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1 September 2018 | OTHER
Correction to: Impact of socioeconomic position and distance on mental health care utilization: a nationwide Danish follow-up study.
In the original publication of this article, Table 3 was published incorrectly. The corrected table is shown below.
Auteurs: Aake Packness, Frans Boch Waldorff, René dePont Christensen, Lene Halling Hastrup, Erik Simonsen, Mogens Vestergaard et Anders Halling
1 September 2018 | ARTICLE
Early detection of multiple myeloma in primary care using blood tests: a case-control study in primary care
BACKGROUND: Multiple myeloma is a haematological cancer characterised by numerous non-specific symptoms leading to diagnostic delay in a large proportion of patients. AIM: To identify which blood tests are useful in suggesting or excluding a diagn...
Auteurs: Constantinos Koshiaris, Ann Van den Bruel, Jason L Oke, Brian D Nicholson, Elizabeth Shephard, Mick Braddick et William Hamilton
27 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Randomized controlled trial to evaluate a prevention program for frail community-dwelling older adults: a D-SCOPE protocol
BACKGROUND: Frail community-dwelling older adults, whom might experience problems regarding physical, cognitive, psychological, social and environmental factors, are at risk for adverse outcomes such as disability, institutionalization and mortali...
Auteurs: Deborah Lambotte, Liesbeth De Donder, Ellen E De Roeck, Lieve J Hoeyberghs, Anne van der Vorst, Daan Duppen, Michael van der Elst, Bram Fret, Sarah Dury, An-Sofie Smetcoren, Martinus JM Kardol, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Peter Paul De Deyn, Nico De Witte, Jos MGA Schols, Gertrudis IJM Kempen, GA Rixt Zijlstra, Jan De Lepeleire, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Dominique Verte et Eva Dierckx
24 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Professionals' perceptions and current practices of integrated palliative care in chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative study in Belgium
BACKGROUND: Patients with Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) and patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) share similar symptom burden with cancer patients, however, they are unlikely to receive palliative care (PC) services. This artic...
Auteurs: N Siouta, P Clement, B Aertgeerts, K Van Beek et J Menten
20 August 2018 | ARTICLE
A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support
BACKGROUND: Computerised clinical decision support (CDS) can potentially better inform decisions, and it can help with the management of information overload. It is perceived to be a key component of a learning health care system. Despite its incr...
Auteurs: Stijn Van de Velde, Annemie Heselmans, Nicolas Delvaux, Linn Brandt, Luis Marco-Ruiz, David Spitaels, Hanne Cloetens, Tiina Kortteisto, Pavel Roshanov, Ilkka Kunnamo, Bert Aertgeerts, Per Olav Vandvik et Signe Flottorp
13 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Retirement, job satisfaction and attitudes towards mandatory accreditation: a Danish survey study in general practice.
OBJECTIVES: This study aims to analyse the associations between general practitioner (GP) retirement, job satisfaction and attitudes towards a mandatory accreditation scheme. External interventions such as mandatory accreditation schemes may be pe...
Auteurs: Merethe Kirstine Andersen, Line Bjørnskov Pedersen et Frans Boch Waldorff
4 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Early treatment versus expectative management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial in Europe (BeNeDuctus trial)
BACKGROUND: Much controversy exists about the optimal management of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants, especially in those born at a gestational age (GA) less than 28 weeks. No causal relationship has been proven between a (haemo...
Auteurs: Tim Hundscheid, Wes Onland, Bart van Overmeire, Peter Dijk, Anton HLC van Kaam, Koen P Dijkman, Elisabeth MW Kooi, Eduardo Villamor, Andre A Kroon, Remco Visser, Daniel C Vijlbrief, Susanne M de Tollenaer, Filip Cools, David van Laere, Anne-Britt Johansson, Catheline Hocq, Alexandra Zecic, Eddy Adang, Rogier Donders, Willem de Vries, Arno FJ van Heijst et Willem P de Boode
3 August 2018 | ARTICLE
A post-mortem population survey on foetal-infantile end-of-life decisions: a research protocol
BACKGROUND: The death of a child before or shortly after birth is frequently preceded by an end-of-life decision (ELD). Population-based studies of incidence and characteristics of ELDs in neonates and infants are rare, and those in the foetal-inf...
Auteurs: Laure Dombrecht, Kim Beernaert, Ellen Roets, Kenneth Chambaere, Filip Cools, Linde Goossens, Gunnar Naulaers, Luc De Catte, Joachim Cohen et Luc Deliens
1 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Maternal quality of life in routine labor epidural analgesia versus labor analgesia on request: results of a randomized trial
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in maternal quality of life (QOL) from pregnancy to 6 weeks after delivery between routine labor epidural analgesia (EA) and pain relief on maternal request only. METHODS: \Women ...
Auteurs: AAS van den Bosch, Maria Goossens, K Bonouvrie, B Winkens, JG Nijhuis, FJME Roumen et MMLH Wassen
1 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Can external interventions crowd in intrinsic motivation? A cluster randomised field experiment on mandatory accreditation of general practice in Denmark
Motivation crowding studies have demonstrated that external interventions can harm effort and performance through crowding out of intrinsic motivation, when interventions are perceived as lack of trust. However, motivation crowding theory also pre...
Auteurs: Line Bjornskov Pedersen, Merethe Kirstine Kousgaard Andersen, Ulrich Thy Jensen, Frans Boch Waldorff et Christian Botcher Jacobsen
1 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Improving the quality of point-of-care testing
BACKGROUND: It is suggested that new models of primary care should have better access to test results through the use of point-of-care testing (POCT). OBJECTIVE: To determine whether quality management of POCT leads to better results. METHODS: A c...
Auteurs: Christopher P Price, Ian Smith et Ann Van den Bruel
1 August 2018 | ARTICLE
Can proxy assessments serve as a first screener for identifying people at risk for multidimensional frailty?
PURPOSE: Timely detection of multidimensional frailty is important to prevent further negative outcomes. Perspectives of general practitioners (GPs) or informal caregivers might serve as a first, global screener to identify older people in need of...
Auteurs: Anne van der Vorst, GA Rixt Zijlstra, Nico De Witte, Jan De Lepeleire, Gertrudis IJM Kempen, Jos MGA Schols et D-SCOPE Consortium
26 July 2018 | ARTICLE
Defining the frequency of human papillomavirus and polyomavirus infection in urothelial bladder tumours
Given the contradictory nature of the literature regarding the role of human papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses in the pathogenesis of urothelial bladder cancer (UBC), we sought to investigate the frequency of their involvement in a large cohort ...
Auteurs: Matthew A Llewellyn, Naheema S Gordon, Ben Abbotts, Nicholas D James, Maurice P Zeegers, KK Cheng, Andrew Macdonald, Sally Roberts, Joanna L Parish, Douglas G Ward et Richard T Bryan
2 July 2018 | ARTICLE
Verbetert een beslishulp de preconceptiezorg? Bevraging van vrouwelijke patiënten en huisartsen
Wat is gekend? ❯ Preconceptiezorg heeft als doel om personen met een kinderwens te informeren en hen optimaal op een zwangerschap voor te bereiden. ❯ Preconceptiezorg wordt in de praktijk echter nog steeds weinig toegepast. ❯ Een beslishulp kan ko...
Auteurs: Birgitte Schoenmakers et Noor Van Riel
1 July 2018 | ARTICLE
Medicatieoverleg bij patiënten met CNI. Optimaliseren van de begeleiding door arts en apotheker
Het Medisch-Farmaceutisch Overleg (MFO) heeft als doel de multidisciplinaire samenwerking tussen artsen en apothekers te stimuleren. Hierop kunnen verschillende thema’s besproken worden. In het vorige nummer van Huisarts Nu kwam reeds het …
Auteurs: Peter Dieleman et Gijs Van Pottelbergh
1 July 2018 | ARTICLE
Intra- and interrater reliability of the 'lumbar-locked thoracic rotation test' in competitive swimmers ages 10 through 18 years
OBJECTIVES: Measuring thoracic spine mobility can be of interest to competitive swimmers as it has been associated with shoulder girdle function and scapular position in subjects with and without shoulder pain. At present, no reliability data of t...
Auteurs: Stef Feijen, Kevin Kuppens, Angela Tate, Isabel Baert, Thomas Struyf et Filip Struyf
1 July 2018 | ARTICLE
The association between smoking cessation before and after diagnosis and non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer recurrence: a prospective cohort study
BACKGROUND: Smoking is a major risk factor for bladder cancer, but the relationship between smoking cessation after initial treatment and bladder cancer recurrence has been investigated less frequently and not prospectively yet. METHODS: 722 non-m...
Auteurs: Frits HM van Osch, Sylvia HJ Jochems, Raoul C Reulen, Sarah J Pirrie, Duncan Nekeman, Anke Wesselius, Nicholas D James, D Michael A Wallace, KK Cheng, Frederik J van Schooten, Richard T Bryan et Maurice P Zeegers
Training and Transfer Effects Achieved with N-Back Task in Older Subjects Evidenced with EEG
Working Memory (WM) and cognitive functions decrease with age. Although WM training has been extensively studied, transfer effects to other cognitive functions are still inconclusive. We examined whether 10 sessions of N-Back training could improv...
Auteurs: Nele Vanbilsen, Valentina Pergher, Benjamin Wittevrongel, Jos Tournoy, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Céline Gillebert et Marc Van Hulle
27 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Systematic development of CHEMO-SUPPORT, a nursing intervention to support adult patients with cancer in dealing with chemotherapy-related symptoms at home
BACKGROUND: Given the great symptom burden associated with chemotherapy on the one hand and generally poor self-management of symptoms by cancer patients on the other hand, our aim was to develop a nursing intervention to reduce symptom burden in ...
Auteurs: Annemarie Coolbrandt, Hans Wildiers, Bert Aertgeerts, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle, Theo van Achterberg et Koen Milisen
26 June 2018 | ARTICLE
End-of-life decisions and practices for very preterm infants in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation of Belgium
BACKGROUND: Very preterm birth (24 to < 32 week's gestation) is a major public health issue due to its prevalence, the clinical and ethical questions it raises and the associated costs. It raises two major clinical and ethical dilemma: (i) during ...
Auteurs: Isabelle Aujoulat, Severine Henrard, Anne Charon, Anne-Britt Johansson, Jean-Paul Langhendries, Anne Mostaert, Daniele Vermeylen et Gaston Verellen
25 June 2018 | ARTICLE
The GUIDES checklist: development of a tool to improve the successful use of guideline-based computerised clinical decision support
BACKGROUND: Computerised decision support (CDS) based on trustworthy clinical guidelines is a key component of a learning healthcare system. Research shows that the effectiveness of CDS is mixed. Multifaceted context, system, recommendation and im...
Auteurs: Stijn Van de Velde, Ilkka Kunnamo, Pavel Roshanov, Tiina Kortteisto, Bert Aertgeerts, Per Olav Vandvik, Signe Flottorp et GUIDES expert panel
22 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Involving general practice trainees in clinical practice guideline adaptation
BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether it is feasible to involve residents in guideline development or adaptation. We designed a multifaceted training program that combines training sessions, a handbook and a documentation tool to assist general practi...
Auteurs: Nicolas Delvaux, Martine Goossens, Paul Van Royen, Stijn Van de Velde, Robert Vanderstichele, Hanne Cloetens, Jan Vanschoenbeek et Bert Aertgeerts
21 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Advance care planning in dementia: recommendations for healthcare professionals
BACKGROUND: Advance care planning (ACP) is a continuous, dynamic process of reflection and dialogue between an individual, those close to them and their healthcare professionals, concerning the individual's preferences and values concerning future...
Auteurs: Ruth Piers, Gwenda Albers, Joni Gilissen, Jan De Lepeleire, Jan Steyaert, Wouter Van Mechelen, Els Steeman, Let Dillen, Paul Vanden Berghe et Lieve Van den Block
18 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Characteristics of the antibiotic regimen that affect antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens
BACKGROUND: Treatment duration, treatment interval, formulation and type of antimicrobial (antibiotic) are modifiable factors that will influence antimicrobial selection pressure. Currently, the impact of the route of administration on the occurre...
Auteurs: Boudewijn Catry, Katrien Latour, Robin Bruyndonckx, Camellia Diba, Candida Geerdens et Samuel Coenen
15 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Keuzehulpen voor 'shared decision making'
Klinische vraag Wat is de invloed van keuzehulpen op beslissingen rond behandelingen of screeningsonderzoeken? Voor de praktijk Shared decision making of gezamenlijke besluitvorming is bijzonder relevant en actueel, ook in Vlaanderen. Keuzehulpe...
Auteurs: Nicolas Delvaux et bert Aertgeerts
11 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Advance directive: does the GP know and address what the patient wants? Advance directive in primary care
BACKGROUND: Due to the rapid changes in the medical world and the aging population, the need for advanced care planning grows. Despite efforts to make this topic discussed, only a minority of patients discusses the advance directive with their gen...
Auteurs: Guda Scholten, Sofie Bourguignon, Anthony Delanote, Bieke Vermeulen, Geert Van Boxem et Birgitte Schoenmakers
5 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Reducing sitting time versus adding exercise: differential effects on biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and metabolic risk
Recent studies suggest that substituting sitting with light physical activity has beneficial metabolic effects, but it is unclear if this is associated with parallel changes in endothelial function. Data from three randomized cross-over studies we...
Auteurs: Bernard MFM Duvivier, Johanne E Bolijn, Annemarie Koster, Casper G Schalkwijk, Hans HCM Savelberg et Nicolaas C Schaper
2 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Managing chest pain patients in general practice: an interview-based study
BACKGROUND: Assessment of chest pain in general practice is challenging. General practitioners (GPs) often feel uncertainty when dealing with chest pain. The role of new diagnostic tools is yet unclear. Therefore, we aimed to learn: (1) whether or...
Auteurs: Leen Biesemans, Lotte E Cleef, Robert TA Willemsen, Beatrijs BN Hoorweg, Walter S Renier, Frank Buntinx, Jan FC Glatz et Geert-Jan Dinant
1 June 2018 | ARTICLE
Patient and treatment characteristics associated with patient activation in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a cross-sectional study
BACKGROUND: Patient activation is associated with better outcomes and lower costs. Although the concept is widely investigated, little attention was given to patient activation and its predictors in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Hence, we aime...
Auteurs: L Van Bulck, K Claes, K Dierickx, A Hellemans, Sofie Jamar, Sven Smets et Gijs Van Pottelbergh
1 June 2018 | ARTICLE
The Association of Intrapair Birth-Weight Differences With Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems
Problem behaviors are of increasing public health concern. Twin studies have revealed substantial genetic and environmental influences on children's behavior, and examining birth-weight difference could allow the identification of the specific con...
Auteurs: Elena C Tore, Evangelia E Antoniou, Keith Reed, Taunton R Southwood, Luc Smits, Joseph P McCleery et Maurice P Zeegers