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30 December 2021 | ARTICLE
Pneumococcal vaccination prevented severe LRTIs in adults: a causal inference framework applied in registry data

OBJECTIVES: We estimated the effect of pneumococcal vaccination (PV) on acute lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) in various age and risk groups using different methods within a causal inference methodological framework. STUDY DESIGN AND...

Auteurs: Pavlos Mamouris, Severine Henrard, Geert Molenberghs, Jan Verhaegen, Guohao Lin, and Bert Vaes
27 December 2021 | ARTICLE
"So hard not to feel blamed!": Assessment of implementation of Benin's Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response strategy from 2016-2018
OBJECTIVE: To assess the implementation of the Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) strategy institutionalized in Benin in 2013 to address the alarmingly high maternal and neonatal death rates. METHODS: A retrospective, m...
Auteurs: Christelle Boyi Hounsou, Mahugnon CU Agossou, Kefilath Bello, Therese Delvaux, Lenka Benova, Armelle Vigan Guezodje, Hashim Hounkpatin, and Jean-Paul Dossou
20 December 2021 | ARTICLE
Remote versus on-site proctored exam: comparing student results in a cross-sectional study
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected assessment practices in medical education necessitating distancing from the traditional classroom. However, safeguarding academic integrity is of particular importance for high-stakes medic...
Auteurs: Vasiliki Andreou, Sanne Peters, Jan Eggermont, Johan Wens, and Birgitte Schoenmakers
Auteurs: Vasiliki Andreou
11 December 2021 | ARTICLE
Political economy analysis of universal health coverage and health financing reforms in low- and middle-income countries: the role of stakeholder engagement in the research process
BACKGROUND: Progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) is an inherently political process. Political economy analysis (PEA) is gaining momentum as a tool to better understand the role of the political and economic dimensions in shaping and a...
Auteurs: Giulia Loffreda, Kefilath Bello, Joel Arthur Kiendrebeogo, Isidore Selenou, Mohamed Ali Ag Ahmed, Jean Paul Dossou, Sophie Witter, and Maria Paola Bertone
1 December 2021 | ARTICLE
Everyday lives of middle-aged persons living with multimorbidity: protocol of a mixed-methods systematic review
INTRODUCTION: Multimorbidity is the simultaneous occurrence of several (chronic) diseases. Persons living with multimorbidity not only have complex care needs, but the burden of care often has a negative impact on their family lives, leisure time ...
Auteurs: Ana Isabel Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Robin Bruenn, Julia Nothacker, Truc Sophia Dinh, Maria-Sophie Brueckle, Mirjam Dieckelmann, Beate S Mueller, and Marjan van den Akker
1 December 2021 | ARTICLE
Sitting less elicits metabolic responses similar to exercise and enhances insulin sensitivity in postmenopausal women
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: In our current society sedentary behaviour predominates in most people and is associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It has been suggested that replacing sitting time by standing and walking could be beneficial fo...
Auteurs: Carlijn ME Remie, Georges E Janssens, Lena Bilet, Michel van Weeghel, Bernard MFM Duvivier, Vera HW de Wit, Niels J Connell, Johanna A Jorgensen, Bauke Schomakers, Vera B Schrauwen-Hinderling, Joris Hoeks, Matthijs KC Hesselink, Esther Phielix, Riekelt H Houtkooper, and Patrick Schrauwen
1 December 2021 | ARTICLE
Negative old-age life events and well-being in later life: the moderating and mediating role of loneliness
OBJECTIVES: Although older adults often experience negative life events or loss experiences, they rarely experience large decreases in their quality of life or well-being. Emotionally satisfying relationships in older adults may serve as a protect...
Auteurs: Lise Switsers, Eva Dierckx, Joan Domenech-Abella, Liesbeth De Donder, Sarah Dury, and D-SCOPE consortium
23 November 2021 | ARTICLE
Machine learning optimization of an electronic health record audit for heart failure in primary care
AIMS: The diagnosis of heart failure (HF) is an important problem in primary care. We previously demonstrated a 74% increase in registered HF diagnoses in primary care electronic health records (EHRs) following an extended audit procedure. What re...
Auteurs: Willem Raat, Miek Smeets, Severine Henrard, Bert Aertgeerts, Joris Penders, Walter Droogne, Wilfried Mullens, Stefan Janssens, and Bert Vaes
Auteurs: Walter Renier
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen, Suzanne Gabriels, Guido Van Hal, and Mathijs C Goossens
1 November 2021 | ARTICLE
A multidimensional model of healthy ageing: proposal and evaluation of determinants based on a population survey in Ecuador
BACKGROUND: Healthy ageing is a complex construct which involves multiple dimensions. Previous studies of healthy ageing have focused only on measuring the intrinsic capacity of the older person. The objectives of this study were to design a multi...
Auteurs: Maria Fernanda Rivadeneira, Maria Jose Mendieta Jara, Jessica Villavicencio, Jose Caicedo-Gallardo, and Patricio Buendia
17 October 2021 | ARTICLE
Predictors for sexual dysfunction in the first year postpartum: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Pregnancy and childbirth increase the risk for pelvic floor dysfunction, including sexual dysfunction. So far, the mechanisms and the extent to which certain risk factors play a role remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: In this systematic revie...
Auteurs: L Cattani, L De Maeyer, JY Verbakel, J Bosteels, and J Deprest
Auteurs: Michael Van der Elst, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Eva Dierckx, Ellen De Roeck, Anne van der Vorst, Deborah Lambotte, Jan De Lepeleire, and Liesbeth De Donder
Auteurs: Peter Brems and Alexander Dumarey
Auteurs: Ine Van den Wyngaert and Gijs Van Pottelbergh
7 October 2021 | ARTICLE
Hoe het teleconsult vlot laten verlopen? Stappenplan volgens het Leuvense consultatiemodel.
Wat is bekend?   Het teleconsult is een consult via video of telefoon zonder dat de patiënt zich hiervoor verplaatst naar de huisartsenpraktijk.   De COVID-19-pandemie creëerde nieuwe opportuniteiten voor het teleconsult als aanvulling op het fysi...
Auteurs: Sophie Opsomer, Sophie Petit, Maud Becks, Sabine Van Baelen, An de Decker, Geert Pint, Brecht Van Goethem, and Marc Van Nuland
5 October 2021 | ARTICLE
A Tool to Assess the Trustworthiness of Evidence-Based Point-of-Care Information for Health Care Professionals (CAPOCI): Design and Validation Study
BACKGROUND: User-friendly information at the point of care for health care professionals should be well structured, rapidly accessible, comprehensive, and trustworthy. The reliability of information and the associated methodological process must b...
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Geertruida E Bekkering, Martine Goossens, Leen De Coninck, Nicolas Delvaux, Sam Cordyn, Jef Adriaenssens, Bert Aertgeerts, and Patrik Vankrunkelsven
Auteurs: Lise Switsers, Sarah Dury, Eva Dierckx, Liesbeth De Donder, and D-SCOPE Consortium
Auteurs: Marjan van den Akker
1 October 2021 | ARTICLE
Impact of Heat Waves on Hospitalisation and Mortality in Nursing Homes: A Case-Crossover Study
Climate change leads to more days with extremely hot temperatures. Previous analyses of heat waves have documented a short-term rise in mortality. The results on the relationship between high temperatures and hospitalisations, especially in vulner...
Auteurs: Ine van den Wyngaert, Katrien De Troeyer, Bert Vaes, Mahmoud Alsaiqali, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Rafiq Hamdi, Lidia Casas Ruiz, and Gijs Van Pottelbergh
Auteurs: Peter J Gill, Elizabeth Thomas, and Ann Van den Bruel
1 October 2021 | ARTICLE
Agreement of emergency physician-performed ultrasound versus RADiology-performed UltraSound for cholelithiasis or cholecystitis: a systematic review
Cholecystitis secondary to gallstone migration is the most common suspected diagnosis for right upper quadrant pain in emergency departments, with radiology-performed ultrasound (RADUS) being the main diagnostic tool. The primary aim of this revie...
Auteurs: Florence Dupriez, Paul Geukens, Andrea Penaloza, Dominique Vanpee, Geertruida Bekkering, and Xavier Bobbia
1 October 2021 | ARTICLE
Strategies to Prevent Acute Kidney Injury after Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Network Meta-Analysis
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: AKI is a common complication after pediatric cardiac surgery and has been associated with higher morbidity and mortality. We aimed to compare the efficacy of available pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies to pre...
Auteurs: Jef Van den Eynde, Nicolas Cloet, Robin Van Lerberghe, Michel Pompeu BO Sa, Dirk Vlasselaers, Jaan Toelen, Jan Y Verbakel, Werner Budts, Marc Gewillig, Shelby Kutty, Hans Pottel, and Djalila Mekahli
27 September 2021 | ARTICLE
Diagnostic value of biomarkers for paediatric urinary tract infections in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Accurate diagnosis of urinary tract infection is essential as children left untreated may suffer permanent renal injury. AIM: To compare the diagnostic values of biomarkers or clinical prediction rules for urinary tract infections in c...
Auteurs: Hanne A Boon, Thomas Struyf, Dominique Bullens, Ann Van den Bruel, and Jan Y Verbakel
24 September 2021 | OTHER
Antibiotic use for children in Belgian ambulatory care: analysis of pharmacy dispensing data
GRIN (General practice Research on Infection Network) is a European network of researchers studying respiratory tract and other infections in primary care. will include guidelines of the different countries, publication lists of membe...
Auteurs: Hannelore Dillen, ruben Burvenich, tine De Burghgraeve, and jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Liselore De Rop, Stefan Heytens, Elizaveta Padalko, Peter Persyn, Hanne Vercruysse, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Jan Verbakel, and Piet Cools
Auteurs: Erinn D'hulster, Jan Verbakel, and Jeroen Luyten
Auteurs: Eline Meyers, Ellen Deschepper, Els Duysburgh, Liselore De Rop, Tine De Burghgraeve, Pauline Van Ngoc, Marina Di Gregorio, Simon Delogne, Anja Coen, Nele De Clercq, Laëtitia Buret, Samuel Coenen, An De Sutter, Beatrice Scholtes, Jan Verbakel, Piet Cools, and Stefan Heytens
24 September 2021 | OTHER
Antibiotic use for acutely ill children in the ambulatory care setting in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (preliminary results)
GRIN (General practice Research on Infection Network) is a European network of researchers studying respiratory tract and other infections in primary care. will include guidelines of the different countries, publication lists of membe...
Auteurs: Ruben Burvenich, Hannelore Dillen, and Jan Verbakel