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4 February 2021 | ARTICLE
Fast and optimal algorithm for case-control matching using registry data: application on the antibiotics use of colorectal cancer patients

BACKGROUND: In case-control studies most algorithms allow the controls to be sampled several times, which is not always optimal. If many controls are available and adjustment for several covariates is necessary, matching without replacement mig...

Auteurs: Pavlos Mamouris, Vahid Nassiri, Geert Molenberghs, Marjan van den Akker, Joep van der Meer, and Bert Vaes
3 February 2021 | TEXT RESOURCE
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk doet het beter dan België op vlak van mentale gezondheidszorg
radio-interview, De Ochtend, Radio 1
Auteurs: Leen De Witte
3 February 2021 | OTHER
Het PINO-project: samen naar een verbeterde SBI aanpak tegen overmatig alcoholgebruik
Background: Primary health care-based early identification and brief intervention for hazardous and harmful alcohol use (EIBI) is clinically effective and cost-effective. It has potentially a large impact at societal level but remains poorly imple...
Auteurs: Bram Pussig, Lodewijk Pas, Bert Aertgeerts, Mieke Vermandere, and Catharina Matheï
1 February 2021 | ARTICLE
A prognostic model predicted deterioration in health-related quality of life in older patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy
OBJECTIVES: To develop and validate a prognostic model to predict deterioration in health-related quality of life (dHRQoL) in older general practice patients with at least one chronic condition and one chronic prescription. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTIN...
Auteurs: Ana I Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Andreas D Meid, Truc S Dinh, Jeanet W Blom, Marjan van den Akker, Petra JM Elders, Ulrich Thiem, Daniela Kuellenberg De Gaudry, Karin MA Swart, Henrik Rudolf, Donna Bosch-Lenders, Hans-Joachim Trampisch, Joerg J Meerpohl, Ferdinand M Gerlach, Benno Flaig, Ghainsom Kom, Kym IE Snell, Rafael Perera, Walter E Haefeli, Paul P Glasziou, and Christiane Muth
1 February 2021 | ARTICLE
The Effect of a Comprehensive, Interdisciplinary Medication Review on Quality of Life and Medication Use in Community Dwelling Older People with Polypharmacy
Background: We conducted a comprehensive medication review at the patients' home, using data from electronic patient records, and with input from relevant specialists, general practitioners and pharmacists formulated and implemented recommendation...
Auteurs: Donna Bosch-Lenders, Jesse Jansen, Henri EJH Jelle Stoffers, Bjorn Winkens, Karin Aretz, Mascha Twellaar, Jos MGA Schols, Paul-Hugo M van der Kuy, J Andre Knottnerus, and Marjan van den Akker
1 February 2021 | ARTICLE
Prevalence of Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in General Practice.
Background: One of the lesser recognized complications of diabetes mellitus are musculoskeletal (MSK) complications of the upper and lower extremity. No prevalence studies have been conducted in general practice. Thus, the aim of this study was to...
Auteurs: Login Ahmed S Alabdali, Jasmien Jaeken, Geert-Jan Dinant, Marjan van den Akker, Bjorn Winkens, and Ramon PG Ottenheijm
Auteurs: Jan Y Verbakel, Ewout W Steyerberg, Hajime Uno, Bavo De Cock, Laure Wynants, Gary S Collins, and Ben Van Calster
1 February 2021 | ARTICLE
Gender-related differences in the relationship between social and activity participation and health and subjective well-being in later life
A growing body of work suggests that social and activity participation (SAP) may contribute to health and well-being. Studies examining the effects of these activities largely focused on healthy older adults and older adults with more resources, n...
Auteurs: Sarah Dury, Lara Stas, Lise Switsers, Daan Duppen, Joan Domenech-Abella, Eva Dierckx, and Liesbeth De Donder
1 February 2021 | ARTICLE
Closing schools for SARS-CoV-2: a pragmatic rapid recommendation
BACKGROUND: In Belgium, schools closed during the first lockdown in March 2020, with a partial reopening in May. They fully reopened in September. During the summer, infections started to increase in the general population, speeding up in Septembe...
Auteurs: Geertrui Bekkering, Nicolas Delvaux, Patrik Vankrunkelsven, Jaan Toelen, Sigrid Aertgeerts, Sofie Crommen, Pedro De Bruyckere, Ignaas Devisch, Tinne Lernout, Katrien Masschalk, Nore Milissen, Geert Molenberghs, Annelies Pascal, Oscar Plomteux, Marc Raes, Lise Rans, Alexandra Seghers, Lode Sweldens, Jeroen Vandenbussche, Guido Vanham, Elke Wollants, and Bert Aertgeerts
28 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Predicting negative health outcomes in older general practice patients with chronic illness: Rationale and development of the PROPERmed harmonized individual participant data database
The prevalence of multimorbidity and polypharmacy increases significantly with age and are associated with negative health consequences. However, most current interventions to optimize medication have failed to show significant effects on patient-...
Auteurs: Ana Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Truc S Dinh, Andreas D Meid, Jeanet W Blom, Marjan van den Akker, Petra JM Elders, Ulrich Thiem, Daniela Kuellenberg de Gaudry, Kym IE Snell, Rafael Perera, Karin MA Swart, Henrik Rudolf, Donna Bosch-Lenders, Hans-Joachim Trampisch, Joerg J Meerpohl, Benno Flaig, Ghainsom Kom, Ferdinand M Gerlach, Walter E Hafaeli, Paul P Glasziou, and Christiane Muth
15 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Infective endocarditis in patients after percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation with the stent-mounted bovine jugular vein valve: Clinical experience and evaluation of the modified Duke criteria
AIMS: Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation (PPVI) has proven good hemodynamic results. As infective endocarditis (IE) remains a potential complication with limited available clinical data, we reviewed our patient records to improve future str...
Auteurs: D Bos, D De Wolf, B Cools, B Eyskens, J Hubrechts, D Boshoff, J Louw, S Frerich, B Ditkowski, F Rega, B Meyns, W Budts, T Sluysmans, M Gewillig, and R Heying
14 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Are Anticholinergic Symptoms a Risk Factor for Falls in Older General Practice Patients With Polypharmacy? Study Protocol for the Development and Validation of a Prognostic Model
Background: Cumulative anticholinergic exposure, also known as anticholinergic burden, is associated with a variety of adverse outcomes. However, studies show that anticholinergic effects tend to be underestimated by prescribers, and anticholinerg...
Auteurs: Truc Sophia Dinh, Ana Isabel Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Andreas D Meid, Kym IE Snell, Henrik Rudolf, Maria-Sophie Brueckle, Jeanet W Blom, Ulrich Thiem, Hans-Joachim Trampisch, Petra JM Elders, Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, Ferdinand M Gerlach, Sebastian Harder, Marjan van den Akker, Paul P Glasziou, Walter E Haefeli, and Christiane Muth
12 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Use of antibiotics and colorectal cancer risk: a primary care nested case-control study in Belgium

OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between the use of oral antibiotics and subsequent colorectal cancer risk. DESIGN: Matched case-control study. SETTING: General practice centres participating in the Integrated Computerised Network databas...

Auteurs: Johannes Van der Meer, Pavlos Mamouris, Vahid Nassiri, Bert Vaes, and Marjan van den Akker
9 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Psychosocial care for cancer survivors: A systematic literature review on the role of general practitioners
OBJECTIVE: To explore the general practitioners (GP's) role in providing psychosocial care for cancer survivors through a systematic literature review. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL and included the studies that compli...
Auteurs: Laura Deckx, Ka Hei Chow, Deborah Askew, Mieke L van Driel, Geoffrey K Mitchell, and Marjan van den Akker
7 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Factors influencing the implementation of screening and brief interventions for alcohol use in primary care practices: a systematic review using the COM-B system and Theoretical Domains Framework
BACKGROUND: Alcohol is a leading risk factor contributing to the global burden of disease. Several national and international agencies recommend that screening and brief interventions (SBI) should be routinely delivered in primary care settings to...
Auteurs: Frederico Rosario, Maria Ines Santos, Kathryn Angus, Leo Pas, Cristina Ribeiro, and Niamh Fitzgerald
7 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Parents' concerns and beliefs about temperature measurement in children: a qualitative study
BACKGROUND: Nearly 40% of parents with children aged 6 to 17 months consult a healthcare professional when their child has a high temperature. Clinical guidelines recommend temperature measurement in these children, but little is known about paren...
Auteurs: Elizabeth Morris, Margaret Glogowska, Fatene Abakar Ismail, George Edwards, Susannah Fleming, Kay Wang, Jan Y Verbakel, Ann Van den Bruel, and Gail Hayward
6 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Impact of primary care involvement and setting on multidisciplinary heart failure management: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Multidisciplinary disease management programmes (DMPs) are a cornerstone of modern guideline-recommended care for heart failure (HF). Few programmes are community initiated or involve primary care professionals, despite the importance of home-base...
Auteurs: Willem Raat, Miek Smeets, Stefan Janssens, and Bert Vaes
4 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Burden of infections on older patients presenting to general practice: a registry-based study

BACKGROUND: Estimates on the incidence rates of infections are needed to assess the burden of disease in the community. OBJECTIVE: To assess incidence rates of potentially serious infections in patients aged 65 years and over presenting to Flem...

Auteurs: Thomas Struyf, Shauni Nuyts, Jos Tournoy, Bert Vaes, Jan Y Verbakel, and Ann Van den Bruel
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Predicting hospital admissions from individual patient data (IPD): an applied example to explore key elements driving external validity
OBJECTIVE: To explore factors that potentially impact external validation performance while developing and validating a prognostic model for hospital admissions (HAs) in complex older general practice patients. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Using indi...
Auteurs: Andreas Daniel Meid, Ana Isabel Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Truc Sophia Dinh, Jeanet Blom, Marjan van den Akker, Petra Elders, Ulrich Thiem, Daniela Kuellenberg de Gaudry, Karin MA Swart, Henrik Rudolf, Donna Bosch-Lenders, Hans J Trampisch, Joerg J Meerpohl, Ferdinand M Gerlach, Benno Flaig, Ghainsom Kom, Kym IE Snell, Rafael Perera, Walter Emil Haefeli, Paul Glasziou, and Christiane Muth
1 January 2021 | OTHER
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a care program based on the Chronic Care Model for patients with chronic conditions in primary care A systematic review
Methods In this systematic review, the databases Pubmed and Cinahl were used to obtain relevant literature. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were included. In the first phase screening was based on the title and abstract. During the secon...
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Development of multimorbidity over time: an analysis of Belgium primary care data using Markov chains and Weighted Association Rules Mining
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of multimorbidity is increasing in recent years, and patients with multimorbidity often have a decrease in quality of life and require more health care. The aim of this study was to explore the evolution of multimorbidit...
Auteurs: xi Shi, nikolic gorana, gijs Van Pottelbergh, van den akker marjan, rein Vos, and bart De Moor
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Barriers in screening for dementia in elderly migrants in primary care and the use of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale. A mixed cross-sectional and qualitative study
BACKGROUND: In the migrant population, there is a higher risk of dementia. However, dementia is underdiagnosed in this population due to the underuse of appropriate screening tools. The Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) is design...
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers and Tom Robben
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
End-of-Life Care Preferences of Older Patients with Multimorbidity: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review
Unpredictable disease trajectories make early clarification of end-of-life (EoL) care preferences in older patients with multimorbidity advisable. This mixed methods systematic review synthesizes studies and assesses such preferences. Two independ...
Auteurs: Ana I Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Christine Schmucker, Julia Nothacker, Edris Nury, Truc Sophia Dinh, Maria-Sophie Brueckle, Jeanet W Blom, Marjan van den Akker, Kristian Roettger, Odette Wegwarth, Tammy Hoffmann, Ferdinand M Gerlach, Sharon E Straus, Joerg J Meerpohl, and Christiane Muth
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Typical ultrasound features of various endometrial pathologies described using International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) terminology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding
OBJECTIVE: To describe the ultrasound features of different endometrial and other intracavitary pathologies inpre- and postmenopausal women presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding, using the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) termin...
Auteurs: T Van den Bosch, JY Verbakel, L Valentin, L Wynants, B De Cock, MA Pascual, FPG Leone, P Sladkevicius, JL Alcazar, A Votino, R Fruscio, C Lanzani, C Van Holsbeke, A Rossi, L Jokubkiene, M Kudla, A Jakab, E Domali, E Epstein, C Van Pachterbeke, T Bourne, B Van Calster, and D Timmerman
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Predictors of disease severity in children presenting from the community with febrile illnesses: a systematic review of prognostic studies
INTRODUCTION: Early identification of children at risk of severe febrile illness can optimise referral, admission and treatment decisions, particularly in resource-limited settings. We aimed to identify prognostic clinical and laboratory factors t...
Auteurs: Arjun Chandna, Rainer Tan, Michael Carter, Ann van den Bruel, Jan Verbakel, Constantinos Koshiaris, Nahya Salim, Yoel Lubell, Paul Turner, and Kristina Keitel
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Rapid, point-of-care antigen and molecular-based tests for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection
BACKGROUND: Accurate rapid diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection could contribute to clinical and public health strategies to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Point-of-care antigen and molecular tests to detect current infection could increase ac...
Auteurs: Jacqueline Dinnes, Jonathan J Deeks, Sarah Berhane, Melissa Taylor, Ada Adriano, Clare Davenport, Sabine Dittrich, Devy Emperador, Yemisi Takwoingi, Jane Cunningham, Sophie Beese, Julie Domen, Janine Dretzke, Lavinia Ferrante di Ruffano, Isobel M Harris, Malcolm J Price, Sian Taylor-Phillips, Lotty Hooft, Mariska MG Leeflang, Matthew Df McInnes, Rene Spijker, and Ann Van den Bruel
Auteurs: Christopher Harrison, Martin Fortin, Marjan van den Akker, Frances Mair, Amaia Calderon-Larranaga, Fiona Boland, Emma Wallace, Bhautesh Jani, and Susan Smith
1 January 2021 | ARTICLE
Signs and symptoms to determine if a patient presenting in primary care or hospital outpatient settings has COVID-19
BACKGROUND: The clinical implications of SARS-CoV-2 infection are highly variable. Some people with SARS-CoV-2 infection remain asymptomatic, whilst the infection can cause mild to moderate COVID-19 and COVID-19 pneumonia in others. This can lead ...
Auteurs: Thomas Struyf, Jonathan J Deeks, Jacqueline Dinnes, Yemisi Takwoingi, Clare Davenport, Mariska Mg Leeflang, Rene Spijker, Lotty Hooft, Devy Emperador, Julie Domen, Sebastiaan RA Horn, and Ann Van den Bruel