
Een overzicht van alle publicaties van de onderzoekers bij Intego
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Auteurs: T Smeets, T Bekkering, J Verbakel et B Aertgeerts
Auteurs: J Van De Wijer, P Van Der Donckt, G Lenaerts, J Verbakel et A Van Den Bruel
Auteurs: S Coenen, P Simon, I Cox, G Lenaerts, J Verbakel et J De Lepeleire
21 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Provoking a conversation around students' and supervisors' expectations regarding workplace learning
Construct: This study presents a tool that can facilitate a conversation about students' and supervisors' expectations concerning responsibilities during workplace learning. Background: It is often unclear who is responsible for facilitating learn...
Auteurs: Sanne Peters, Geraldine Clarebout, Bert Aertgeerts, Nele Michels, Peter Pype, Lorette Stammen et Ann Roex
19 December 2019 | OTHER
Urgentieschema's voor de huisarts.
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
13 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Validation of ultrasound strategies to assess tumor extension and to predict high-risk endometrial cancer in women from the prospective IETA (International Endometrial Tumor Analysis)-4 cohort
OBJECTIVES: To compare the performance of ultrasound measurements and subjective ultrasound assessment (SA) in detecting deep myometrial invasion (MI) and cervical stromal invasion (CSI) in women with endometrial cancer, overall and according to w...
Auteurs: JY Verbakel, F Mascilini, L Wynants, D Fischerova, AC Testa, D Franchi, F Fruhauf, D Cibula, PG Lindqvist, R Fruscio, LA Haak, G Opolskiene, JL Alcazar, V Mais, JW Carlson, P Sladkevicius, D Timmerman, L Valentin, T Van Den Bosch et E Epstein
Auteurs: Jan Y Verbakel, Ann Van den Bruel et Matthew Thompson
9 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Caregiver burden: An increasing problem related to an aging cancer population
This prospective cohort study identified risk factors for the development of caregiver burden and included older cancer survivors, middle-aged cancer survivors, older patients without cancer and their caregivers. Overall, more than 16 per cent of ...
Auteurs: Leontien Jansen, Stephanie Dauphin, Tine De Burghgraeve, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx et Marjan van den Akker
4 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Exo-anal imaging of the anal sphincter: a comparison between introital and transperineal image acquisition
INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Three-dimensional exoanal ultrasound imaging of the anal sphincter may be obtained transperineally with a convex probe, or at the introitus with a transvaginal probe. We hypothesised that introital acquisition would yi...
Auteurs: Laura Cattani, Dominique Van Schoubroeck, Susanne Housmans, Geertje Callewaert, Erika Werbrouck, Jan Y Verbakel et Jan Deprest
2 December 2019 | ARTICLE
eHealth-supported case management for patients with panic disorder or depression in primary care: Study protocol for a cRCT (PREMA)
BACKGROUND: Panic disorder (PD), frequently occurring with agoraphobia (AG), and depression are common mental disorders in primary care and associated with considerable individual and societal costs. Early detection and effective treatment of depr...
Auteurs: Karoline Lukaschek, Karola Mergenthal, Dirk Heider, Alexander Hanke, Kathrein Munski, Anne Moschner, Michelle Emig, Marjan van den Akker, Antonia Zapf, Karl Wegscheider, Hans-Helmut Koenig, Jochen Gensichen, I Dreischulte, FM Gerlach, M Hanf, A Held, K Lukaschek, T Natalello, K Rupp, J Schelling, S Schlussel et V Wallraff
2 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Trends in multimorbidity and polypharmacy in the Flemish-Belgian population between 2000 and 2015

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper was to describe the time trends in the prevalence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy in Flanders (Belgium) between 2000 and 2015, while controlling for age and sex. METHODS: Data were available from Intego, a F...

Auteurs: Marjan van den Akker, Bert Vaes, Geert Goderis, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Tine De Burghgraeve et Severine Henrard
Auteurs: Ana Isabel Gonzalez, Christine Schmucker, Julia Nothacker, Edith Motschall, Truc Sophia Nguyen, Maria-Sophie Brueckle, Jeanet Blom, Marjan van den Akker, Kristian Roettger, Odette Wegwarth, Tammy Hoffmann, Sharon E Straus, Ferdinand M Gerlach, Joerg J Meerpohl et Christiane Muth
Auteurs: Sarah Mount, Elisa Cirillo, Kelly Stewart, Susan Coort, Chris T Evelo, Anke Wesselius, Maurice P Zeegers et Annemie MWJ Schols
Auteurs: Ben Van Calster, Jan Y Verbakel, Evangelia Christodoulou, Ewout W Steyerberg et Gary S Collins
1 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Does the Flemish colorectal cancer screening programme reach equity in FIT uptake?
BACKGROUND: To investigate colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates by the faecal immunochemical test (FIT) according to sociodemographic characteristics and nationality. METHODS: Men and women, aged 56-74, invited to participate in the Flemish CRC...
Auteurs: S Hoeck, W van de Veerdonk, I De Brabander et E Kellen
1 December 2019 | ARTICLE
Een twintigjarige dame met ongewone keelpijn in de huisartsenpraktijk
Acute keelpijn wordt vaak gezien in de huisartsenpraktijk. Soms gaat het echter om een ernstiger beeld dan banale faryngitis. In dit artikel wordt er een casus beschreven van een twintigjarige dame die zich aanbiedt op de huisartsenpraktijk met ac...
Auteurs: Simon Beerten
30 November 2019 | ARTICLE
Concordances and differences between a uni-dimensional and multidimensional assessment of frailty: a cross-sectional study
Background: Many instruments to identify frail older people have been developed. One of the consequences is that the prevalence rates of frailty vary widely dependent on the instrument selected. The aims of this study were 1) to examine the concor...
Auteurs: Michaël Christiaan John Van der Elst, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Linda Op het Veld, Ellen De Roeck, Anne Van der Vorst, Gertrudis Kempen, Nico De Witte, Jan De Lepeleire et Jos Schols
26 November 2019 | ARTICLE
Euthanasia in the case of dementia: a survey among Flemish GPs.
BACKGROUND: In Belgium law prohibits euthanasia at the end stage of dementia when patients are no longer able to formulate their will. The number of applications for euthanasia based on dementia is low, but patients and their relatives are searchi...
Auteurs: Jasper Cleemput et Birgitte Schoenmakers
19 November 2019 | ARTICLE
50 jaar Academisch Centrum voor Huisartsgeneeskunde
In 2018 bestond het Academisch Centrum Huisartsgeneeskunde van de KU Leuven, 50 jaar. In een academische zitting werd deze verjaardag historisch gekaderd.
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Bert Aertgeerts et Johan Buffels
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
1 November 2019 | ARTICLE
Time trend of prevalence and susceptibility to nitrofurantoin of urinary MDR Escherichia coli from outpatients.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the time trend of the prevalence of urinary MDR Escherichia coli in Belgian outpatients (2005 versus 2011-12), the antibiotic susceptibility of urinary MDR E. coli, and the time trend of non-susceptibility to nitrofurantoin, ...
Auteurs: Robin Bruyndonckx, Katrien Latour, Glory Abong Atud, Patrick Dubovy, Stijn Jaspers, Niel Hens, Boudewijn Catry, Herman Goossens et Samuel Coenen
Auteurs: T Makovski, G Le Coroller, P Putrik, S Stranges, L Huiart, M Zeegers et M van den Akker
1 November 2019 | ARTICLE
Learning for Universal Health Coverage
The journey to universal health coverage (UHC) is full of challenges, which to a great extent are specific to each country. 'Learning for UHC' is a central component of countries' health system strengthening agendas. Our group has been engaged for...
Auteurs: Bruno Meessen, EL Houcine Akhnif, Joel Arthur Kiendrebeogo, Abdelali Belghiti Alaoui, Kefilath Bello, Sanghita Bhattacharyya, Hannah Sarah Faich Dini, Fahdi Dkhimi, Jean-Paul Dossou, Allison Gamble Kelley, Basile Keugoung, Tamba Mina Millimouno, Jerome Pfaffmann Zambruni, Maxime Rouve, Isidore Sieleunou et Godelieve van Heteren
1 November 2019 | ARTICLE
PROMs following breast-conserving therapy for breast cancer: results from a prospective longitudinal monocentric study
BACKGROUND: Treatment of breast cancer includes many options and shared decision making is becoming standard practice. Within the context of treatment individualization, the omission of radiotherapy (RT) can be considered. It is thereby of great i...
Auteurs: I Kindts, A Laenen, M van den Akker et C Weltens
Auteurs: C Verdonck, L Annemans, E Balligand, G Goderis, S Goemaere, B Lapauw, S Perkisas et L Borgermans
Auteurs: V Pergher
23 October 2019 | OTHER
Resilience in partners of patients with incurable cancer
Presentation of the first part of my PhD project about resilience in partners of patients diagnosed with an incurable cancer. PRC pre-seminar
Auteurs: Sophie Opsomer, Peter Pype, Emelien Lauwerier et Jan De Lepeleire