The use of human tissue in epidemiological research; ethical and legal considerations in two biobanks in Belgium
- Physical examination for lumbar radiculopathy due to disc herniation in patients with low-back pain
- The attitude of Flemish occupational health physicians toward evidence-based occupational health and clinical practice guidelines
- Computerized general practice based networks yield comparable performance with sentinel data in monitoring epidemiological time-course of influenza-like illness and acute respiratory illness
- 2009
- Effectiveness of electronic guideline-based implementation systems in ambulatory care settings - a systematic review
- Onderzoek naar de toekomst van transmurale zorgpaden
- Obstacles to the implementation of evidence-based physiotherapy in practice: A focus group-based study in Belgium (Flanders)
- The attitude of Belgian social insurance physicians towards evidence-based practice and clinical practice guidelines
- Effectiveness of nonresuscitative first aid training in laypersons: a systematic review
- Psychiatry with other health care professionals
- GP's reasons for referral of patients with chest pain: a qualitative study
- Kansen en problemen bij door huisartsen opgezette geneesmiddelenstudies in België
- Why does the general practitioner refer patients with chest pain not-urgently to the specialist or urgently to the emergency department? Influence of the certainty of the initial diagnosis
- Research over diagnostiek:het is niet meer wat het geweest is
- [Meta-analyses based on individual patient data (IPD)].
- Meta-analyse van individuele patiëntengegevens
- Evaluation of the quality of life after individualized homeopathic treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis. A prospective, open, non-comparative study
- Klachten en symptomen van acuut myocardinfarct en acuut coronair syndroom
- Interdisciplinary diabetes care teams operating on the interface between primary and specialty care are associated with improved outcomes of care: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
- Ernstige infecties bij kinderen. De diagnostische waarde van symptomen en tekens in de eerste lijn
- Online-on-the-spot zoeken verhoogt het gebruik van EBM tijdens consultaties
- Europese richtlijnen voor eerste hulp. Project "Europees handboek Eerste Hulp" van Rode Kruis Vlaanderen
- 2008
- Half of the patients with chest pain that are urgently referred are transported in unsafe conditions
- A cluster randomized trial to improve adherence to evidence-based guidelines on diabetes and reduce clinical inertia in primary care physicians in Belgium: study protocol [NTR 1369]
- Obstacles to implementing evidence-based dentistry: a focus group-based study
- Signs and symptoms in diagnosing acute myocardial infarctioon and acute coronary syndrome: a diagnostic meta-analysis
- Guidelines for conducting systematic reviews of studies evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic tests
- Multivariable analysis in diagnostic accuracy studies. What are the possibilities?
- A context-specific meta-synthesis on barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in Flanders:can we cross the borders with it?
- Preliminaire bevindingen van focusgroeponderzoek over hinderpalen bij implementatie van evidence-based praktijkvoering in Vlaanderen
- 2007
- The evaluation of diagnostic tests: evidence on technical and diagnostic accuracy, impact on patient outcome and cost-effectiveness is needed
- Barriers to evidence-based nursing: a focus group study
- Online on-the-spot searching increases use of evidence during consultations in family practice
- Signs and symptoms for diagnosis of serious infections in children: a prospective study in primary care
- European first aid guidelines
- Intego in de praktijk: Epidemiologie van hersentraumata in de eerste lijn
- Implementing and optimising an Electronic Library of Health Care in Belgium: results of a pilot study
- Het effect van een multidisciplinair zorgplan in de thuiszorg
- Huidinfecties bij kinderen: enkele lastige diagnosen
- Ernstige infecties bij kinderen op een spoedgevallendienst in Vlaanderen: de invloed van klinische tekenen
- [The Cochrane Collaboration and systematic literature reviews about the efficiency of a treatment]
- Symptomen en tekenen bij kinderen met een ernstige infectie: een kwalitatieve studie
- `Evidence' in de Belgische, Nederlandstalige verpleegkundige vakliteratuur: opvallend afwezig?
- Ernstige infecties bij kinderen. Een incidentiestudie in de huisartsenpraktijk
- 2006
- Results of diagnostic accuracy studies are not always validated
- Intego in de praktijk (deel 9): Incidentie van myocardinfarct
- Intego in de praktijk (slot): incidentie van prikkelbaredarmsyndroom
- Intego in de praktijk (deel 8): Incidentie van depressies
- Evidence-based medicine in de Nederlandstalige psychiatrische, psychologische en psychotherapeutische vakliteratuur: Opvallend aanwezig?
- Studenten screenen op alcoholmisbruik en -afhankelijkheid. De diagnostische waarde van de CUGE-vragenlijst
- Onderzoeksdesigns bij patiëntgebonden wetenschappelijk onderzoek
- Serious infections in children: an incidence study in family practice
- 2005
- La validation systématique de guides de pratique clinique: l' instrument AGREE, élaboration et diffusion d'une liste internationale de critères
- Implementing evidence-based medicine in general practice: a focus group based study
- [Pharmacological treatment of hypercholesterolaemia in primary prevention. The use of the different sources of information]
- Signs and symptoms in children with a serious infection: a qualitative study
- A systematic review of appraisal tools for clinical practice guidelines: multiple similarities and one common deficit
- From PICO to search terms on the Internet: how to find relevant information ? New coxibs: do they have a better gastrointestinal safety?
- Validating Clinical Guidelines: using the AGREE instrument in practice
- Measuring the body temperature: how accurate is the Tempa Dot?
- Screening en behandeling van alocoholmisbruik
- Evidence-based medicine : een bespreking van de meest voorkomende kritiek
- Zoeken in de 'virtuele bibliotheek gezondheidszorg' Effecten van training op het gebruik van medische informatietechnologie
- Educational interventions for improving general practice trainees communication skills in the clinical consultation
- What is the impact of alcohol on learning in university students ?
- De implementatie van evidence-based kinesitherapie: hoe werkt het en hoe zorgen we ervoor dat het werkt
- The effects of access to information retrieval technology on the competences and professional performance of students/trainees of all health care disciplines
- Het systematisch valideren van klinische praktijkrichtlijnen
- 2004
- Disclosing the diagnosis of dementia: the performance of Flemish general practitioners
- Evidence-based medicine: plus qu'un terme à la mode
- Evidence-based medicine: Otite moyenne chez l'enfant. Comment formuler une question PICO ?
- Diagnosing dementia in primary care
- CUGE: a screening instrument for alcohol abuse and dependence in students
- The power of sharing knowledge: promoting evidence-based information technology to facilitate shared decision making
- Is oraal sumatriptan in lage dosis evenwaardig voor de behandeling van migraine als de standaard dosis ? Het hoe en wat van systematische reviews
- Actor-Network Theorie: een exploratie van de dynamische strijd van de Cochrane Colloboration om bruggen te bouwen tussen onderzoeksresultaten en de klinische praktijk
- Is galantamine een waardevolle aanwinst voor de behandeling van dementie ? De patiënt temidden van de evidentie
- Implementatie van Evidence-based Medicine in de Vlaamse huisartsenpraktijk. Kwalitatief onderzoek op basis van focusgroepen
- Stoppen met roken: taak voor arts en patiënt. De Cochrane Collaboration en patiënteninformatie
- Mijn kind heeft bijna elke week een neusbloeding: kunt u daar iets aan doen, dokter ?' Clinical Evidence als bron voor informatie
- The value of the CAGE in screening for alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence in general clinical populations: a diagnostic meta-analysis
- The diagnostic value of IADL evaluation in the detection of dementia in general practice
- What(ch) evidence: Drawing on the actor-network theory for an exploration of the dynamic struggle of the Cochrane Collaboration to build bridges between research results and clinical practice
- Het overbruggen van de kloof tussen onderzoeksresultaten en de praktijk: veelvoorkomende problemen in de ontwikkeling en het gebruik van een nationale electronische bibliotheek gezondheidszorg
- Diagnose van urologische kanker in de huisartsenpraktijk. De waarde van macroscopische hematurie
- Bridging the gap between research results and decision making in clinical practice:common problems in the development and use of a national electronic library of health care
- Constructing a research design to evaluate a consultation skills training of General Practice vocational trainees based on a systematic review of the literature
- Effects of a training program on the efficiency of the use of online information retrieval technology: a cohort study
- De behandeling van jicht: aanbevelingen als ondersteuning voor de huisarts
- Zitten kinderen met ADHD langer stil met een langer werkende pil ? Het koninginnestuk: de randomised controlled trial
- Kinesitherapie bij de ziekte van Parkinson. In welke volgorde de bronnen doorzoeken ?
- Lessons learned from reviewing interventions to improve communication skills
- Screening for alcohol abuse and dependence in older people using DSM criteria: a review
- 2003
- the implementation of Evidence-Based medicine in general practice: Flemish suggestions to bridge the barriers
- De implementatie van Evidence-Based Medicine in de huisartspraktijk: Vlaamse suggesties om de obstakels te overbruggen
- Het Belgisch Centrum voor Evidence-based Medicine: fictie of non-fictie
- Hypercholesterolemie: Het gebruik van informatiebronnen
- Studenten en drankgebruik
- The diagnostic value of macroscopic haematuria for the diagnosis of urological cancer in general practice
- Van onderzoeksresultaten naar praktijk: systematiche reviews en de Cochrane library
- Otitis media: Hoe een PICO-vraag formuleren ?
- Macroscopic haematuria and urological cancer - Response
- The Belgian Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine: an example of an independent, multidisciplinary centre covering all relevant health care domains in Belgium
- De nieuwe coxib's: zijn ze echt beter ?
- Centrum voor evidence based medicine
- Evidence based handelen en de verpleegkundige praktijk: Het medisch paradigma overstijgen
- 2002
- The relation between alcohol abuse or dependence and academic performance in first-year college students
- Richtlijnen over het beleid van acute thoracale pijn [letter]
- Dwalingen in de methodologie. XXXVI. Van likelihood-ratio's en de regel van Bayes
- Questionnaires are better than laboratory tests to screen for current alcohol abuse or dependence in a male inpatient population
- Detectie van alcoholmisbruik of -afhankelijkheid in de huisartsenpraktijk
- Evidence-based medicine. De Cochrane Collaboration en systematische literatuuroverzichten over de doeltreffendheid van een behandeling
- De detectie van alcoholproblemen bij ouderen
- 2001
- Screening for alcohol abuse
- Screening properties of questionnaires and laboratory tests for the detection of alcohol abuse or dependence in a general practice population
- Het effect van kinsesitherapie bij musculo-skeletale aandoeningen: een overzicht van de in literatuurreviews beschikbaare informatie
- Genitory-urinary problems
- 2000
- Is there a difference between CAGE interviews and written CAGE questionnaires?
- The value of CAGE, CUGE, and AUDIT in screening for alcohol abuse and dependence among college freshmen
- De prevalentie van alcoholafhankelijkheid en alcoholmisbruik in de huisartsenpraktijk in Vlaanderen
- Guidelines for conducting systematic reviews of studies evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic tests
- 1999
- De prevalentie van overmatig alcoholgebruik en alcoholafhankelijkheid volgens DSM-IV-criteria bij eerstejaarsstudenten
- 1995
- De CAGE: onbekend is onbemind