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Baromètre du diabète
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COVID-19 Barometer V2
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Gijs Van Pottelbergh
Zelfstandig academisch personeel (ZAP)
Bekijk profiel op KULeuven - Wie is wie
Integrating human biomonitoring exposure data into a primary care morbidity database: a feasibility study
Associations of heat with diseases and specific symptoms in Flanders, Belgium: An 8-year retrospective study of general practitioner registration data
Emergence of the B.1.214.2 SARS-CoV-2 lineage with an Omicron-like spike insertion and a unique upper airway immune signature.
Model-based disease mapping using primary care registry data
Association between non-registration of chronic kidney disease and mortality and cardiovascular outcome: a time-to-event analysis of retrospective primary care data.
Developing a questionnaire to evaluate an automated audit & feedback intervention: a Rand-modified Delphi method
Assessing mental health from registry data: What is the best proxy?
Pneumokokkenvaccinatie bij volwassenen in ons land
Pneumococcal vaccination coverage and adherence to recommended dosing schedules in adults: a repeated cross-sectional study of the INTEGO morbidity registry
Stakeholders’ experiences and perception on transitional care initiatives within an integrated care project in Belgium: a qualitative interview study.
Trends in the registration of anxiety in Belgian primary care from 2000 to 2021: a registry-based study
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Registration and Care Provision of Mental Health Problems in General Practice: Registry-Based Study
An exploration of under-registration of chronic kidney disease stages 3-5 in Belgian general practices using logistic regression
IgG anti-spike antibodies and surrogate neutralizing antibody levels decline faster 3 to 10 months after BNT162b2 vaccination than after SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers (vol 13, 909910, 2022)
Incidence rates and trends of childhood urinary tract infections and antibiotic prescribing: registry-based study in general practices (2000 to 2020)
Trends in the epidemiology of depression and comorbidities from 2000 to 2019 in Belgium
IgG Anti-Spike Antibodies and Surrogate Neutralizing Antibody Levels Decline Faster 3 to 10 Months After BNT162b2 Vaccination Than After SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Healthcare Workers
Lower persistence of anti-nucleocapsid compared to anti-spike antibodies up to one year after SARS-CoV-2 infection
IgG anti-spike antibody levels in healthcare workers with and without prior COVID-19 up to 3 months after BNT162b2 vaccination
A Resampling Method to Improve the Prognostic Model of End-Stage Kidney Disease: A Better Strategy for Imbalanced Data
The Effects of Heatwaves on Human Morbidity in Primary Care Settings: A Case-Crossover Study
The long and bumpy road to integrated care: lessons from the Leuven integrated care project in Belgium
Towards integrated care in the complex healthcare system of Belgium: an implementation strategy based on vicinity networks and a mixed financing model
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the incidence of diseases and the provision of primary care: A registry-based study.
Knelpunten in de zorg voor patiënten met chronische nierinsuficiëntie: analyse van MFO-verslagen en masterthesissen
Impact of Heat Waves on Hospitalisation and Mortality in Nursing Homes: A Case-Crossover Study
An automated data cleaning method for Electronic Health Records by incorporating clinical knowledge
Implementing standards of care for heart failure patients in general practice - the IMPACT-B study protocol
The effect of automated audit and feedback on data completeness in the electronic health record of the general physician: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
Polypharmacy and excessive polypharmacy in community-dwelling middle aged and aged adults between 2011 and 2015
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a care program based on the Chronic Care Model for patients with chronic conditions in primary care A systematic review
The incidence of lower respiratory tract infections and pneumococcal vaccination status in adults in flemish primary care
Invloed dalende eGFR op cardiovasculaire events
Developing quality indicators for Chronic Kidney Disease in primary care, extractable from the Electronic Medical Record. A Rand-modified Delphi method
Self-management among community-dwelling people with chronic conditions: Adapting evidence-based group programs using intervention mapping
Predictive Accuracy of Frailty Tools for Adverse Outcomes in a Cohort of Adults 80 Years and Older: A Decision Curve Analysis
Trends in multimorbidity and polypharmacy in the Flemish-Belgian population between 2000 and 2015
Burden of heart failure in Flemish general practices: a registry-based study in the Intego database
Integrated care for the inhabitants of the city Leuven: Protocol of the ZORGZAAM Leuven integrated care project.
hoe kan het LMN de huisarts ondersteunen?
Time trends in statin use and incidence of recurrent cardiovascular events in secondary prevention between 1999 and 2013: a registry-based study
Medicatieoverleg bij patiënten met CNI. Optimaliseren van de begeleiding door arts en apotheker
Patient and treatment characteristics associated with patient activation in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a cross-sectional study
Prognostic value of short-term decline of forced expiratory volume in 1 s over height cubed (FEV1/Ht(3)) in a cohort of adults aged 80 and over
Correlates of dyspnoea and its association with adverse outcomes in a cohort of adults aged 80 and over
Association between traditional cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in the oldest old: untangling the role of frailty
CD4: 8 ratio above 5 is associated with all-cause mortality in CMV-seronegative very old women: results from the BELFRAIL study
Estimating the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders using medication data in Flanders, Belgium
Predictive Value of Different Expressions of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second (FEV1) for Adverse Outcomes in a Cohort of Adults Aged 80 and Older
Reorganisatie van de eerstelijnszorg in Vlaanderen. Aandachtspunten op weg naar meer patiëntgerichte zorg
Multidisciplinaire richtlijn Chronisch nierlijden (CNI)
A high sense of coherence as protection against adverse health outcomes in patients aged 80 years and older
Promoting self-management in chronically ill people within primary care: a needs assessment among patients and caregivers
Kan een dalende bloeddruk de nierfunctie bij ouderen verslechteren?
The clinical impact of valvular heart disease in a population-based cohort of subjects aged 80 and older
Empowerment en zelfmanagement bij hartfalen. Implementatie in de praktijk.
Verwijzing van CNI-patiënten naar de diëtist. Welk drempels ervaren diëtisten en patiënten?
Prevalence and Prognostic Impact of Valve Area-Gradient Patterns in Patients ≥80 Years With Moderate-to-Severe Aortic Stenosis (from the Prospective BELFRAIL Study)
Interleukin-6 as a first-rated serum inflammatory marker to predict mortality and hospitalization in the oldest old: A regression and CART approach in the BELFRAIL study
General practitioners' judgment of chronic heart failure in the oldest old. Insights from the BELFRAIL study
Multimorbidity measures were poor predictors of adverse events in patients aged≥ 80 years: a prospective cohort study
CD4:8 Ratio > 5 Is Associated With a Dominant Naive T-Cell Phenotype and Impaired Physical Functioning in CMV-Seropositive Very Elderly People: Results From the BELFRAIL Study
Respiratory function and its predictive value for health related outcomes in the BELFRAIL cohort
Multimorbiditeit: een complex fenomeen
No relation between CMV infection and mortality in the oldest old: results from the Belfrail study
Short-term prognostic value of forced expiratory volume in 1 second divided by height cubed in a prospective cohort of people 80 years and older
The correlation between blood pressure and kidney function decline in older people: a registry-based cohort study
Verwijzing naar een diëtist bij patiënten met chronische nierinsufficiëntie: Waar gaat het mis?
noodzakelijke dosisaanpassingen voor vaak gebruikte medicatie bij patiënten met een gedaalde nierfunctie: een poging om door de bomen het bos te zien
Two sides of the same coin? Patients’ and nurses’ attitudes towards education in chronic care
Patient preferences for education strategies in individuals with a chronic disease
Drug prescriptions unadapted to the renal function in patients aged 80 years and older (a.)
Langetermijnevolutie van de nierfunctie bij patiënten met type 2 diabetes
Muscle Strength and Physical Performance as Predictors of Mortality, Hospitalization, and Disability in the Oldest Old
The glomerular filtration rate estimated by new and old equations as a predictor of important outcomes in elderly patients
Significance of serum immune markers in identification of global functional impairment in the oldest old: cross-sectional results from the BELFRAIL study
Prediction of mortality and functional decline by changes in eGFR in the very elderly: the Leiden 85-plus study
Value of Adding Natriuretic Peptides and Electrocardiographic Findings to Assess the Presence of Cardiac Dysfunction in Patients ≥ 80 Years of Age
Prevalentie van chronisch nierfalen bij mensen met diabetes type 2. Intego in de praktijk
Wat is de meerwaarde van proteïnuriebepaling bij hypertensiepatiënten? Resultaten van een praktijkonderzoek
Measuring the glomerular filtration rate in different age groups using iohexol, the protocol from the Belgian Iohexol Study
CD4/CD8 ratio > 5 is associated with a higher proportion of naïve CD8 and CD4 T-cells and an impaired physical functioning in the very elderly: results from the BELFRAIL study
The diagnosis and outcome of chronic kidney disease in older persons
Long-term evolution of renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a registry-based retrospective cohort study
The influence of renal function on vitamin d metabolism in the very elderly
A more late-differentiated CD8 compartment is associated with a higher anti-CMV neutralising capacity in elderly women
CD4/CD8 ratio > 5 is associated with a higher proportion of naïve CD8 and CD4 T-cells and an impaired physical functioning in the very elderly: results from the BELFRAIL study
No relation between vitamin D status and physical performance in the oldest old: results from the Belfrail study
Wat is de meest precieze formule om de GFR te schatten?
The impact of confounders on the test performance of natriuretic peptides for cardiac dysfunction in subjects aged 80 and older
Chronische nierinsufficiëntie: richtlijn versus zorgtraject zoek de meer dan zeven verschillen
Significance of serum immune markers in identification of functional impairment in the oldest old: cross-sectional results from the BELFRAIL study
Drug use unadapted to the renal function in patients aged 80 years and older
Relevance of identifying a low renal function in the very elderly
betere criteria voor inclusie in het zorgtraject chronishce nierinsufficiëntie: een kritische noot
The evolution of renal function and the incidence of end-stage renal disease in patients aged >=50 years
Vitamine D tekort bij ouderen
Significance of serum immune markers in identification of functional impairment in the oldest old: cross sectional results from the BELFRAIL study
The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in a Flemish primary care morbidity register
The prevalence of cardiac dysfunction and the correlation with poor functioning among the very elderly
The prevalence and detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD)-related metabolic complications as a function of estimated glomerular filtration rate in the oldest old
Estimating GFR in the oldest old: does it matter what equation we use?
The evolution of the renal function and the incidence of end stage renal disease in patients aged 50 and older
The prevalence of CKD related complications in function of estimated glomerulair filtration rates in the oldest of old, results of the BELFRAIL study
Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination uptake and determinants
Prevalence of impaired renal function in the elderly in the St. Petersburg District: results of the Crystal study
Estimating the GFR in the oldest old: does it matter what formula we use
Methods to evaluate renal function in elderly patients: a systematic literature review
Patiënten met nierschade: proteiurie opsporen met behulp van de Albumine-creatinine ratio
Evolutie van de nierfunctie na het opstarten van RAAS inhibitoren
The BELFRAIL (BFC80+) study: a population-based prospective cohort study of the very elderly in Belgium
Chronische nierschade: aandachtspunten voor clinici
Chronic CMV infection in the oldest old: associations with disability and frailty
Methoden om de nierfunctie te schatten: een vergelijkende studie tussen de Cockroft-Gault-formule en de MDRD-formule
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