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1 January 2013 | ARTICLE
Identificatie van een palliatieve patiënt
The diversity of the palliative care patient population and the gradual transition from curative to palliative care in the current palliative care model both hamper the formulation of a clear and unambiguous definition of a palliative care patient...
Auteurs: Wouter Van Mechelen, Bert Aertgeerts, Mieke Vermandere, Jo Lisaerde et Jan De Lepeleire
Auteurs: Mieke Vermandere, Jan De Lepeleire, Liesbeth Smeets, Karin Hannes, Wouter Van Mechelen, Franca Warmenhoven, Eric Van Rijswijk et Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Karen Smets, Martine Goossens, Mieke Autrique, David Möbius, Marijs Geirnaert, Bert Aertgeerts, Paul Van Royen et Karin Hannes
1 January 2013 | ARTICLE
Care pathways to improve care coordination and quality between primary and hospital care for patients with radical prostatectomy: a quality improvement project
Background Care pathways are widely used in hospitals to improve quality. There is a growing interest in extending care pathways into primary care. Little evidence exists on the relationship between care pathways across the primary-hospital care c...
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt, Jan Heyrman, Kris Vanhaecht, Walter Sermeus et Jan De Lepeleire
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, Geert Goderis, Lore Pil, Frank Nobels, Bert Aertgeerts, Lieven Annemans et Dirk Ramaekers
3 December 2012 | ARTICLE
[The future of health care].
Auteurs: Jacob Rosenberg, Thue Bisgaard, Ida Hageman, Peter Lange, Bjarne Ørskov Lindhardt et Frans Boch Waldorff
1 December 2012 | ARTICLE
Cafeïne nuttig als adjuvans bij acute pijn
Context: Geneesmiddelen voor acute pijnbestrijding bevatten, naast analgetica als paracetamol of aspirine, vaak cafeïne. Men veronderstelt dat hierdoor het pijnstillend effect toeneemt. Cafeïne is een methylxanthine, stimuleert het centraal ze- ...
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
1 December 2012 | ARTICLE
The majority of sick children receive paracetamol during the winter
INTRODUCTION: Even though fever is a common symptom in childhood, it often worries parents and they may try to reduce discomfort by giving the child paracetamol, which is currently the most commonly sold over-the-counter medicine. The objective of...
Auteurs: Ruth Kirk Ertmann, Janne Julie Moller, Frans Boch Waldorff, Volkert Siersma, Susanne Reventlow et Margareta Soderstrom
1 December 2012 | ARTICLE
Family Physicians' Perceptions and Use of Electronic Clinical Decision Support During the First Year of Implementation
An electronic decision support system (the EBMeDS system) was integrated in one of the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) of Belgian family physicians (Feb 2010). User acceptance of the system is considered as a necessary condition for the effective...
Auteurs: Annemie Heselmans, Bert Aertgeerts, Peter Donceel, Siegfried Geens, Stijn Van de Velde et Dirk Ramaekers
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh
1 November 2012 | ARTICLE
Subjective memory complaints in general practice predicts future dementia: a 4-year follow-up study
OBJECTIVE: Many older patients in general practice have subjective memory complaints (SMC); however, not all share this information with their general practitioner (GP). The association between SMC and future cognitive decline or dementia is not c...
Auteurs: Frans Boch Waldorff, Volkert Siersma, Asmus Vogel et Gunhild Waldemar
1 November 2012 | ARTICLE
Influence of Growth During Infancy on Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilatation at the Age of 6 Months
Low birth weight and accelerated infant growth are associated with cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Endothelial dysfunction is regarded as a precursor of atherosclerosis and is also related to infant growth. We aimed to examine whether an asso...
Auteurs: Robbert NH Touwslager, Willem-Jan M Gerver, Frans ES Tan, Marij Gielen, Maurice P Zeegers, Luc J Zimmermann, Alfons JHM Houben, Carlos E Blanco, Coen DA Stehouwer et Antonius LM Mulder
Auteurs: Marjan van den Akker
1 November 2012 | ARTICLE
The impact of confounders on the test performance of natriuretic peptides for cardiac dysfunction in subjects aged 80 and older
The hypothesis that natriuretic peptides could be used to identify 'pancardiac' damage has been proposed. However, multiple factors are known to influence circulating levels of natriuretic peptides, especially in the very old. Therefore, the impac...
Auteurs: Bert Vaes, Damien Gruson, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Agnes Pasquet, Cathy Matheï, Wim Adriaensen, Nawel Rezzoug, Jean-Louis Vanoverschelde et Jean-Marie Degryse
Auteurs: Esther Molenaar, Samyra Keus, Carolien Strouwen, Liesbeth Münks, Bastiaan Bloem, Marten Munneke et Alice Nieuwboer
25 October 2012 | ARTICLE
To Pico or not to Pico
Auteurs: Geert Goderis
19 October 2012 | DISSERTATION
Discovery, study of the antiviral properties and mechanism of action of novel inhibitors of the infection of Flavi- and Alphaviruses
There is an urgent need for potent drugs for the treatment and/or prophylaxis of infections with flaviviruses (such as the dengue fever virus and the yellow fever virus) and alphaviruses (in particular the chikungunya virus). The aim of this thesi...
Auteurs: Tine De Burghgraeve
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh et Paul Van Royen
1 October 2012 | ARTICLE
GPs' views concerning spirituality and the use of the FICA tool in palliative care in Flanders: a qualitative study
BACKGROUND: According to recent recommendations, health care professionals in palliative care should be able to perform a spiritual history-taking. Previous findings suggest that the FICA tool is feasible for the clinical assessment of spiritualit...
Auteurs: Mieke Vermandere, Yoo-Na Choi, Heleen De Brabandere, Ruth Decouttere, Evelien De Meyere, Elien Gheysens, Brecht Nickmans, Melanie Schoutteten, Lynn Seghers, Joachim Truijens, Stien Vandenberghe, Sofie Van de Wiele, Laure-Anne Van Oevelen et Bert Aertgeerts
1 October 2012 | ARTICLE
Can the heart scan be used for diagnosis and monitoring of emergencies in general practice
Introduction: Mostly, it is impossible to establish the type of arrhythmias, based on signs and symptoms only. An ECG device is not always within reach. We presumed the heartscan, a handheld wireless device, to be of value to a GP in emergency sit...
Auteurs: Walter Renier, M Geelen, Lucas Steverlynck, Joost Wauters, Bert Aertgeerts, Jan Verbakel, Peter Vanbrabant, Jean Bernard Gillet, Marc Sabbe et F Buntincx
25 September 2012 | ARTICLE
Clinicians' gut feeling about serious infections in children: observational study
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the basis and added value of clinicians' "gut feeling" that infections in children are more serious than suggested by clinical assessment. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: Primary care setting, Flanders, Belgium. PAR...
Auteurs: Ann Van den Bruel, Matthew Thompson, Frank Buntinx et David Mant
24 September 2012 | ARTICLE
Improving patient-centeredness of fertility care using a multifaceted approach: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
BACKGROUND: Beside traditional outcomes of safety and (cost-)effectiveness, the Institute of Medicine states patient-centeredness as an independent outcome indicator to evaluate the quality of healthcare. Providing patient-centered care is importa...
Auteurs: Aleida G Huppelschoten, Noortje TL van Duijnhoven, Rosella PMG Hermens, Chris Verhaak, Jan AM Kremer et Willianne LDM Nelen
17 September 2012 | ARTICLE
[Response rates for surveys is a challenge].
Auteurs: Frans Boch Waldorff, Peter Lange, Ida Hageman, Thue Bisgaard, Bjarne Ørskov Lindhardt et Jacob Rosenberg
Auteurs: Mieke Vandewaetere, Dominique Manhaeve, Geraldine Clarebout, Bert Aertgeerts et Ann Roex
Critical Succesfactors for team concertation in primary care in Flanders
Purpose To learn what the the critical factors are for a successful and adequate team concertation (TC) in complex home care patients. Methods After a systematic literature search the procedures for team concertations of the local health organi...
Auteurs: Jasper Landa, Rosella Hermens et Jan De Lepeleire
Auteurs: H Bosma, A Gerritsma, G Klabbers et M Van Den Akker
Constructing a framework of functions and endpoints in medical education research into communication skills
Rationale: Reviews of interventions to improve communication skills of health care workers have been showing that most studies in this field of research are lacking the presentation of a clear theoretical framework to link the content and method...
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland et Jo Goedhuys
1 September 2012 | ARTICLE
Indications for antimicrobial prescribing in European nursing homes: results from a point prevalence survey
PURPOSE: In light of the emerging problem with multiresistant microorganisms in nursing homes (NHs), the European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption NH subproject was set up to measure and describe antimicrobial use across Europe. The aim o...
Auteurs: Katrien Latour, Boudewijn Catry, Elisabeth Broex, Vanessa Vankerckhoven, Arno Muller, Rudi Stroobants, Herman Goossens et Beatrice Jans
1 September 2012 | ARTICLE
The effect of multimorbidity on health related functioning: Temporary or persistent? Results from a longitudinal cohort study
OBJECTIVE: Multimorbidity is known for its negative effects on health related functioning. It remains unclear if these effects are stable over time. The aim was to investigate if the relation between single morbidity/multimorbidity and health rela...
Auteurs: Sil Aarts, Marjan van den Akker, Hans Bosma, Frans Tan, Frans Verhey, Job Metsemakers et Martin van Boxtel