
Een overzicht van alle publicaties van de onderzoekers bij Intego
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Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Liesbeth Borgermans, Carine Van Den Broeke, Jan Heyrman en Chantal Mathieu
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Liesbeth Borgermans, Carine Van Den Broeke, Jan Heyrman en Chantal Mathieu
1 April 2009 | ARTICLE
Antiviral activity of carbohydrate-binding agents and the role of DC-SIGN in dengue virus infection
Dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) is an important binding receptor for dengue virus (DENV) that recognizes N-glycosylation sites on the viral E-glycoprotein. DENV cannot bind nor infect the h...
Auteurs: Marijke Alen, Suzanne Kaptein, Tine De Burghgraeve, Jan Balzarini, Johan Neyts en Dominique Schols
1 March 2009 | ARTICLE
Lifestyle changes and breast cancer prognosis: a review
OBJECTIVE: Because of its high incidence and improving survival, breast cancer is currently the most prevalent cancer in the world. We reviewed the published literature in our search for modifiable factors valuable as an adjuvant health measure to...
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen, Margareta Vansant, Marie-Rose Christiaens, Patrick Neven en Erik Van Limbergen
1 March 2009 | ARTICLE
Impact of place of residence onrelationship between quality oflife and cognitive decline in dementia
The aim of this descriptive study was to estimate and compare the association between cognitive decline and quality of life (QOL) for 2 groups of dementia patients differing by place of residence: home or institution. Each subject was placed withi...
Auteurs: Pierre Missotten, Jan De Lepeleire, Frank Buntinx, Louis Paquay, Michel Ylieff, P Thomas, G Squelard, D Di Notte en O Fontaine
1 March 2009 | ARTICLE
Development of a GIS-based indicator for environmental pesticide exposure and its application to a Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer
We developed two indicators to assess the exposure of residents to agricultural pesticide use and applied it in a case-control study on bladder cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium. The first indicator used a distance-weighted measure of cro...
Auteurs: Christa Cornelis, Greet Schoeters, Eliane Kellen, Frank Buntinx en Maurice Zeegers
1 March 2009 | ARTICLE
Research over diagnostiek:het is niet meer wat het geweest is
Het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de waarde van diagnostische tests is de laatste jaren sterk in beweging geweest. Het artikel van Ann Van den Bruel et al. is een goed voorbeeld van het resultaat van deze evolutie.
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx en Bert Aertgeerts
Auteurs: GE Bekkering, Filip Cools, Bert Aertgeerts, Tine LM de Backer, Eliane Kellen, Robert H van der Stichele en Frank Buntinx
13 February 2009 | ARTICLE
Mail Nr. 2 Reply
Auteurs: Jos Kleijnen en Trudy Bekkering
1 February 2009 | ARTICLE
Meta-analyse van individuele patiëntengegevens
• Meta-analyse op basis van individuele-patiëntdata (IPD-meta-analyse) wordt in toenemende mate toegepast binnen de geneeskunde. De IPD-meta-analyse heeft methodologische voor- en nadelen. • In tegenstelling tot traditionele meta-analyses die zijn...
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Filip Cools, Bert Aertgeerts, Tine LM de Backer, Eliane Kellen, Robert Vander Stichele en Frank Buntinx
1 February 2009 | ARTICLE
Antidepressants in the treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review
INTRODUCTION: Stimulant medications are the most effective drugs in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and in adults. However, some patients do not respond to this treatment and other patients suffer from ...
Auteurs: Wim Verbeeck, Siegfried Tuinier en Trudy Bekkering
1 February 2009 | ARTICLE
Sequence variants at the TERT-CLPTM1L locus associate with many cancer types
The common sequence variants that have recently been associated with cancer risk are particular to a single cancer type or at most two. Following up on our genome-wide scan of basal cell carcinoma, we found that rs401681[C] on chromosome 5p15.33 s...
Auteurs: Thorunn Rafnar, Patrick Sulem, Simon N Stacey, Frank Geller, Julius Gudmundsson, Asgeir Sigurdsson, Margret Jakobsdottir, Hafdis Helgadottir, Steinunn Thorlacius, Katja KH Aben, Thorarinn Bloendal, Thorgeir E Thorgeirsson, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Kristleifur Kristjansson, Kristin Thorisdottir, Rafn Ragnarsson, Bardur Sigurgeirsson, Halla Skuladottir, Tomas Gudbjartsson, Helgi J Isaksson, Gudmundur V Einarsson, Kristrun R Benediktsdottir, Bjarni A Agnarsson, Karl Olafsson, Anna Salvarsdottir, Hjordis Bjarnason, Margret Asgeirsdottir, Kari T Kristinsson, Sigurborg Matthiasdottir, Steinunn G Sveinsdottir, Silvia Polidoro, Veronica Hoeiom, Rafael Botella-Estrada, Kari Hemminki, Peter Rudnai, D Timothy Bishop, Marcello Campagna, Eliane Kellen, Maurice P Zeegers, Petra de Verdier, Ana Ferrer, Dolores Isla, Maria Jesus Vidal, Raquel Andres, Berta Saez, Pablo Juberias, Javier Banzo, Sebastian Navarrete, Alejandro Tres, Donghui Kan, Annika Lindblom, Eugene Gurzau, Kvetoslava Koppova, Femmie de Vegt, Jack A Schalken, Henricus FM van der Heijden, Hans J Smit, Rene A Termeer, Egbert Oosterwijk, Onno van Hooij, Eduardo Nagore, Stefano Porru, Gunnar Steineck, Johan Hansson, Frank Buntinx, William J Catalona, Giuseppe Matullo, Paolo Vineis, Anne E Kiltie, Jose I Mayordomo, Rajiv Kumar, Lambertus A Kiemeney, Michael L Frigge, Thorvaldur Jonsson, Hafsteinn Saemundsson, Rosa B Barkardottir, Eirikur Jonsson, Steinn Jonsson, Jon H Olafsson, Jeffrey R Gulcher, Gisli Masson, Daniel F Gudbjartsson, Augustine Kong, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir en Kari Stefansson
15 January 2009 | ARTICLE
The effect of smoking on the male excess of bladder cancer: A meta-analysis and geographical analyses
Smoking is considered the primary risk factor for bladder cancer. Although smoking prevalence and bladder cancer incidence vary around the world, bladder cancer is on average 4 times more common in males than in females. This article describes the...
Auteurs: Marjolein Hemelt, Hidekazu Yamamoto, Kar K Cheng en Maurice PA Zeegers
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Tijdige diagnostiek van dementie in de huisartsenpraktijk
Scepsis met betrekking tot nut en noodzaak van vroege opsporing van dementie is niet terecht. Niet alleen de patiënt, maar ook en vooral de mantelzorger is zeer gebaat bij een tijdige diagnose. De huisarts hoeft daarvoor niet per se zijn toevlucht...
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Hanne Gorissen, Mieke Vermandere en Birgitte Schoenmakers
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Predictive Value of Mild Cognitive Impairment for Dementia The Influence of Case Definition and Age
BACKGROUND/AIMS: In population studies, different mild cognitive impairment (MCI) definitions have been used to predict dementia at a later stage. This study compared predictive values of different MCI definitions for dementia, and the effect of a...
Auteurs: MAE Baars, MPJ van Boxtel, JB Dijkstra, PJ Visser, M van den Akker, FRJ Verhey en J Jolles
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Elective high frequency oscillatory ventilation versus conventional ventilation for acute pulmonary dysfunction in preterm infants
BACKGROUND: Respiratory failure due to lung immaturity is a major cause of mortality in preterm infants. Although the use of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) in neonates with respiratory failure saves lives, its use is associated ...
Auteurs: Filip Cools, David J Henderson-Smart, Martin Offringa en Lisa M Askie
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Patients' ideas, concerns, and expectations (ICE) in general practice: impact on prescribing
Background: Although studies are availabel on patients' ideas, concerns and expectations in primary care, there is a scarcity of studies that explore the triad of ideas, concerns, and expectations (ICE) in general practice consultations and the im...
Auteurs: J Matthys, G Elwyn, Marc Van Nuland, G Van Maele, A De Schutter, M De Meyere en et al.
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Evaluation of the quality of life after individualized homeopathic treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis. A prospective, open, non-comparative study
Background: Quality of life (QoL) is an important outcome measure in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR), a condition for which homeopathy is frequently used. Objective: The assessment of the effect of homeopathic medical prescript...
Auteurs: Maria Emanuela Albert Goossens, Gert Laekeman, Bert Aertgeerts, Frank Buntinx en ARCH study group
Auteurs: Anja Desomer, Rino Versluys, Gerlinde Lenaerts, Peter Vaes, Bart van Gheluwe, Dirk Lefeber en Ilse Jonkers
1 January 2009 | OTHER
Fixation mode of an intra-operative manufactured custom made prosthesis stem influences outcome of total hip replacement
Success of a total hip replacement is commonly assessed by the Haris Hip Score (HHS), which provides information on pain reduction and regained mobility. Radiographic images provide information relative to the stability of the prosthesis. We use...
Auteurs: Michiel Mulier, Ilse Jonkers, Gerlinde Lenaerts, Vanessa Vangeel, Wim Claassen, Siegfried Jaecques en Georges Van der Perre
1 January 2009 | OTHER
Clinical outcome of total hip replacement with cemented and uncemented intra operatively manufactured prosthesis stem
We report the follow-up of a cohort of 86 patients who underwent total hip replacement (THR) with custom-made stem prosthesis. Fixation mode, cemented (group 1) or uncemented (group 2) is based on the bone quality. Aspects of physical health and c...
Auteurs: Ilse Jonkers, Gerlinde Lenaerts, Vanessa Vangeel, Wim Claassen, Siegfried Jaecques, Georges Van der Perre en Michiel Mulier
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
GP and staff evaluation of the maturity matrix as a tool to assess and improve organisational development in primary care
PURPOSE: This paper aims to evaluate the maturity matrix (MM) a facilitated formative self-assessment tool for organisational development in primary care) on satisfaction, differences between GP and staff, the extent to which practice teams worked...
Auteurs: Louise Loegstrup, Adrian Edwards, Frans Boch Waldorff, Volkert Dirk Siersma, Martin Sandberg Buch en Tina Eriksson
1 January 2009 | BOOK CHAPTER
Can fruit and vegetable consumption oppose the negative health effects of tobacco?
Aging is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and CVD. Smoking increases the risk of such diseases further. The intake of fruit and vegetables is often promoted as part of a healthy lifestyle to prevent chronic dise...
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen en Trudy Bekkering
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Clinical guideline for malignant melanoma
According to figures of the Intego databank, the incidence of melanoma included 8 per 100,000 patients per year in Flanders (Belgium). Still, since 2001 a downward trend was recorded. This article presents the results of a literature search concer...
Auteurs: B Aertgeerts
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Relationship between interRAI HC and the ICF: opportunity for operationalizing the ICF
Background The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is embraced as a framework to conceptualize human functioning and disability. Health professionals choose measures to represent the domains of the framework. T...
Auteurs: K Berg, H Finne-Soveri, L Gray, JC Henrard, J Hirdes, N Ikegami, G Ljunggren, JN Morris, Louis Paquay, L Resnik en G Teare
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Genetic variation in the prostate stem cell antigen gene PSCA confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer
We conducted a genome-wide association study on 969 bladder cancer cases and 957 controls from Texas. For fast-track validation, we evaluated 60 SNPs in three additional US populations and validated the top SNP in nine European populations. A miss...
Auteurs: X Wul, Y Yel, L Kiemeney, P Sulem, T Rafnar, G Matullo, D Seminara, T Yoshida, N Saeki, A Andrew, C Dinney, B Czerniak, Z Zhang, A Kiltie, D Bishop, P Vineis, S Porru, Frank Buntinx, E Kellen, M Zeegers en e.a.
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
What is the role of the general practitioner towards the family caregiver of a community-dwelling demented relative?. A systematic literature review
Abstract Objective. To identify the attitudes and perspectives of the family physician towards the caregivers of demented relatives and to describe the caregivers’ satisfaction. Design. Systematic review. Subjects. The studied population consisted...
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Frank Buntinx en Jan De Lepeleire
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care in Belgium: Need for Structured Shared Care
OBJECTIVE: To picture the profile of type 2 diabetic patients in Belgium and to study the quality of care in the primary care setting, with regard, to multi-factorial approach of the disease. METHODS: Observational study of all known DM2-patients ...
Auteurs: Geert Goderis, Liesbeth Borgermans, Jan Heyrman, Carine Van Den Broeke, Richard Grol, B Boland en Chantal Mathieu
1 January 2009 | ARTICLE
Klachten en symptomen van acuut myocardinfarct en acuut coronair syndroom
Een snelle diagnose van een myocardinfarct of een acuut coronair syndroom is zeer belangrijk. Om de diagnostische nauwkeurigheid van tien belangrijke klachten en symptomen te bepalen bij al dan niet geselecteerde patiënten werd een systematische r...
Auteurs: Rudi Bruyninckx, Bert Aertgeerts, P Bruyninckx en Frank Buntinx