BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have shown a strong association between daily mortality and small particulate with a diameter of <10 microm (PM10) air pollution, but the effects of season have not always been well characterised. AIM: To study the sha...
Auteurs:Tim Nawrot, H Torfs, F Fierens, S De Henauw, Peter Hoet, Greta Van Kersschaever, G De Backer et Benoit Nemery
Background: Linkage and association studies suggest that the human leucocyte antigen (HLA° region may be involved in the genetic susceptiblity of vitiligo. HLA-A2 has been reported to be associated with vitiligo in some, but not allz, stuies. Obje...
Auteurs:JBLM Liu, H Chen, SQ Zhong, S Yang, WD Du, JH Hao, TS Zhang, XJ Zhang et Maurice Zeegers
Diabetes mellitus patients need a multidisciplinary management and rigorous follow up. Quality indicators are important to assess and improve the quality of the health-care delivery. Less straightforward, however, is choosing which indicators to u...
Auteurs:Johan Wens, Kristien Dirven, Chantal Mathieu, Dominique Paulus, Paul Van Royen et Belgian Diabetes Project Group
AIM: Our objectives were to determine the most effective, safe, and feasible first aid (FA) techniques and procedures, and to formulate valid recommendations for training. We focussed on emergencies involving few casualties, where emergency medica...
Auteurs:Stijn Van de Velde, Paul Broos, Marc Van Bouwelen, Rudy De Win, An Sermon, Johann Verduyckt, André Van Tichelen, Door Lauwaert, Barbara Vantroyen, Christina Tobback, Patrick Van den Steene, Sarmite Villere, Carlos Urkia Mieres, Gabor Göbl, Susanne Schunder, Koenraad Monsieurs, Joost Bierens, Pascal Cassan, Enrico Davoli, Marc Sabbe, Grace Lo, Maaike De Vries et Bert Aertgeerts
To investigate the association between occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines and diesel and bladder cancer risk and the modification by smoking and metabolic polymorphisms, have we recruited 200 cases and 385 p...
Auteurs:Eliane Kellen, Maurice Zeegers, Aimee Paulussen, Robert Vlietinck, Eddy Van Vlem, Hendrik Veulemans et Frank Buntinx
Objectives: to examine the care tasks performed for residents of Belgian care institutions for older poaple and the association between the performance of care tasks by persons of dfferent staffing categories (registered nurses (RN) and care assis...
Auteurs:Louis Paquay, Jan De Lepeleire, Koen Milisen, M Ylieff, O Fontaine et Frank Buntinx
BACKGROUND: Respiratory failure due to lung immaturity is a major cause of mortality in preterm infants. Although the use of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) in neonates with respiratory failure saves lives, its use is associated ...
Auteurs:DJ Henderson-Smart, Filip Cools, T Bhuta et M Offringa
Objective: To assess the occurrence of both bladder and prostate tumours in five welldefined cancer registries.Methods: Anonymous data were provided from each cancer registry on all male bladder andprostate cancers (invasive and non-invasive). Poi...
Auteurs:Eliane Kellen, MPA Zeegers, M Dirx, S Houterman, J Droste, Lawrence, Carla Truyers, L Bruckers, G Molenberghs, Steven Joniau et Frank Buntinx
De laatste twaalf jaar is de incidnetie van impetigo in de Nederlandse huisartsenpraktijk spectaculair gestegen. Volgens de Intego-cijfers valt het in Vlaanderen nogal mee. Toch is er ook hier een lichte stijging vast te stellen, vooral dan bij ki...
Auteurs:S Coenen, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Carla Truyers et Frank Buntinx
bespreking van: Dirkzwager A, Verhaak P. Patients with persistent medically unexplained symptoms in general practice: characteristics and quality of care. BMC Family Practice 2007; 8:33;doi: 10.1186/ 1471-2296-8-33.
bespreking van:Claiborne Johnston SC, Rothwell PM, Nguyen-Huynh MN, et al. Validation and refinement of scores to predict very early stroke risk after transient ischaemic attack. Lancet 2007;369:283-92.
bespreking van: Kikuya M, Hansen TW, Thijs L, Bjorklund-Bodegard K, et al. Diagnostic thresholds for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring based on 10- year cardiovascular risk. Circulation 2007;115:2145-52.
bespreking van: Hannaford PC, Selvaraj S, Elliott AM, Angus V, et al. Cancer risk among users of oral contraceptives: cohort data from the Royal College of General Practitioner's oral contraception study. BMJ 2007;335(7621):651.
BACKGROUND: In 1993-1997, we described a high incidence of wheezing in children living near the iron, steel, and coke factory of Călăraşi (Romania). In 1998, the factory was closed. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of closing the factory on...
Auteurs:Alexandra Carmen Câra, Frank Buntinx, Marjan Van den Akker, Geert-Jan Dinant et Carmen Manolovici
Wat is de incidentie van hersentrauma's in de huisartsenpraktijk ? Hoe ernstig zijn ze, spelen leeftijd en geslacht een rol ? Zijn er seizoensverschillen ? Volgens de gegevens van de Intego-databank worden in de huisartsenpraktijk vooral milde her...
Auteurs:Carla Truyers, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Bert Aertgeerts, Ann Van Den Bruel et Frank Buntinx
To investigate the association between occupational exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines and diesel and bladder cancer risk and the modification by smoking and metabolic polymorphisms, have we recruited 200 cases and 385 p...
Auteurs:Eliane Kellen, Maurice Zeegers, Aimée Paulussen, Robert Vlietinck, Eddy Van Vlem, Hendrik Veulemans, Frank Buntinx, A Paulussen et EV Vlem
Hulpmiddelen kunnen een belangrijke rol spelen zowel bij het opsporen als bij de preventie van decubitus. Een drukglaasje is een nuttig hulpmiddel gebleken voor het opsporen van niet-wegdrukbare roodheid bij een intacte huid. Hulpmiddelen kunnen g...
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering effect of 2% dorzolamide or 0.005% latanoprost when added to 0.5% timolol. DESIGN: Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. PARTICIPANTS: Seventeen articles reporting on 19 study a...
Auteurs:Carroll AB Webers, Rikkert van der Valk, Jan SAG Schouten, Maurice Zeegers, Martin H Prins et Fred Hendrikse
This study examined time trends in the incidence of peptic ulcers and oesophagitis, and the prescription of acid-inhibiting drugs in the period 1994-2003. Data were retrieved from records in general practices in Flanders, Belgium. The incidence of...
Auteurs:Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, JP Vandenbroucke, Carla Truyers et Frank Buntinx
The glutathione S-tranferase P1 genotype (GSTP1) is involved in the inactivation of cigarette smoke carcinogens, and sequence variation in the gene may alter bladder cancer susceptibility. To examine the association between GSTP1lle 105Val and bla...
Auteurs:Eliane Kellen, M Hemelt, K Broberg, K Golka, VN Kristensen, RJ Hung, G Matullo, RD Mittal, S Porru, A Povey, WA Schulz, J Shen, Frank Buntinx, MPA Zeegers et E Taloli
Health care practitioners are expected to incorporate results from the best available, scientific information into their daily clinical decision-making process. Useful formats of evidence for practitioners include selected reviews, abstracts in wh...
Auteurs:Karin Hannes, RH Vander Stichele, E Simons, S Geens, Jo Goedhuys et Bert Aertgeerts
Als een kind op het consult komt met een huiduitslag door een huidinfectie, is het belangrijk een diagnose te kunnen meedelen. In veel gevallen kan de huisarts daarna de ouders gerust stellen en is geen behandeling vereist. We bespreken hier enkel...
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of a two- intensity level quality improvement program on the number of reached targets in type 2 DM patients in general practice. Methods Clustered randomized controlled trial with an 18-month interve...
Auteurs:G Goderis, L Borgermans, Carine Van Den Broeke, B Boland, R Grol, C Mathieu et J Heyrman
Readily available demographic or clinical variables could be helpful in identifying children at higher risk of suffering a serious infection. We analysed for the first time in Flanders (Belgium) the data of 384 children at an emergency ward. Serio...
Auteurs:Annick Van den Bruel, Bert Aertgeerts, Rudi Bruyninckx, M Aerts et Frank Buntinx
The Cochrane Collaboration is an international not-for-profit and independent organization, dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare readily available worldwide. It produces and disseminates systematic r...