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1 November 2014 | ARTICLE
In silico detection of phylogenetic informative Y-chromosomal SNPs from WGS data
A state-of-the-art phylogeny of the human Y-chromosome is an essential tool for forensic genetics. The explosion of whole genome sequencing (WGS) data due to the rapid progress of next generation sequencing facilities is useful to optimize and to ...
Auteurs: Anneleen Van Geystelen, Tom Wenseleers, Ronny Decorte, Maarten Caspers, and Maarten Larmuseau
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, Lieven Annemans, Ann Ceuppens, Bert Aertgeerts, and Dirk Ramaekers
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
23 October 2014 | ARTICLE
The quality of hereditary haemochromatosis guidelines: a comparative analysis
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) is the most prevalent genetic liver disease, with an incidence of 1/200 to 1/400 in the Caucasian population. HH patients are treated by family physicians as well as different specialists...
Auteurs: Annick Vanclooster, David Cassiman, Werner Van Steenbergen, DW Swinkels, MC Janssen, JP Drenth, Bert Aertgeerts, and H Wollersheim
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, Geert Goderis, Lore Pil, Frank Nobels, Bert Aertgeerts, Lieven Annemans, and Dirk Ramaekers
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
Research priorities in spiritual care: an international survey of palliative care researchers and clinicians
CONTEXT: Spiritual distress, including meaninglessness and hopelessness, is common in advanced disease. Spiritual care is a core component of palliative care, yet often neglected by health care professionals owing to the dearth of robust evidence ...
Auteurs: Lucy Selman, Teresa Young, Mieke Vermandere, Ian Stirling, and Carlo Leget
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
Placental telomere length decreases with gestational age and is influenced by parity: A study of third trimester live-born twins
BACKGROUND: In contrast to the postnatal period, little is known about telomere length (TL) during prenatal life. The decrease in placental TL remains unknown, although intra uterine growth retardation and preeclampsia are associated with shorter ...
Auteurs: M Gielen, G Hageman, D Pachen, C Derom, R Vlietinck, and MP Zeegers
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
Cardiovascular risk factors: Belgian target achievement

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of target achievement for key modifiable cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors (dyslipidaemia, arterial hypertension, hyperglycaemia, smoking, and physical inactivity) in Belg...

Auteurs: Michel P Hermans, Dirk De Bacquer, Christophe De Block, Carla Truyers, Annelies Vankeirsbilck, and Guy De Backer
1 October 2014 | OTHER
Supporting family caregivers of persons with dementia: a pilot-study on the impact of a psycho-educational program
Objectives: This pilot-study is an evaluation of a psycho-educational program consisting of 11 group sessions for family caregivers of people with dementia. This program is inspired by similar Dutch and German interventions. The main goal of the p...
Auteurs: Chantal Van Audenhove, Marieke Van Vracem, Anja Declercq, and Nele Spruytte
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
Pediatric homeopathy: A prospective observational survey based on parent proxy-reports of their children's health-related Quality of Life in six European countries and Brazil
BACKGROUND: Many European citizens regularly consult homeopathic doctors. Especially for children there is very little data available about the reasons they visit a homeopathic doctor. What are the expectations of the parents consulting a Homeopat...
Auteurs: Michel Van Wassenhoven, Maria Goossens, Marco Anelli, Guy Sermeus, Peter Kupers, Carlos Morgado, Eduardo Martin, and Melissa Bezerra
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
Homeopathy and health related Quality of Life: a patient satisfaction survey in six European countries and Brazil
BACKGROUND: Many patients throughout the world consult homeopathic medical doctors. Using a similar methodology as in a first survey published in 2002 a second survey was done including 919 adults receiving homeopathic treatment in six European co...
Auteurs: Michel van Wassenhoven, Maria Goossens, Marco Anelli, Guy Sermeus, Peter Kupers, Carlos Morgado, Eduardo Martin, and Melissa Bezerra
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
A Systematic Review on Micronutrient Intake Adequacy in Adult Minority Populations Residing in Europe: The Need for Action
This systematic review evaluated micronutrient intake inadequacy of ten micronutrients for adult ethnic minority populations residing in Europe. Pubmed was searched for studies, related references were checked and experts consulted. Ten studies we...
Auteurs: Joy Ngo, Blanca Roman-Vinas, Lourdes Ribas-Barba, Mana Golsorkhi, Marisol Wharthon Medina, Geertruida E Bekkering, Mirjana Gurinovic, Romana Novakovic, Adrienne Cavelaars, Lisette CPGM de Groot, and Lluis Serra-Majem
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
Genome-wide association study yields variants at 20p12.2 that associate with urinary bladder cancer
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of urinary bladder cancer (UBC) have yielded common variants at 12 loci that associate with risk of the disease. We report here the results of a GWAS of UBC including 1670 UBC cases and 90 180 controls, follo...
Auteurs: Thorunn Rafnar, Patrick Sulem, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Sita H Vermeulen, Hannes Helgason, Jona Saemundsdottir, Sigurjon A Gudjonsson, Asgeir Sigurdsson, Simon N Stacey, Julius Gudmundsson, Hrefna Johannsdottir, Kristin Alexiusdottir, Vigdis Petursdottir, Sigfus Nikulasson, Gudmundur Geirsson, Thorvaldur Jonsson, Katja KH Aben, Anne J Grotenhuis, Gerald W Verhaegh, Aleksandra M Dudek, J Alfred Witjes, Antoine G van der Heijden, Alina Vrieling, Tessel E Galesloot, Ana De Juan, Angeles Panadero, Fernando Rivera, Carolyn Hurst, D Timothy Bishop, Sei C Sak, Ananya Choudhury, Mark TW Teo, Cecilia Arici, Angela Carta, Elena Toninelli, Petra de Verdier, Peter Rudnai, Eugene Gurzau, Kvetoslava Koppova, Kirstin A van der Keur, Irene Lurkin, Mieke Goossens, Eliane Kellen, Simonetta Guarrera, Alessia Russo, Rossana Critelli, Carlotta Sacerdote, Paolo Vineis, Clémentine Krucker, Maurice P Zeegers, Holger Gerullis, Daniel Ovsiannikov, Frank Volkert, Jan G Hengstler, Silvia Selinski, Olafur T Magnusson, Gisli Masson, Augustine Kong, Daniel Gudbjartsson, Annika Lindblom, Ellen Zwarthoff, Stefano Porru, Klaus Golka, Frank Buntinx, Giuseppe Matullo, Rajiv Kumar, José I Mayordomo, D Gunnar Steineck, Anne E Kiltie, Eirikur Jonsson, François Radvanyi, Margaret A Knowles, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Lambertus A Kiemeney, and Kari Stefansson
1 October 2014 | ARTICLE
The activity profile of home nurses: a systematic review
The role of home nurses as providers of health care has changed and will continue to change. To guide appropriate decision making and future policy planning, it is important to have a clear picture of the activity profile of home nurses. A systema...
Auteurs: Kristel De Vliegher, Anja Declercq, Bert Aertgeerts, Christiane Gosset, Isabelle Heyden, and Philip Moons
Auteurs: Katrien Bombeke, Marc Van Nuland, and Jo Goedhuys
29 September 2014 | OTHER
Identifying key components of a web‐based decision aid for treatment choice of localized prostate cancer
For localized prostate cancer several treatment options are available. Patient decision aids can help patients in making a deliberative, personalized health choice in close collaboration with their physician. The aim of this research was to identi...
Auteurs: Jessie Schrijvers, Joke Vanderhaegen, Hendrik Van Poppel, Karin Haustermans, and Chantal Van Audenhove
29 September 2014 | OTHER
Men’s and GP’s perspectives on providing decision support for early detection of prostate cancer
The importance of sharing decisions is increasingly acknowledged. Information plays a crucial role in the shared decision making (SDM)process. Sharing of information between patient and physician is a vital step to achieve informed preferences and...
Auteurs: Annelies Engelen, Joke Vanderhaegen, Hendrik Van Poppel, and Chantal Van Audenhove
Auteurs: Emelien Lauwerier, Ann Deschamps, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Sandra Martin, Nele Zupancic, Annelies Vandamme, and Philip Moons
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Jeffrey V Lazarus, Jens Lundgren, Jordi Casabona, Lucas Wiessing, Catharina Mathei, Peter Vickerman, Maria Prins, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Maria Kantzanou, Isabelle Giraudon, Marica Ferri, Paul Griffiths, Magdalena Harris, Margaret Walker, Lilyana Chavdarova, Eberhard Schatz, Katrin Schiffer, John Peter Kools, Jason Farell, and Luis Mendao
Auteurs: Mieke Vandewaetere, Dominique Manhaeve, Sanne Peters, Bert Aertgeerts, Geraldine Clarebout, and Ann Roex
Auteurs: Sarah Wilke, Dionne Smid, Martijn Spruit, Daisy Janssen, Jean Muris, Thys Van der Molen, Marjan Van den Akker, Paul Jones, Emiel Wouters, and Frits Franssen
1 September 2014 | ARTICLE
Association between polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in maternal plasma phospholipids during pregnancy and offspring adiposity at age 7: The MEFAB cohort
Prenatal polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentrations may be involved in the prenatal programming of adiposity. In this study we therefore explored the association between maternal PUFA concentrations, measured up to four times during pregnanc...
Auteurs: Paul S de Vries, Marij Gielen, Dimitris Rizopoulos, Patrick Rump, Roger Godschalk, Gerard Hornstra, and Maurice P Zeegers
Auteurs: Eralda Turkeshi, Bert Vaes, Elena Andreeva, Catharina Mathei, Wim Adriaensen, Gus Van Pottelbergh, and Jan Degryse
Auteurs: Margriet De Jong, Elsje Londers, Inge Van Hemelrijck, and Ludo Froyen
: OSCEology‐ unresolved questions and major challenges
Rationale: The OSCE has become one of the most important assessment methods of health professionals’ communication. Although the format has been used for almost forty years, there are still unsolved questions. This symposium will enable five key c...
Auteurs: Zoi Tsimtsiou, Geurt Essers, Jonathan Silverman, Marc Van Nuland, Sabine Feller, and Claudia Kiessling
“Now, let’s assess communication skills!” – How to integrate assessment into your communication skills curriculum
Rationale: Communication skills training has become increasingly integrated into the education of health care professionals (e.g. physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, etc.). In addition to teaching communication skills, there are im...
Auteurs: Marc Van Nuland, Claudia Kiessling, Geurt Essers, Zoi Tsimtsiou, Katarzyna Jankowa, Rute Meneses, and Ragnar Joakimsen
Auteurs: Michael Erkens and Birgitte Schoenmakers
1 September 2014 | ARTICLE
The cost-utility of left ventricular assist devices for end-stage heart failure patients ineligible for cardiac transplantation: a systematic review and critical appraisal of economic evaluations
BACKGROUND: A health technology assessment (HTA) of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) as destination therapy in patients with end-stage heart failure was commissioned by the Dutch Health Care Insurance Board [College voor Zorgverzekeringen (...
Auteurs: Mattias Neyt, Ann Van den Bruel, Yolba Smit, Nicolaas De Jonge, and Joan Vlayen
Auteurs: Sanne Peters, Mieke Vandewaetere, Dominique Manhaeve, Bert Aertgeerts, Geraldine Clarebout, and Ann Roex