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1 January 2008 | ARTICLE
Trends in total cholesterol screening and in prescribing lipid-lowering drugs in general practice in the period 1994-2003

BACKGROUND: General Practitioners (GPs) play a central role in controlling an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, i.e. cholesterol levels in serum. In the past few decades different studies have been published on the effect of tr...

Auteurs: Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Jan P Vandenbroucke, Carla Truyers, and Frank Buntinx
Auteurs: L Overbeek, RPMG Hermens, AE Adang, FM Nagengast, JHJM Van Krieken, MJL Ligtenberg, and N Hoogerbrugge
1 January 2008 | ARTICLE
Methodology for calculating a country's need for positron emission tomography scanners
Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop a methodology for calculating the need for positron emission tomography (PET) scanners in a country and illustrate this methodology for Belgium.Methods: First, levels of evidence were assigned to PE...
Auteurs: Irina Cleemput, Cécile Camberlin, Ann Van Den Bruel, and Dirk Ramaekers
1 January 2008 | ARTICLE
A quasi-randomized trial on the effectiveness of an invitation letter to improve participation in a setting of opportunistic screening for cervical cancer
The objective of the study was to assess the effect of an invitation letter on the level of participation in a setting of mainly opportunistic screening for cervical cancer and to do a cost analysis of this intervention. We designed a quasi-random...
Auteurs: E de Jonge, E Cloes, L Op De Beeck, B Adriaens, Daniël Lousbergh, G Orye, and F Buntinx
1 January 2008 | ARTICLE
What factors explain the differences in morbidity estimations among general practice registration networks in the Netherlands? A first analysis.
BACKGROUND: Information on the incidence and prevalence of diseases is a core indicator for public health. There are several ways to estimate morbidity in a population (e.g., surveys, healthcare registers). In this paper, we focus on one particula...
Auteurs: Catharina van den Dungen, Nancy Hoeymans, Ronald Gijsen, Marjan van den Akker, Jos Boesten, Henk Brouwer, Hugo Smeets, Willem Jan van der Veen, Robert Verheij, Margot de Waal, Francois Schellevis, and Gert Westert
Auteurs: Steven Boonen, Dirk Vanderschueren, and Patrick Haentjens
1 January 2008 | BOOK CHAPTER
Multivariable analysis in diagnostic accuracy studies. What are the possibilities?
Diagnostic research requires multivariable analytical approaches to take the contributions of different tests to a diagnosis simultaneously into consideration. Tree-building methods, logistic regression analysis, and neural networks can provide so...
Auteurs: Frank Buntinx, Bert Aertgeerts, Marc Aerts, Rudi Bruyninckx, JA Knottnerus, Ann Van den Bruel, and J Van Den Ende
1 January 2008 | ARTICLE
Preliminaire bevindingen van focusgroeponderzoek over hinderpalen bij implementatie van evidence-based praktijkvoering in Vlaanderen
De impact van evidence-based praktijkvoering (EBP) is de laatste jaren sterk gestegen. Toch blijken zorgverleners moeite te hebben met het toepassen ervan. Doel: In kaart brengen welke barrières Vlaamse zorgverleners ervaren bij het toepassen van...
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Guido Pieters, W Simons, G Herman, and Bert Aertgeerts
3 December 2007 | ARTICLE
A meta-analysis on depression and subsequent cancer risk.
BACKGROUND: The authors tested the hypothesis that depression is a possible factor influencing the course of cancer by reviewing prospective epidemiological studies and calculating summary relative risks. METHODS: Studies were identified by comput...
Auteurs: Marjolein Ej Oerlemans, Marjan van den Akker, Agnes G Schuurman, Eliane Kellen, and Frank Buntinx
1 December 2007 | ARTICLE
Quality of life in dementia: a two year follow-up study
Objectives To examine the evolution of quality of life (QOL) in demented subjects at base-line, one and 2 years later and todetermine clinical variables associated with QOL.Method Longitudinal study of a cohort of 127 subjects living at home or in...
Auteurs: P Misotten, M Ylieff, D Di Notte, Louis Paquay, Jan De Lepeleire, Frank Buntinx, and O Fontaine
1 December 2007 | ARTICLE
Survival and functional outcome according to hip fracture type: A one-year prospective cohort study in elderly women with an intertrochanteric or femoral neck fracture
We conducted a prospective study among elderly women with a first hip fracture to document survival and functional outcome and to determine whether outcomes differ by fracture type. The design was a one-year prospective cohort study in the context...
Auteurs: Patrick Haentjens, P Autier, M Barette, Katrien Venken, Dirk Vanderschueren, and Steven Boonen
1 November 2007 | ARTICLE
The evaluation of diagnostic tests: evidence on technical and diagnostic accuracy, impact on patient outcome and cost-effectiveness is needed
OBJECTIVE: Before introducing a test in clinical practice, its characteristics and added value should be assessed. Diagnostic accuracy studies only are not sufficient; the test's impact on patient outcome ought to be assessed as well. To do this, ...
Auteurs: Ann Van Den Bruel, Irina Cleemput, Bert Aertgeerts, Dirk Ramaekers, and Frank Buntinx
1 November 2007 | ARTICLE
A meta-analysis of observational studies identifies predictors of sickness absence☆
OBJECTIVE: About one in every three employees seen by their occupational physician is absent from work because of psychosocial health complaints. To implement preventive measures, it is necessary to identify predictors for this type of sickness ab...
Auteurs: Saskia FA Duijts, Jrnert Kant, Gerard MH Swaen, Piet A van den Brandt, and Maurice PA Zeegers
1 November 2007 | ARTICLE
Muscle fibre type shifting in the vastus lateralis of patients with COPD is associated with disease severity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle dysfunction is a common feature in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is associated with intrinsic muscular abnormalities. One of the most consistently reported alterations is a shift from fibre type I t...
Auteurs: Harry R Gosker, Maurice P Zeegers, Emiel FM Wouters, and Annemie MWJ Schols
15 October 2007 | ARTICLE
Quality of integrated care for patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer: variations and determinants of care.
BACKGROUND: In the current study, the authors focused on determinants influencing the quality of care and variations in the actual quality of integrated care for patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to estimate whether there is room for...
Auteurs: Mariëlle MMTJ Ouwens, Rosella RPMG Hermens, René AR Termeer, Saskia Y Vonk-Okhuijsen, Vivianne CG Tjan-Heijnen, Ad FTM Verhagen, Marlies MEJL Hulscher, Henri AM Marres, Hub CH Wollersheim, and Richard PTM Grol
Auteurs: Marielle MMTJ Ouwens, Rosella RRMG Hermens, Rene AR Termeer, Saskia Y Vonk-Okhuijsen, Vivianne CG Tjan-Heijnen, Ad FTM Verhagen, Marlies MEJL Hulscher, Henri AM Marres, Hub CH Wollersheim, and Richard RIM Grol
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen
Auteurs: Yicheng Ni, Marie Van de Putte, Humphrey Fonge, Alfons Verbruggen, Peter de Witte, and Guy Marchal
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Ilse Jonkers, Bart Rys, Daniel Daly, Michiel Mulier, and Arthur Spaepen
1 October 2007 | ARTICLE
Barriers to evidence-based nursing: a focus group study
Aim. This paper reports a study to explore the barriers to evidence-based nursing among Flemish (Belgian) nurses.
Auteurs: Karin Hannes, Jo Vandersmissen, Liesbeth De Blaeser, Gert Peeters, Jo Goedhuys, and Bert Aertgeerts
1 October 2007 | ARTICLE
Guideline-based development of quality indicators for subfertility care
BACKGROUND: Internationally, several organizations have developed clinical guidelines for subfertility care to supply patients with the best possible care. However, to improve the implementation of such guidelines, we first need to gain insight in...
Auteurs: SM Mourad, RPMG Hermens, WLDM Nelen, DDM Braat, RPTM Grol, and JAM Kremer
1 October 2007 | ARTICLE
Examining the co-occurrence of bladder and prostate cancer: a worthwhile investigation?
We investigate the possible reasons for the co-occurrence of bladder and prostate cancer and discuss its clinical relevance. The co-occurrence of bladder and prostate cancer can (partly) be explained by a survival effect and diagnostic bias. Radio...
Auteurs: Eliane Kellen, Maurice P Zeegers, Steven Joniau, and Frank Buntinx
1 October 2007 | ARTICLE
Anthropometry, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey: heritabilities
Aims/hypothesis We determined the genetic contribution of 18 anthropometric and metabolic risk factors of type 2 diabetes using a young healthy twin population.
Auteurs: NY Souren, ADC Paulussen, Ruth Loos, M Gielen, Gaston Beunen, Robert Fagard, Cathérine Derom, Robert Vlietinck, and MP Zeegers
22 September 2007 | OTHER
Effectiviteit van multidisciplinaire Diabetes Support Teams: Resultaten van een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studie bij diabetes type 2 patiënten
Situering/Inleiding: Het doel van de studie was de evaluatie van de effectiviteit van multidisciplinaire Diabetes Support Teams op patiëntgebonden uitkomsten van de zorg als onderdeel van een multifacettair kwaliteitsverbeterend programma in de h...
Auteurs: L Borgermans, G Goderis, Carine Van Den Broeke, and J Heyrman
22 September 2007 | OTHER
Ondersteuning van huisartsen in de diabeteszorg: resultaten van een kwaliteitsverbeteringsprogramma
Situering/Inleiding: Type 2 diabetes is in volle opmars met een verdubbeling van haar prevalentie om de tien jaar. Complicaties zijn ernstig en frequent én essentieel van vasculaire oorsprong. Ze kunnen voorkomen worden door een combinatie van m...
Auteurs: G Goderis, L Borgermans, Carine Van Den Broeke, J Wijffels, B Boland, C Mathieu, and J Heyrman
1 September 2007 | ARTICLE
Online on-the-spot searching increases use of evidence during consultations in family practice
Objective: The project aimed to search for online evidence in a structured way in consultation with the patient, to investigate whether the evidence discovered changed directions. Methods: We developed the 'Online on-the-spot' method (OOS) as a pa...
Auteurs: D Van Duppen, Bert Aertgeerts, Karin Hannes, J Neirinckx, L Seuntjens, F Goossens, and A Van linden
Auteurs: Gerlinde Lenaerts, Ilse Jonkers, Michiel Mulier, Arthur Spaepen, and Georges Van der Perre
Auteurs: Benoit Boland, Thierry Christiaens, Geert Goderis, Frans Govaerts, Hilde Philips, Frank Smeets, Nathalie Van De Vyver, and Dirk Van Duppen