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1 August 2020 | ARTICLE
An exploration of spousal caregivers' well-being after the death of their partners who were older cancer patients - A phenomenological approach
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to gain more insight into the psychosocial well-being of the recently bereaved spouses who took care of their partners with cancer. METHOD: A qualitative study was developed, taking a phenomenological approach. E...
Auteurs: E Van Hout, S Peters, L Jansen, P Rober et M van den Akker
Auteurs: Kay Wang, Jan Y Verbakel, Jason Oke, Alexander Fleming-Nouri, Norihiro Harada, Ryo Atsuta, Tomoyuki Fujisawa, Tomotaka Kawayama, Hiromasa Inoue, Stephen Lazarus, Stanley Szefler, Fernando D Martinez, Dominick Shaw, Ian D Pavord et Mike Thomas
1 August 2020 | ARTICLE
Intrarater and Interrater Reliability of a Passive Shoulder Flexion Range of Motion Measurement for Latissimus Dorsi Flexibility in Young Competitive Swimmers
CONTEXT: The latissimus dorsi plays a major role in generating the propulsive force during swimming. In addition, stiffness of this muscle may result in altered stroke biomechanics and predispose swimmers to shoulder pain. Measuring the flexibilit...
Auteurs: Stef Feijen, Angela Tate, Kevin Kuppens, Thomas Struyf, Anke Claes et Filip Struyf
1 August 2020 | ARTICLE
Studying the impact of a medication use evaluation by the community pharmacist (Simenon): Drug-related problems and associated variables
BACKGROUND: A medication use review (MUR) aims to optimize medication use, patient knowledge and can improve health outcomes. This pharmaceutical care service is not yet available in Belgium. OBJECTIVES: To describe drug-related problems (DRPs) de...
Auteurs: Joke Wuyts, Joris Maesschalck, Isabelle De Wulf, Melanie Lelubre, Katrien Foubert, Carine De Vriese, Koen Boussery, Geert Goderis, Jan De Lepeleire et Veerle Foulon
Auteurs: Mieke Deschodt, Flaka Siqeca, Olivia Yip, Samuel Stenz, Maria Jose Mendieta Jara, Eva Blozik, Matthias Briel, Kathrina Obas, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Carlos Quinto, Penelope Vounatsou, Matthias Schwenkglenks, Andy Zeller, Franziska Zuniga et Sabina De Geest
22 July 2020 | ARTICLE
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an integrated osteoporosis care programme for postmenopausal women in Flanders: study protocol of a quasi-experimental controlled design
UNLABELLED: Osteoporosis causes high individual and societal burden, due to limited attention to fracture prevention. Integrated care for chronic conditions has shown to facilitate management of these conditions, improving clinical outcomes alongs...
Auteurs: Caroline Verdonck, Lieven Annemans, Stefan Goemaere, Bruno Lapauw, Geert Goderis, Elie Balligand, Marie-Paule Doom, Stany Perkisas et Liesbeth Borgermans
20 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Adherence to a Western dietary pattern and risk of bladder cancer: A pooled analysis of 13 cohort studies of the Bladder Cancer Epidemiology and Nutritional Determinants international study
Little is known about the association of diet with risk of bladder cancer. This might be due to the fact that the majority of studies have focused on single food items, rather than dietary patterns, which may better capture any influence of diet o...
Auteurs: Mostafa Dianatinasab, Anke Wesselius, Amin Salehi-Abargouei, Evan YW Yu, Maree Brinkman, Mohammad Fararouei, Piet van den Brandt, Emily White, Elisabete Weiderpass, Florence Le Calvez-Kelm, Marc Gunter, Inge Huybrechts, Fredrik Liedberg, Guri Skeie, Anne Tjonneland, Elio Riboli, Graham G Giles, Roger L Milne et Maurice P Zeegers
17 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Invasive non-typhoidalSalmonellainfections in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review on antimicrobial resistance and treatment
BACKGROUND: Non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) are a frequent cause of invasive infections in sub-Saharan Africa. They are frequently multidrug resistant (co-resistant to ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and chloramphenicol), and resistance ...
Auteurs: Bieke Tack, Jolien Vanaenrode, Jan Y Verbakel, Jaan Toelen et Jan Jacobs
13 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Voorafgaande zorgplanning in de huisartsenpraktijk: drempels, faciliterende factoren en aanbevelingen voor implementatie
Deze kwalitatieve studie exploreert de barrières voor voorafgaande zorgplanning (VZP) waarmee gevestigde huisartsen én huisartsen in opleiding (haio’s) in Vlaanderen geconfronteerd worden. Er worden tevens suggesties gedaan voor interventies die d...
Auteurs: Shaary Van Wambeke, Geert Goderis et Gerda Okerman
9 July 2020 | OTHER
Defining and analysing material matter in a qualitative systematic review of adherence for young people living with HIV in low to middle income countries
Abstract: As interdisciplinary approaches to medicine and health care evolve it is important to advance the methods used to make sense of the new types of data which emerge. Medicine and treatment of illness are inclusive of the patient as a feel...
Auteurs: Lynn Hendricks, Karin Hannes, Taryn Young et Cathy Mathei
7 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Resilience in family caregivers of patients diagnosed with advanced cancer – unravelling the process of bouncing back from difficult experiences, a hermeneutic review.
Background: Despite the risk for developing mental disorders, the majority of advanced cancer patients’ family caregivers undergo a resilient process throughout the caregiving period. Research on resilience in caregivers of advanced cancer patient...
Auteurs: Sophie Opsomer, Jan De Lepeleire, Emelien Lauwerier et Peter Pype
6 July 2020 | ARTICLE
In-vitro diagnostic point-of-care tests in paediatric ambulatory care: A systematic review and meta-analysis
INTRODUCTION: Paediatric consultations form a significant proportion of all consultations in ambulatory care. Point-of-care tests (POCTs) may offer a potential solution to improve clinical outcomes for children by reducing diagnostic uncertainty i...
Auteurs: Oliver Van Hecke, Meriel Raymond, Joseph J Lee, Philip Turner, Clare R Goyder, Jan Y Verbakel, Ann van den Bruel et Gail Hayward
1 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Venous thromboembolism in SARS-CoV-2 patients: only a problem in ventilated ICU patients, or is there more to it?
Insidious venous thromboembolism (VTE) is mainly a problem in ICU-ventilated SARS-CoV-2 patients, while patients in the general ward, treated with thromboprophylaxis (0.5 mg·kg−1), had a low incidence of insidious VTE
Auteurs: Maarten Criel, Maarten Falter, Jasmien Jaeken, Margaretha Van Kerrebroeck, Isabelle Lefere, Liesbeth Meylaerts, Dieter Mesotten, Margot vander Laenen, Tom Fivez, Michiel Thomeer et David Ruttens
1 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Evaluating Large-Scale Integrated Care Projects: The Development of a Protocol for a Mixed Methods Realist Evaluation Study in Belgium
BACKGROUND: The twelve Integrated Care Program pilot projects (ICPs) created by the government plan 'Integrated Care for Better Health' aim to achieve four outcome types (the Quadruple Aim) for people with chronic diseases in Belgium: improved pop...
Auteurs: G Goderis, E Colman, LA Irusta, A Van Hecke, B Pétré, D Devroey, E Van Deun, K Faes, N Charlier, N Verhaeghe, R Remmen, S Anthierens, W Sermeus et J Macq
1 July 2020 | ARTICLE
The COVID-19 pandemic: diverse contexts; different epidemics-how and why?
It is very exceptional that a new disease becomes a true pandemic. Since its emergence in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, has spread to nearly all countries ...
Auteurs: Wim Van Damme, Ritwik Dahake, Alexandre Delamou, Brecht Ingelbeen, Edwin Wouters, Guido Vanham, Remco van de Pas, Jean-Paul Dossou, Por Ir, Seye Abimbola, Stefaan Van der Borght, Devadasan Narayanan, Gerald Bloom, Ian Van Engelgem, Mohamed Ali Ag Ahmed, Joël Arthur Kiendrébéogo, Kristien Verdonck, Vincent De Brouwere, Kéfilath Bello, Helmut Kloos, Peter Aaby, Andreas Kalk, Sameh Al-Awlaqi, NS Prashanth, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, Placide Mbala, Steve Ahuka-Mundeke et Yibeltal Assefa
1 July 2020 | ARTICLE
Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolates after exposure to non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics: a retrospective case-control study
OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether prior exposure to non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics increases the risk of fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli. METHODS: This was a secondary analysis of data collected retrospectively in a case-control s...
Auteurs: Linda E Chaname Pinedo, Robin Bruyndonckx, Boudewijn Catry, Katrien Latour, Herman Goossens, Steven Abrams et Samuel Coenen
11 June 2020 | ARTICLE
Invloed dalende eGFR op cardiovasculaire events
Zorgverleners in de eerste lijn onderschatten vaak het hogere cardiovasculaire risico bij chronische nierschade. Bij een dalende geschatte glomerulaire filtratiesnelheid (eGFR) blijkt het risico op een cardiovasculair event groter dan bij een stab...
Auteurs: Gijs Van Pottelbergh, P Mamouris, G Goderis, bert Vaes et marjan van den Akker
Auteurs: Jan Verbakel
Auteurs: Laure Wynants, Ben Van Calster, Gary S Collins, Richard D Riley, Georg Heinze, Ewoud Schuit, Elena Albu, Banafsheh Arshi, Vanesa Bellou, Marc MJ Bonten, Darren L Dahly, Johanna A Damen, Thomas PA Debray, Valentijn MT de Jong, Maarten De Vos, Paula Dhiman, Joie Ensor, Shan Gao, Maria C Haller, Michael O Harhay, Liesbet Henckaerts, Pauline Heus, Jeroen Hoogland, Mohammed Hudda, Kevin Jenniskens, Michael Kammer, Nina Kreuzberger, Anna Lohmann, Brooke Levis, Kim Luijken, Jie Ma, Glen P Martin, David J McLernon, Constanza L Andaur Navarro, Johannes B Reitsma, Jamie C Sergeant, Chunhu Shi, Nicole Skoetz, Luc JM Smits, Kym IE Snell, Matthew Sperrin, Rene Spijker, Ewout W Steyerberg, Toshihiko Takada, Ioanna Tzoulaki, Sander MJ van Kuijk, Bas CT van Bussel, Iwan CC van der Horst, Kelly Reeve, Florien S van Royen, Jan Y Verbakel, Christine Wallisch, Jack Wilkinson, Robert Wolff, Lotty Hooft, Karel GM Moons et Maarten van Smeden
Auteurs: Henri De Ryck et Catharina Mathei
Auteurs: S Pazmino, V Stouten, P Verschueren, P Mamouris, R Westhovens, K De Vlam, D Bertrand, K Van der Elst, B Vaes et D De Cock
1 June 2020 | ARTICLE
Relationship between microbiology of throat swab and clinical course among primary care patients with acute cough: a prospective cohort study
BACKGROUND: Acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRTIs) account for most antibiotics prescribed in primary care despite lack of efficacy, partly due to clinician uncertainty about aetiology and patient concerns about illness course. Nucleic ...
Auteurs: Jose M Ordonez-Mena, Thomas R Fanshawe, Chris C Butler, David Mant, Denise Longhurst, Peter Muir, Barry Vipond, Paul Little, Michael Moore, Beth Stuart, Alastair D Hay, Hannah Thornton, Matthew J Thompson, Sue Smith, Ann Van den Bruel, Victoria Hardy, Laikin Cheah, Derrick Crook et Kyle Knox
1 June 2020 | OTHER
Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving.
BACKGROUND: Family caregivers of advanced cancer patients are at risk for developing mental disorders. Despite this risk, the majority seem to adapt well, and throughout the caregiving period, their trajectory is characterised by healthy functioni...
Auteurs: Sophie Opsomer, Jan De Lepeleire, Emelien Lauwerier et Peter Pype
5 May 2020 | ARTICLE
Developing quality indicators for Chronic Kidney Disease in primary care, extractable from the Electronic Medical Record. A Rand-modified Delphi method
BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common chronic condition and a rising public health issue with increased morbidity and mortality, even at an early stage. Primary care has a pivotal role in the early detection and in the integrated ma...
Auteurs: Steve A Van den Bulck, Patrik Vankrunkelsven, Geert Goderis, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Jonathan Swerts, Karolien Panis et Rosella Hermens
1 May 2020 | ARTICLE
Nitrofurantoin Failure in Elderly Men: A Retrospective Observational Study
Urinary tract infections in the elderly are common. Treatment with nitrofurantoin in men may not be sufficient if concomitant tissue involvement is present, resulting in treatment failure. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of ni...
Auteurs: Ilse Wolterink, Theo Verheij, Tamara Platteel, Ann van den Bruel, Arjen Stam et Alma van de Pol
1 May 2020 | ARTICLE
Impact of point-of-care tests in community pharmacies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
OBJECTIVES: To summarise the literature regarding the use of point-of-care test (POCT) in pharmacies versus control/usual care. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis in community pharmacy. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE, Co...
Auteurs: Ali Albasri, Ann Van den Bruel, Gail Hayward, Richard J McManus, James Peter Sheppard et Jan Yvan Jos Verbakel
1 May 2020 | ARTICLE
International Consensus Definition of a Serious Infection in a Geriatric Patient Presenting to Ambulatory Care
Early recognition and prompt treatment of a serious infection is important to optimize prognosis in older patients. The current evidence base underpinning this early recognition in ambulatory care is scattered and haphazard, calling for new resear...
Auteurs: Thomas Struyf, Jos Tournoy, Jan Y Verbakel et Ann Van den Bruel
1 May 2020 | ARTICLE
Using fractional exhaled nitric oxide to guide step-down treatment decisions in patients with asthma: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: High exhaled nitric oxide fraction (F ENO) levels are associated with greater risk of asthma exacerbation. However, it is not clear how F ENO can be used to guide safe reductions in inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) doses in asthma patients...
Auteurs: Kay Wang, Jan Y Verbakel, Jason Oke, Alexander Fleming-Nouri, Josh Brewin, Nia Roberts, Norihiro Harada, Ryo Atsuta, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Kazutaka Mori, Tomoyuki Fujisawa, Toshihiro Shirai, Tomotaka Kawayama, Hiromasa Inoue, Stephen Lazarus, Stanley Szefler, Fernando Martinez, Dominick Shaw, Ian D Pavord et Mike Thomas
1 May 2020 | ARTICLE
Telefonische triage bij COVID-19: een praktische leidraad voor de eerste lijn
Tijdens de huidige coronaviruspandemie legden verschillende internationale overheden beperkingen op om de verspreiding van het „severe acute respiratory syndrome”-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in te dijken. Ook de Belgische gezondheidszorg onderging ...
Auteurs: Simon Beerten
1 May 2020 | ARTICLE
Facilitating Guideline Implementation in Primary Health Care Practices
Introduction: Many patients continue to receive suboptimal services, inappropriate, unsafe, and costly care. Underutilization of research by health professionals is a common problem in the primary care setting. Although many theoretical frameworks...
Auteurs: Sanne Peters, Andre Bussieres, Bart Depreitere, Stijn Vanholle, Julie Cristens, Mieke Vermandere et Aliki Thomas