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Belgian Primary Care EPR: Assessment of Nationwide Routine Data Extraction
Starting in 2009, the first ever Belgian nationwide data collection network using routine data extracted from primary care EPR (upload method) has been built from scratch. The network also uses a manual web-based data collection method. This paper...
Auteurs: Etienne De Clercq, Viviane van Casteren, Nathalie Bossuyt, Geert Goderis, and Sarah Moreels
1 January 2014 | ARTICLE
Relevance of chronic lyme disease to family medicine as a complex multidimensional chronic disease construct: a systematic review.
Lyme disease has become a global public health problem and a prototype of an emerging infection. Both treatment-refractory infection and symptoms that are related to Borrelia burgdorferi infection remain subject to controversy. Because of the abse...
Auteurs: Liesbeth Borgermans, Geert Goderis, Jan Vandevoorde, and Dirk Devroey
1 January 2014 | ARTICLE
Similar Multimorbidity Patterns in Primary Care Patients from Two European Regions: Results of a Factor Analysis
OBJECTIVE: To compare the similarities among the multimorbidity patterns identified in primary care patients from two European regions (Spain and the Netherlands) with similar organisational features of their primary care systems, using validated ...
Auteurs: Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Marjan van den Akker, Rein Vos, Amaia Calderon-Larranaga, Job Metsemakers, and Alexandra Prados-Torres
1 January 2014 | ARTICLE
Depression in the palliative phase
It is normal and understandable that patients are depressed and sad during the palliative phase, so it is not always appropriate to view and manage this depression from the psychiatric perspective of 'depressive disorder'. Instead, it might be bet...
Auteurs: F Warmenhoven, M Vermandere, P Lucassen, K Vissers, B Aertgeerts, and J De Lepeleire
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel, Bert Aertgeerts, Marieke Lemiengre, An De Sutter, Dominique Bullens, and Frank Buntinx
1 January 2014 | ARTICLE
Evidence-based practice guidelines on alcohol and drug misuse
Background Context-specific evidence-based guidelines on how to prevent and treat substance misuse among adolescents are currently lacking in many countries. Due to the time consuming nature of de novo guideline development, the ADAPTE collaborati...
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Bert Aertgeerts, Juan Asueta-Lorente, Mieke Autrique, Martine Goossens, Karen Smets, Johan Van Bussel, Wouter Vanderplasschen, Paul Van Royen, and Karin Hannes
Auteurs: Stefanie Moermans, Ann Roex, and Bert Aertgeerts
1 January 2014 | BOOK
Praktijkmanagement voor de huisarts
Auteurs: Jan De Lepeleire, Bert Aertgeerts, and Birgitte Schoenmakers
1 January 2014 | ARTICLE
Nurse-led telecoaching of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized controlled trial
Despite the efforts of the healthcare community to improve the quality of diabetes care, about 50% of people with type 2 diabetes do not reach their treatment targets, increasing the risk of future micro-and macro-vascular complications. Diabetes ...
Auteurs: Irina Odnoletkova, Geert Goderis, Frank Nobels, Bert Aertgeerts, Lieven Annemans, and Dirk Ramaekers
17 December 2013 | ARTICLE
Clinical prediction models for bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a systematic review and external validation study
BACKGROUND: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a common complication of preterm birth. Very different models using clinical parameters at an early postnatal age to predict BPD have been developed with little extensive quantitative validation. The...
Auteurs: Wes Onland, Thomas P Debray, Matthew M Laughon, Martijn Miedema, Filip Cools, Lisa M Askie, Jeanette M Asselin, Sandra A Calvert, Sherry E Courtney, Carlo Dani, David J Durand, Neil Marlow, Janet L Peacock, J Jane Pillow, Roger F Soll, Ulrich H Thome, Patrick Truffert, Michael D Schreiber, Patrick Van Reempts, Valentina Vendettuoli, Giovanni Vento, Anton H van Kaam, Karel G Moons, and Martin Offringa
4 December 2013 | TEXT RESOURCE
KU Leuven klimaatneutraal 2030
Auteurs: Filip Volckaert, Joost Duflou, Jacques Haers, Peter Tom Jones, Jan Bundervoet, Kris Bachus, Johan Eyckmans, Martin Hermy, Erik Mathijs, Nikkie Melis, Bruno Motten, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Sigrid Somers, Caroline Souffreau, Joke Vandenabeele, and Simon Willems
3 December 2013 | TEXT RESOURCE
ADAPTE-youth Résumé Francophone
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering and Karin Hannes
3 December 2013 | TEXT RESOURCE
Adapting best practice guidelines for the prevention, screening and treatment of substance misuse in adolescents to a local Belgian context
Alcohol and drug misuse continues to be an important problem amongst adolescents worldwide. In order for Belgian policy makers to efficiently deal with such problems, the extent of alcohol and drug misuse among young people, including environmenta...
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Bert Aertgeerts, Marijn Geirnaert, Johan Van Bussel, Wouter Vanderplasschen, Paul Van Royen, and Karin Hannes
3 December 2013 | TEXT RESOURCE
ADAPTE-youth Nederlandstalige samenvatting
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering and Karin Hannes
1 December 2013 | ARTICLE
A misleading urethral smear with polymorphonuclear leucocytes and intracellular diplococci; case report of urethritis caused by < /i>Neisseria meningitidis< //i>
The primary pathogens found in men with urethritis are Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Rapid diagnosis of N. gonorrhoeae infection can be made based on a Gram- or methylene blue-stained urethral smear. We describe a case of a man ...
Auteurs: RE Genders, D Spitaels, CL Jansen, Th W van den Akker, and KD Quint
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Karen Smets, Martine Goossens, Mieke Autrique, David Mobius, Marijs Geirnaert, Bert Aertgeerts, Paul Van Royen, and Karin Hannes
1 December 2013 | ARTICLE
Do genetic factors contribute to the relation between education and metabolic risk factors in young adults? A twin study
BACKGROUND: Lower educated people have a higher prevalence of metabolic risk factors (MRF), that is, high waist circumference (WC), high systolic blood pressure, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, high triglycerides and high fasting g...
Auteurs: Angelique PA Vermeiren, Hans Bosma, M Gielen, Patrick J Lindsey, Cathérine Derom, Robert Vlietinck, Ruth Loos, and Maurice P Zeegers
Auteurs: Johan Versendaal, Marjan van den Akker, Xiaochun Xing, and Bastiaan de Bevere
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Karen Smets, Martine Goossens, Mieke Autrique, David Mobius, Marijs Geirnaert, Bert Aertgeerts, Paul Van Royen, and Karin Hannes
1 December 2013 | ARTICLE
Oncologic multidisciplinary team meetings: evaluation of quality criteria
RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To develop a guideline with quality criteria for an optimal structure and functioning of a multidisciplinary team meeting (MTM), and to assess to what extent the Dutch MTMs complied with these criteria. METHOD: A li...
Auteurs: Nelleke Ottevanger, Mirrian Hilbink, Mariska Weenk, Romy Janssen, Talitha Vrijmoeth, Antoinette de Vries, and Rosella Hermens
Auteurs: Trudy Bekkering, Mieke Autrique, David Mobius, Karen Smets, Martine Goossens, Bert Aertgeerts, Paul Van Royen, Marijs Geirnaert, and Karin Hannes
6 November 2013 | OTHER
What is care coordination about: towards a theoretical framework for the study of care coordination
Purpose: Strategies to improve care coordination between primary and hospital care do not always have the desired result partly due to incomplete understanding of key concepts of care coordination. The aim of this study is to explore key concepts ...
Auteurs: Sabine Van Houdt, Walter Sermeus, Lienke Vandezande, Barbara Raeymaekers, and Jan De Lepeleire
1 November 2013 | ARTICLE
Review article: the association of diet with onset and relapse in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
BACKGROUND: The role of diet in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is supported by migration studies and increasing incidences in line with Westernisation. AIM: To give a complete overview of studies associating habitual diet with the onset or relap...
Auteurs: CEGM Spooren, MJ Pierik, MP Zeegers, EJM Feskens, AAM Masclee, and DMAE Jonkers
1 November 2013 | ARTICLE
Recurrent miscarriage: do professionals adhere to their guidelines
STUDY QUESTION: Is the actual care for recurrent miscarriage in clinical practice in accordance with 23 guideline-based quality indicators? SUMMARY ANSWER: The accordance of actual care with the guidelines was poor and there is evident room for im...
Auteurs: E van den Boogaard, RPMG Hermens, AMHW Franssen, JPR Doornbos, JAM Kremer, F van der Veen, and M Goddijn
1 November 2013 | ARTICLE
The prevalence of sarcopenia in very old individuals according to the European consensus definition: insights from the BELFRAIL study
the prevalence of sarcopenia varies widely between studies. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of sarcopenia in a representative sample of persons aged 80 years and older according to the European Working Group on Sarcopenia ...
Auteurs: Delphine Legrand, Bert Vaes, Cathy Matheï, Christian Swine, and Jean-Marie Degryse
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers, Lynn Ryssaert, and Johan Wens
Auteurs: A Van Den Bruel, M Thompson, F Buntinx, and D Mant
Auteurs: G Pawelec, W Adriaensen, C Mathei, K Schweinzer, B Vaes, K Hamprecht, J Degryse, and E Derhovanessian
Auteurs: Wouter Van Mechelen, Jan De Lepeleire, Jo Lisaerde, Franca Warmenhoven, Mieke Vermandere, and Bert Aertgeerts