Geert Goderis
Zelfstandig academisch personeel (ZAP)
- 2024
- Assessment of cardiovascular risk with sulfonylurea use in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A retrospective cohort study.
- Trends in type 2 diabetes medication use and guideline adherence in Belgian primary care (2019-2023).
- Knowledge and prescribing behaviour of Flemish general practitioners regarding novel glucose-lowering medications: Online cross-sectional survey.
- Mapping implementation strategies to reach community-dwelling older adults in Northwest Switzerland
- A qualitative exploration of professionals' perspectives on the implementation of reablement intervention programs in community care.
- What matters to you? A mixed-method evaluation of goal setting and attainment within reablement from a client perspective.
- 2023
- Development and content of a community-based reablement programme (I-MANAGE): a co-creation study
- Stakeholders’ experiences and perception on transitional care initiatives within an integrated care project in Belgium: a qualitative interview study.
- Exploring the Support and Involvement of Family Caregivers for Reablement Programs: A Qualitative Study
- 2022
- Correction to: The concept of disability and its causal mechanisms in older people over time from a theoretical perspective: a literature review.
- A multi-level perspective on perceived unmet needs for home support in home-dwelling older adults in the Swiss context: a secondary data analysis of a population study
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on eHealth Use in the Daily Practice and Life of Dutch-Speaking General Practitioners in Belgium: Qualitative Study With Semistructured Interviews
- The concept of disability and its causal mechanisms in older people over time from a theoretical perspective: a literature review
- 2021
- « Reablement » comme outil thérapeutique pour offrir aux personnes âgées une vie de qualité à domicile après une réadaptation gériatrique
- Prevalence of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Failure, and Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Primary Care Research Network-based Study
- The effect of automated audit and feedback on data completeness in the electronic health record of the general physician: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
- 2020
- Screening and follow-up of pregestational diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus: A survey of primary care physicians in Belgium
- Verschil in incidentie van cardiovasculaire gebeurtenissen tussen linagliptine en glimepiride bij patiënten met type 2-diabetes en verhoogd cardiovasculair risico?
- Betere glycemiecontrole met semaglutide dan met canagliflozine wanneer toegevoegd aan metformine?
- Is metformine ook eerste keuze als opstartmedicatie bij patiënten met type 2-diabetes én chronische nierinsufficiëntie?
- Patients' perceptions of frequent hospital admissions: a qualitative interview study with older people above 65 years of age
- Studying the impact of a medication use evaluation by the community pharmacist (Simenon): Drug-related problems and associated variables
- The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an integrated osteoporosis care programme for postmenopausal women in Flanders: study protocol of a quasi-experimental controlled design
- Voorafgaande zorgplanning in de huisartsenpraktijk: drempels, faciliterende factoren en aanbevelingen voor implementatie
- Developing quality indicators for Chronic Kidney Disease in primary care, extractable from the Electronic Medical Record. A Rand-modified Delphi method
- Development of quality indicators for type 2 diabetes, extractable from the electronic health record of the general physician. A rand-modified Delphi method
- The effect of electronic audits and feedback in primary care and factors that contribute to their effectiveness: a systematic review
- 2019
- Trends in multimorbidity and polypharmacy in the Flemish-Belgian population between 2000 and 2015
- Editoriaal Veilig zwanger ? Naar een betere screening van zwangerschapsdiabetes
- Langetermijneffecten van GLP-1-analogen op cardiovasculaire en renale uitkomsten.
- Glykemiecontrole van GLP-1-analogen in vergelijking met basaal insuline.
- Burden of heart failure in Flemish general practices: a registry-based study in the Intego database
- Assessing testing rates for viral hepatitis B and C by general practitioners in Flanders, Belgium: a registry-based study
- Evaluating Triple Aim in integrated care through claims data
- 2018
- Time trends in statin use and incidence of recurrent cardiovascular events in secondary prevention between 1999 and 2013: a registry-based study
- Is there a correlation between an eGFR slope measured over a 5-year period and incident cardiovascular events in the following 5 years among a Flemish general practice population: a retrospective cohort study
- Screening and Linkage to Care for Hepatitis C Viral Infection in the General Population in Belgium
- How to evaluate a Nationwide Whole System Change in Health Care towards Integrated Care for people with Chronic Conditions? Part I: the co-construction of an evaluation framework.
- How to evaluate a Nation-wide Whole System Change in Health Care towards Integrated Care for people with Chronic Conditions? Part II: the co-construction of a monitoring system involving multiple databases.
- 2017
- Verhoogde kans op acute pancreatitis met GLP-1-analogen of DPP-4-inhibitoren?
- Verhoogde kans op acute pancreatitis met GLP-1-analogen of DPP-4-inhibitoren?
- Liraglutide toevoegen aan de insulinebehandeling bij type 1-diabetes?
- Factors associated with Prolonged Inaction in the hypoglycaemic treatment in people with non-insulin dependent Type 2 Diabetes and elevated glycated haemoglobin: A registry-based cohort study
- Estimating the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders using medication data in Flanders, Belgium
- Antibiotic prescribing in relation to diagnoses and consultation rates in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden: use of European quality indicators
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and associated health problems: Insights from a primary care registry
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and its comorbidities: What comes first?
- Prescription of Antibiotics to Treat Gonorrhoea in General Practice in Flanders 2009-2013: A Registry-Based Retrospective Cohort Study
- Inleiding tot de Epidemiologie
- 2016
- Multidisciplinaire richtlijn Chronisch nierlijden (CNI)
- Patient and provider acceptance of telecoaching in type 2 diabetes: a mixed-method study embedded in a randomised clinical trial
- Bondige bespreking: Liraglutide toevoegen bij onvoldoende glykemiecontrole met multipele dagelijkse insuline-injecties?
- Delivering Diabetes Education through NurseLed Telecoaching. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Betere diabetescontrole door telecoaching: COACH-programma bij type 2 diabetes
- Kan een dalende bloeddruk de nierfunctie bij ouderen verslechteren?
- Barriers and Facilitators towards an Integrated Chronic Care Model as experienced by primary care health providers
- Optimizing diabetes control in people with Type 2 diabetes through nurse-led telecoaching
- Gonorrhoea and Syphilis Epidemiology in Flemish General Practice 2009-2013: Results from a Registry-based Retrospective Cohort Study Compared with Mandatory Notification
- Inleiding tot de Epidemiologie
- 2015
- Intensieve glykemiecontrole bij type 2-diabetespatiënten gaat gepaard met een daling van cardiovasculaire gebeurtenissen op lange termijn
- Kosteneffectiviteit van therapeutische educatie bij prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
- Care trajectories are associated with quality improvement in the treatment of patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A registry based cohort study
- 20 jaar Huisartspraktijk in Vlaanderen
- Does the Belgian diabetes type 2 care trajectory improve quality of care for diabetes patients?
- Effectiveness of nurse-led telecoaching in optimising diabetes control: results of a randomised controlled trial in patients with type 2 diabetes
- The correlation between blood pressure and kidney function decline in older people: a registry-based cohort study
- Public Health Triangulation to inform decision-making in Belgium
- 2014
- Cost-Effectiveness of Therapeutic Education to Prevent the Development and Progression of Type 2 Diabetes. Systematic Review
- The Intego database: background, methods and basic results of a Flemish general practice-based continuous morbidity registration project
- Langetermijnevolutie van de nierfunctie bij patiënten met type 2 diabetes
- What determines inclusion in the early phase of the type 2 diabetes care trajectory in Belgium?
- EPR-based, quality-related process parameters: a nationwide assessment
- Belgian Primary Care EPR: Assessment of Nationwide Routine Data Extraction
- Relevance of chronic lyme disease to family medicine as a complex multidimensional chronic disease construct: a systematic review.
- Nurse-led telecoaching of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized controlled trial
- 2013
- First nationwide data collection from the medical patient record (2008-2011) in Belgium
- Hades en Charon. Het verhaal van de Dood en de Huisarts
- Proactieve organisatie van de chronische zorg
- Wie faalt heeft een stoornis
- Prevalentie van chronisch nierfalen bij mensen met diabetes type 2. Intego in de praktijk
- Influence of chronic comorbidity and medication on the efficacy of treatment in patients with diabetes in general practice
- Nationaal onderzoeksnetwerk in de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg
- Long-term evolution of renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a registry-based retrospective cohort study
- Routinely-collected General Practice Data from the Electronic Patient Record and General Practitioner Active Electronic Questioning Method: A Comparative Study
- Global quality indicators for primary care electronic patient records
- Nut van metformine bij type 2-diabetes in vraag gesteld
- Systematic review on the cost-effectiveness of therapeutic education to prevent the development and progression of type 2 diabetes
- 2012
- To Pico or not to Pico
- Achil et les trajets de soins INAMI pour le diabète de type 2 et l'insuffisance renale chronique
- Achil et les trajets de soins INAMI pour le diabète de type 2 et l'insuffisance renale chronique
- Burn-out: terug naar de bron
- Quality assessment of automatically extracted data from GPs' EPR
- Nation-wide primary healthcare research network: a privacy protection assessment
- 2011
- Doelgerichte gestructureerde groepseducatie voor de behandeling van type 2-diabetes.
- Doelgerichte gestructureerde groepseducatie voor de behandeling van type 2-diabetes
- Samenwerken aan chronische zorg: een uitdaging voor de toekomst
- Patients' experiences with patient-centred care are associated with documented outcome of care indicators for diabetes: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
- ACHIL: Griekse mythe of Belgische realiteit
- Achil: Griekse mythe of Belgische realiteit?
- 2010
- Complexiteitsdenken in de huisartsgeneeskunde
- Kwaliteitsverbetering in de chronische zorg: bevindingen van het diabetesproject leuven
- Monitoring modifiable cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes care in general practice: the use of an aggregated z-score
- Effective Responses to the Clinical Challenges in Chronic Care Delivery: Findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
- Zorgtrajecten: het debat
- Diversiteit in de diabeteszorgprogramma’s: Nood aan een gestandaardiseerd raamwerk?
- Zorg voor patiënten met diabetes type 2. Samenwerking is noodzakelijk!
- Diversiteit in de diabeteszorgprogramma's
- Start improving the quality of care for people with type 2 diabetes through a general practice support program: A cluster randomized trial
- Kwaliteitsverbetering in de diabetiszorg: de ervaringen van het diabetisproject
- Het transmurale zorgtraject diabetes mellitus type 2
- 2009
- Barriers and facilitators to evidence based care of type 2 diabetes patients: experiences of general practitioners participating to a quality improvement program
- Diabetes Project Leuven: testcase voor een samenwerkingsmodel
- Diabetes Project Leuven: testcase voor een samenwerkingsmodel
- Diabetesproject leuven: testcase voor een samenwerkingsmodel
- Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care in Belgium: Need for Structured Shared Care
- Interdisciplinary diabetes care teams operating on the interface between primary and specialty care are associated with improved outcomes of care: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project
- 2008
- A cluster randomized trial to improve adherence to evidence-based guidelines on diabetes and reduce clinical inertia in primary care physicians in Belgium: study protocol [NTR 1369]
- Gestructureerde groepseducatie bij recent vastgestelde type 2-diabetes
- Doeltreffendheid en veiligheid van orale antidiabetica bij type 2-diabetes
- Diversity in diabetes care programmes and views on high quality diabetes care: are we in need of a standardized framework?
- 2007
- G L O B A A L C A R D I O V A S C U L A I R R I S I C O B E H E E R
- Kwaliteitsverbeteringen in de Zorg aan Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patiënten in de Huisartsenpraktijk: Een Gerandomiseerde, Gecontroleerde, Geclusterde Studie
- 2006
- Cardiovasculaire risicofactoren uniform registreren. Voorwaarde voor kritische reflectie over de praktijkvoering
- 2004
- Cardiovascular prevention in general practice: development and validation of an algorithm
- Statins in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease presenting with peripheral artery disease
- Cardiovascular prevention in type 2 diabetic patients: review of efficacious treatments